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 Jan 2017 Georgie
 Jan 2017 Georgie
Reminded of a time when I felt so dark inside
Almost as if my identity was slowly being erased from this earth.
My reflection one big blur.
My identity non existent.

I no longer recognize the girl in the mirror.
Her pretty face with hollow eyes.

A small part of her afraid for her.
And the rest numb to the realization.
I almost lost her.
I want to apologize to her.
For almost refusing to harken to my truth.

For almost extinguishing her bright contagious flames.
For almost becoming the sad women, yet a beautiful fool.
I now vow to fight for her
To become the warrior princess she is destined to be.

I vow to always listen to her truth
I want to acknowledge her dreams and opinions.
I embrace her like never before.

Like war paint on my face,
I will wear a smile whenever I want
A tear whenever I want
A grin and even a blank slate whenever I want.

She is unapologetically me.

Never to be hidden again
Never an imposter of my truth - my true self

I will be me- me in it's purest form

And any disagreements or negative challenges or wills to change it will quickly be removed without hesitation.

For she will be seen.
She will be heard .
She will be loved and aware .
She will be.

She is here to stay
She is fearless, driven and believes in magical miracles daily.

She is me.
She is Shayleen.
#self #efficacy #trueself #faith #strength
 Jan 2017 Georgie
Ravanna Dee
Life can't exist without death.
Love can't exist without hate.
Choices can't exist without options.
And forgiveness can't exist without pain.
Anything good and truly worth having takes a little part of you.
 Jan 2017 Georgie
 Jan 2017 Georgie
"Society is cruel to make us believe we are sane, but we all secretly know that deep inside our minds, we are all insane."
I am going insane.
Oh wait, I already am.
I see the demons already,
I see the floods.
At least I don't see,
crimson blood.
 Jan 2017 Georgie
Maybe I'm just a
Few standard deviations
Off of what's normal
 Jan 2017 Georgie
Jack Jenkins
Fire is burning
Deep in my malnourished soul
Lurching to get out
Written 25 March 2016
 Jan 2017 Georgie
Tommy Le
I miss hearing you;
The rain always ends too soon.
Nothing but silence...
 Dec 2016 Georgie
Nishu Mathur
If I hadn't fallen in love
I would have not known
that stars could dance in the eyes
That the moon could whisk me away
That the sun could live in the heart
and warm it and fill it with light
That clouds could shower kisses
And rain could touch like a lover
That the scent of flowers
could linger through the night
That the winds could play love melodies
That sunrises could colour a blush
And sunsets stir romance
That dreams could glisten at dawn
like drops of dew

I would have not known the magic
that is love
If I hadn't fallen in love
With you
Dear everyone, thank you so so much for your beautiful responses. I am unable to thank everyone individually because of work and personal commitments...I apologise. But your responses mean the world to me. Thank you for liking my poem, for sharing it, for commenting on it. I am so happy that this poem was selected brightened my day and brought a smile on my face. Thank you once again. Love to all you talented writers, poets and gracious readers **
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