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Between the third rock and a hard place,
we spark in a dark space
where the heart quakes
and "smart" makes man
exclusive to a fault.
The ego locked the answers
to our freedom in the vault.
After wars were fought,
people and thoughts were bought.
The devil lost,
running up the score would cost
the well being of the land.
Hard to to see the meaning
even through the short spans
but over time we understand.
In order to reprimand
before we judge, we must demand
that we give ourselves as much love
and acceptance as we can.
For space is just a portion of never-ending expansion,
don't forget to praise the lord of your own planet.
Make my heart cold
Make it icy
I don't want to be so red
So ****** and beaten
Every time I fall too hard
And every time I bleed out
Emotion emotion emotion

It is my greatest strength
And my fatal weakness
Sometimes I wish I didn't have a heart
 Jan 2016 Ryan Frisby
My year..
 Jan 2016 Ryan Frisby
I sit here thinking about how funny a year can be,
When the year was on its up,
Life was at its down,
And when the year was at its down,
Life was at its up,
Ironic isn't it?
But, that's what life is,
We need to accept things as they come,
Wait for the bad moments to become good,
And the good moments to stay good.
I want to feel
the clink of your
teeth against mine
when your kisses
were too rough
for my rose-petaled lips

I want your fingertips
to trace the scars lining
my thigh while your
mouth explores the
terrain I myself
have yet to cultivate

I want you to find happiness
in the intimate crevices
of my body
that have yet to
hear the words:
“You’re beautiful.”
muttered and caught in
them for safe-keeping

I want this moment



to attach itself to
my being so I can
at least remember
you at your most

and not when you
vanish into the
gray dawn that always
held ghosts for me -DDF
 Dec 2015 Ryan Frisby
Lexi Cairns
"You don't know how lucky you have it,”
I say as I brake for the bird
who is hopping uncertainly
in the middle of the intersection,
torn between flight
and flirting with death
one second longer.

Today it will live.

I press my foot down on the gas pedal.

One day our sun will stop burning-
our universe will freeze, contract, and be reborn;
empires will fall and rise,
but will never see you skin your knees
or fight with your mother;
the wind will never carry away the chalk dust
from your grinning face.

Life persists but bears its scars;
and I see them
in the way we wish on the light of stars
that have been dead for thousands of years;
and I feel them
in the way that fingers trace the stretch marks
that have not yet faded from your mothers stomach.

A still small lump lies in the middle of the barren road,
and I swerve to avoid it

even though the squirrels guts
have already been painted across the gravel

and the baby’s ashes
have already been returned to the cold earth.

The world doesn't stop turning
for either;
but I weep
for both.
Another poem that I revised and added on from an earlier piece.
when i sit
at a table
with people
i know
dont want me

when i drink
can after can
cup after cup
of electricity
and anxiety

when i dont
want to go home
but cant stay

when its after one am
and im still crying
out of my eyes
and out of my arms
and my legs
and my stomach

when i want to run
in all directions
at once

when i sing

when i speak

i feel
myself crawling
out of my skin
 Dec 2015 Ryan Frisby
Lexi Cairns
I was built on unstable ground
Shifting sands as I ran towards the ocean
Arms reaching towards the vast and wavering wild
Challenging the waves
Give it all you’ve got you cannot knock me down
I learned to run when I was six years old
My hair manipulated into fussy braids that swung in front of my face
As I paced back and forth in front of the door
with a suitcase full of books
And waited for a taxi that would never come
I was built on burning asphalt and swing sets in sweltering summers
Escaping through eighteen different doors
Only to ride my bike in circles
And climb back under barbed wire fences
After wandering in cow fields and a home with a molding mattress
Where I was told people had *** before I knew what *** was
Returning to four walls to wash off the mud and blood
in glistening tubs and hope
That my mother would ask me where I had been
The neighborhood boys would play football in the eye of a hurricane
While I watched through cracked blinds
It only every rained on one side of the street
But the chalk on our sidewalks always washed away
No matter how many pictures of white picket fences
we etched into the concrete
I was built on not yet not finished not good enough this is not the one
this is temporary

Forests and muddy creeks became guarded iron gates
And I hid behind the pool bar to ash cigarettes
Into a Blue Moon
New marble countertops could not cover up the stench of desperation
And the echoes of gleaming empty halls
The sound of a ticking clock and pounding feet
My parents clinging to sand as it trickled through their grasping fingers
And I build castles with the remains
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