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To fear death;
Then long for it
We must be...
 Jun 2015 Priya Devi
Lights flash:
a shooting in a church.
A white man who hates the black--
he thinks he can get rid of their "poison",
their culture,
       their beliefs,
             their stories
with bullets and higher-than-mighty flags
stitched to his jacket.

They call it a "tragedy."
          (it's terrorism)

A few words of sympathy,
even Hollywood is tweeting about it,
holy cow!
Isn't it crazy that they care?

Ten seconds later,
we're on to trending, trendy topic number two:
         something about Samsung cellphones.

I think, maybe, these news people
(journalists, they call themselves)
they must be in denial, too.

Cause no way,
no way,
would they brush that under the rug.

The little girl who played dead,
as a man physically lodged his
into the heads, the hearts, the blood
of her brothers and sisters.

It must be denial.
I pray that they will stop
and see the mural
in Charleston, SC,

and help the paintbrush drop.

Because 400 years of this
supremacist crap
is 400 years too many.

And if a picture is 1,000 words
let's start with one:

 May 2015 Priya Devi
those days that we were silent, when we didn't even glance at each other, were the worst. I guess they made me more anxious to speak to you on the days you graced me with your soft smile. on those days, I made sure to really look at you, so I'd never forget.
 May 2015 Priya Devi
Amber K
Depression is an understatement.
I want to scream.
I want to break down every wall surrounding me.
I need to run so far away,
but I know escaping with no consequences is impossible.
I just need to get away.
I need to live and go on adventures.
Instead I'm stuck.
I can't escape.
There is no escape.
There is a hole in the window and
in the evenings the
sun slinks back to earth,
the hole flutters pathetically in
the wind. There is no more
energy in the air, and outside—
outside is gray.

The brick walls are crumbling
into dust that is ingested,
readily. Lilia braids
your hair again as you stare
at nothingness, holding back tears.
burden of proof!
            burden of proof!
burden of proof!
            burden of proof!
burden of proof!
            burden of proof!
burden of proof!
            burden of proof!

how about you
shut the **** up

academic integrity
my ***
 May 2015 Priya Devi
Nick Strong
Black crows circling wildly
Above trees silhouetted
Beneath darken skies
Swirling clouds, towering
Static charged excitement
Ripples cross the air
A wave of heat blown
Across the ground,
By a dry breath, of
Unseasonable wind
Bending saplings to
Kiss dusty, dry earth
Time stands still poised
Restless, wild world
For Odin’s hammer
 May 2015 Priya Devi
Love me so deeply it hurts
I want raw love,
Love that festers like an open wound
if left untreated

Crave me like a smoker
who can't quit their bad habits
I'll be your nicotine
If you keep coming back for more

Touch me like I'm the masterpiece
of the art museum
They tell you not to touch
but you can't resist

Experience me like a joy ride
a rare kind of high
Let our love kindle like a flame
don't let it blow out
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