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  Jan 2016 Ryan
Alisha Isabell
May the gods look back
On our rotted destroyed Earth
And see only harmony.

The sun burned to
Destroy darkness, the
Moon sought to swallow all light.
Yet they lived peacefully
In the same skies.
Ryan Jan 2016
Sweat drips down my face,
as I run and confront my thoughts.
I come to a realization of how I
shouldn't overthink things.
Chasing my own thoughts,
when they should be chasing me.
Creating problems in my mind
when I should be free.
but I'm past it now and have found
a way to deal with it.
So when the time comes I can fix
anything that may be broken.
Because isn't that the purpose
of being the best you.
understanding and helping others
is what everyone needs to do.
I was running today and got a real calm feeling this basically that. I realized sometimes I'm more selfish than I think and that I need understand others more.
Ryan Jan 2016
False paranoia I must learn to control,
spilting splinters placed within my mind.
Trying to latch on to every postive thought
creating a safe place for me to wonder.
But still smoked in illusion,
persuaded of problems that never existed.
Vicious trickster to myself,
convinced that something has to be wrong.
It made me blind to the problems that burden you,
not thinking twice of the things your going through.
Turning positivity into false negativity,
I can only offer my sincerest apologies.
Hoping my words can be enough,
for you to forgive my madness,
for us to talk again.
I want to be there for you,
For us to understand each other
creating an everlasting pocket of happiness.
For us to be able to talk about anything that troubles us,
to be there for one another when nobody else is around.
I wish not to ask to too much of you,
I wish not to control you,
I just long for your presence,
because I feel empty without it.
Ryan Jan 2016
Battered bones left scared through battle,
oozing with blood in a painful brutality.
Wondering through limbo,
silent suffering.
Frozen in torture,
an unfathomable loss.
Fingernails disintegrate in dirt,
grasping with an invisible grip.
Pure hatred within his eyes,
seeking a premature revenge.
No intentions of failure,
obsessive determination.
Into the breach once more,
to chase his just cause.
I saw a film called the revenant tonight. I'm not sure why it affected me so much but the visuals were stunning. So this is inspired but that :)
Ryan Jan 2016
Magnetic feelings with the might of gravity,
visceral caring, deep and unbounded.
My body charged with pulsating energies,
excitement everytime we exchange words.
A brief moment the moon bonds our souls
Far distance between us, yet so connected.
Always learning from one another,
open minds and open hearts in convosation.
A touch not yet felt within the physical realms,
the only feeling that we are yet to share.
I Look beyond your astonishing graceful beauty,
to find a soul of intriguing purity.
I hope that this emotion can last forever,
for I would fade away without it.
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