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 May 2017 Princess Dawn
If the blindingly cold winters of the north, could say just one thing to her in part.
It would be that she, a southern belle, knew not of the warmth of this gentleman's heart.
Short sweet and to the point. Written on the road with headphones. Safety first.
At that winter smiles in the North
and melts into mist
and returns a few weeks later
with soft snow flakes from the sky,
on an April afternoon
the same day the sun wore
her yellow raiment
and the grass put on her green dress
in preparation for spring.
The trees know better
and wisely kept their leaves tucked
up in their buds and sleep still,
warmed by the hardened shell of their skin.
We learn it is better to wait, to plant our seeds
–instead of letting their promises freeze
like our uncovered fingers and toes
during the false fade of winter.
So the sandals are put away,
and the scarves, gloves, and fleeces
come out of storage.
It feels cold now, but you smile
because you remember that
you are still warmer than the days
that turned your fingers blue with ache
and turned your breath into mist.
They say there is a season for all things,
and now growing things lie still,
except for you.
So, you wait
and grow more patient.
National Poetry Month Day 16
 Mar 2017 Princess Dawn
J Valle
I'm afraid it seems that I,
Can't runaway from my sadness,
It is fragmented in my soul,
I'm tired of all the madness of

This world,
It is such a ridicule place
I can't keep up the pace,
With the race against our race,
There's nothing else to do,
Than keep chasing up the haze.

Looking up to the sky,
I'm yelling up at life,
Urging it to end,
I never asked for this.

The more I grow,
The smaller I feel,
It's time to accept that I'm
Not made for this world.
Travellers winding on a starry road
Where to go, where to go
She eyes the moonshine sparkling
Through each corners of the holes
Of the world where darkness consumed
Every little tear
Every little heartbeat
She looks onto him
With starry eyes that fade to light
Searching for a sunlit sky
Why do the stars lie beneath our feet
He asked
She held his hand into the dark and said
Maybe because we are not meant
To gaze above the stars and dream
But put our dreams in the sky and let it shine
( Sonnet )*

Someday, soon I will sail a boat,
Away from all the modern seas,
I shall be cast aside, with wind,
The four corners, all calamities.

And gentle waves will carry me
Afar, sailing lost under the stars,
To live in dreamy breaths happily
And never wake, forever slumber,

Free as ocean birds, downy gliding
With currents that are leading true,
To the domes, new heavens hiding,
This is my plan, my soul to renew.

Farewell, fated blue world spinning;
I'm off a rocker, for lofty beginnings.
I am pieces of those I love
Woven in an intricate pattern
It flows and falls and starts and stalls
Ever changing.

And part of you is in my smile.
Ill probably delete and reconstruct this later....
We used to say
That leaves always fall
Into a place
Where the earth
Calls forth a love
A withering emotion
Where you and I
Shed tears to soil
And let it grow
Though forever it can not
Live to love enough
You appear
When the first
Teardrop of heaven
Falls to the earth

Others long for warmth
Of the sun rise
Yet I find myself
Falling deeper into storms

Your form
Brought about by
Waters of the earth
Where love is created

I see you
In the midst
Of thunderstorms and hail
And I start to pray

Towards heaven I raise
To give me one more
Day of rain
Day of you

I cry for one more drop
As you fade
Into the dew
Of the morning

Let it rain
Let you stay
Let fade
Let me rain
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