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 May 2019 E Morris
Vale Luna
(read forward, then backward, line by line)

I ran.
Not knowing what else to do
There was so much blood on my hands
It was mine
The kitchen knife
Caught in my chest
Consumed by
I was heightened by
But running on
Wasn’t enough
While trying to stay calm,
Losing control
It was me that would end up
Dead. Because
He was
In front of me
The whole time
It was too late
I found myself
Locked in chains
My fate was
Forward: from the victims perspective.
Backward: from the murderers perspective.

 May 2019 E Morris
waiting for the bus
the bus I can't get on
the bus I dream of

I think she's inside
I'm waiting to sit down

I'll say good morning now
I'll say have a good day
I promise

I'll lean my head against the window and listen to music like I used to

that wasn't too long ago
maybe a decade
or a century
when I waited outside in the rain
the hot sun pouring down
mosquitoes eating up my legs

waiting for the bus
I wish I could step on
        one more time
take me home
I know you will
 May 2019 E Morris
v i o l i n s
 May 2019 E Morris
I cut off my ears
at a beautiful note

And fall in love when
it's a screeching sound

I gauge my eyes out
with the violin's bow

The audience claps
so I take a bow

Lately, I have been détaché-d
Colorful melody, no strings attached

Take the strings of the violin
Tie them around my neck

I grab the neck
of the violin, choke myself
and say

Violence is yet
another instrument
I can't play.
 May 2019 E Morris
Harry Gione
You are the problem
But you're thinking you're the solution
You confident in your confusion
You're the ghost and the illusion
Of something that should be saving us
But you've opened the grave for us
You're not the event
You are the circumstance
You become clearer in the second glance
But your true shape is in the shadow you cast
It defaced you in the looking glass
You are problem not the solution
Not the air, you're the pollution
You don't deserve a fair inclusion
My thoughts in my conclusion
Is that its not fair you get to move on
 May 2019 E Morris
Haley C B
 May 2019 E Morris
Haley C B
I like the feeling of warm water on my back,
it passes the time.
for I am timid, leaving room,
my mind etches an arms length away,
your hand in mine.

I’ll write about you after you’re gone,  
how your heart beat so hard
against my head in the sun.
sweet grass and dirt on my nose,
you’ll wash me clean,
we’ll meet again and turn to mud.

I’ll find solace in the sun,
the way it beats down on my face.
it’ll turn me red with love,
like your words against my ears.

you’ll lead us to the quiet places,
forage us a home.
we’ll build from sticks and stones.
It’ll rain as we sleep,
covering us in tears.
kick my feet up on your leg,
passing the time,
with warm water on my back.
 Jan 2019 E Morris
Zeya Khan
My blood will not be on your hands
Though I bleed because of you.
 Jan 2019 E Morris
most people see me as
a happy person because
i laugh easily,
i smile a lot,
i joke a lot.

but deep down
in my heart,
i am fragile,
i can get hurt easily,
but i choose to not
show it to the world.

instead of being sad,
i choose to laugh to cover it.
maybe you can call me
"the queen of the mask"

by this,
you can tell
that most of the time
when I'm laughing,
I'm not really laughing,
i was trying so hard to hide
my sadness.
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