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 Apr 2020 Priyanshi Dass
An Angel
 Apr 2020 Priyanshi Dass
I watched you sleep
As my soul stared deep
Into your own.

Sleeping soundly
Breathing profoundly
You swore.

To be an angel
A beautiful stranger

Someone I owned last night
Someone I swore at last night
A sin we commited, just the two of us, alone.
I wish the night had lasted longer.
On an early April morning,
after the floods,
with the sun breaking the clouds.
You see many sights
while walking the dog through the wood,
to a place where a stream
meets a river.
From under the rocks
you hear the distinctive sound
of a mother calling her nine ducklings
not two days old
and just managing to swim
in the rivers calm current
to safety she cries,
to the other bank.

On the last April morning,
the weather breaks
and rain come tumbling down.
Different sights meet the eye
while walking the dog through the wood,
to a place where a stream
meets a river.
From under a rock
you hear the distinctive sound
of a mother calling her ducklings
now four weeks old.
Your heart misses a beat
as excitement floods your senses,
they swim with ease
through the now swollen river
your eyes quickly count, only five,
and sadness bathes over you
still scanning for the missing ducklings,
as they make it to the safety
of the other bank.

You curse life’s cruel rules
and ponder at this story
being played out in
so many different lives.  

Stay safe!
 Apr 2020 Priyanshi Dass
In the eye of the storm
I found your glistening ones

And in the midst of the chaos
We sat hand in hand

And watched as
Destruction enveloped us
Learn to love the chaos
Sometimes I listen to the trains go by
And I pretend I jump on one
Not really sure where im going
But that doesn't really matter
Sometimes in this fantasy I worry
Which is ridiculous because it's just a fantasy
You shouldnt have to worry about things you only think about
Can't keep my chin up if it's gonna keep getting hit
Two opposing thoughts.
Belief, the toughest practice.
Ultimate Reward.
 Sep 2017 Priyanshi Dass
Lora Lee
         I feel a well
                   dug deep
         into my heart
  I try to stop it
but it quickly
becomes ocean
  and overflows  
     into great tsunami
          rises over all the levees
             rushes past dams                  
               breaks down tall
                   city structures,
              edifices crumbling
           in its path
     all the squid and octopi
    skitting forth
in wild pulses,
tentacles entangled
     in doorways and rooves
        slipping through narrow
                   as they pour ink
                       in clouds,
                         shifting shapes
                          in cephalopod excitement
                            while blue whales
                            and humpbacks
                               breach over bridges,
                             phosphorescent jellies
                          light up
                       the dark streets of
                      my arteries
                     electric eels illuminate
                    the alleyways of
                   desolation's thick syrup
                     and I cannot stop it even
                            if I wanted to,
                   these darkened,
                     swirling waves
I am both floating and flying
like a jumping manta ray
curling around the ferries
bobbing in seahorse iridescence
weaving between buses
as if they were corals

And when the storm subsides,
colorful rockpools form,
rich in diversity
It is there,
in between the
multicolored ***** and
succulent shellfish,
in a mermaid's
       voluptuous smile
and turquoise eye
that I see you,
so crystal clear
                I could reach out              
                      and bring you to me,          
                         holding you tight
                         until the
                gentle break
i use to think that the world was my oyster
until I remembered that i am as important
as i am useless.
the sun doesn't color the sky for my pleasure
and the air sure as hell doesn't arrive for my survival.
the universe still gives me reasons to be alive
but it doesn't give me the reasons why i should live.
theories upon theories
suggesting that one isn't cursed
to anything immortal
while another suggest that
the endless stretch of the universe
was made for absolutely nothing.
it is human to seek for meaning
and it is human to accept the impossibility of finding any.
but the glass will always be full of something
and maybe in a year or so, i'll be sure of this.
for now, i'll let the air speak
"it will be fine."
Full of emptiness
Dry of tears,

Tired of not being able to sleep,
Wide-awake for so many years.

Spent, emotionally,
Too exhausted to know what to do,

Over-anxious, constantly,
Time ticking away;
Peace of mind is well overdue.

Struggling to keep her sanity,
She bears an overloaded mind,

Toxic vibes and verbal pollution
Is all that she is able to find.

Triggers all around her,
Purity, in her world, ceases to exist,

But still, with great effort,
Her aching soul continues to survive,
She tirelessly chooses to persist.

She loves life,
As painfully hard as it can be,

Of the constant battles,
She's beyond grateful to be alive -
To breathe, to feel, to hear, and to see.

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
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