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Rachel Sterling Oct 2015
It took me 10 years to let you in. 10 years to allow you to look at me and truly see me. 10 years for me to let you look at the piece of me I've never gotten back. That piece is yours. Hell, all of me is yours if you want it. I don't know if I can bear to be anyone else's now, knowing what I know; how things could be. And this is why it took 10 years. I've always been afraid that once I tried you I wouldn't have a taste for anything else. I let you in completely. No walls. No pretenses. No pretending I didn't. Now what?
You are not broken
You are injured
People get injured all of the time and that's okay
People only become broken if they allow themselves to stay injured
WRITTEN BY: Mandie Michelle Sanders
WRITTEN ON: September. 30, 2015 Wednesday 4:54 PM
Rachel Sterling Sep 2015
These places feel strange.
They smell
I dare not taste them.
I want my home back:
The familiar smell
Arms which feel like comfort
A face which looks at mine and sees me
Not my skin or my hair or my eyes
But me:
My soul.
I want to come home.
When can I come home?
I miss my home
Rachel Sterling Sep 2015
"A lil crazy", he says
I guess I do look a bit crazy sometimes
I love with all of me
I only give up when I've exhausted every resource and every avenue.
I surrender only when it's my only option left for self preservation.
I have two speeds:
Stopped and full throttle.
I do not do half-assed or just a little.
To someone who doesn't understand that
I might seem crazy.
To someone who sees it for what it is
Maybe it's beautiful
Rachel Sterling Sep 2015
You're my other.
You understand.
You engage.
You listen and mull things over and discuss.
You let me run
and you run with me.
You don't just let me run and wait for me to come back.
You run next to me.
You exhilarate me.
You allow me to breathe.
You breathe for me when I can't breathe for myself.
I miss you terribly.
Rachel Sterling Sep 2015
For once in my life I want to be happy
happy and hopeful and confident
I want to not beat myself down before anything can happen
Or repeatedly remind myself that it's "probably nothing"
I want to go to bed and not worry that I said the wrong thing
or that I'm thinking too much
Or not enough.
I want to not feel like my feelings
(or my heart)
are too much
I want to not have to feel like I need
to squelch my wants and my hopes and my dreams
because if I dare to reach for them I am going to get smacked for thinking that any of that is something I could ever have.
I want to not feel scared of letting myself love.
I want to not feel scared to be authentic in my current existence.
I want to be allowed to shout who I am and how I feel
from where ever I want.
But that's not the world we live in.
I can't.
I can't fly up too high or too close to the sun.
People who fly too close to the sun get burned and fall to their deaths.
The sun doesn't let things hug it.
It doesn't want a friend.
Not even another sun.
Rachel Sterling Sep 2015
Don't really know when it's okay to talk to you
Is it okay to talk to you?
You only answer at certain times
Maybe you're just busy
Maybe you have nothing to talk about
I want to talk to you about everything though.
I want to tell you about my day
About my classes
My lack of art this week
My professors
My classmates
My job
Veronica's dog.
I feel like I would be a bother if I did that.
So I try to say nothing.
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