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Jan 2015 · 1.2k
Alok Mishra Jan 2015
Fellow poets, short story writers and authors
We have established a new journal online
you can submit your poems, essays, or any
genre over there.

First issue will come in February,
SO o Poets,
Be in hurry!

See you there
Please submit as soon as possible.
Oct 2014 · 832
Alok Mishra Oct 2014
A Poet
Call me nothing,
I am a poet.
The beast
Wild and wise
Roaming for grass
In the waste land.

Alok Mishra
Tuesday, 28 October 2014
What is a poet?
Oct 2014 · 914
For YOU (Love Poem)
Alok Mishra Oct 2014

‘My love is like a red red rose.’

Immortal love, the weakest strength of human
Heart caught me in the fancy fang,
And like every struck ***** it sang
Like the drunk soul in cupid’s lane…

‘Oh love! How perfect is thy mystic art!’

Bared chest in bitter wind it wanders
With heaven’s bliss in the heart,
As if the aim of life is to love
And nothing more stands in its part!

‘It sings amid the pearls of glorious sorrows.’

In the sweet shadow of your grace,
I love being in love with you.
When on my heart you hide your face,
I am Love, I say; I say true.

Thursday, 21 November 2013
Oct 2014 · 5.1k
The Eternal Journey
Alok Mishra Oct 2014
The Eternal Journey

He kept moving in haste with no pauses
In his way, perhaps, eternal way
That walked sans sorrows, no joy, no applauses
To be remembered or to say
To other walkers of that way
Who moved without fear or being prey
To the momentary residences they did stay!

Alok Mishra
Oct 2014 · 444
Alok Mishra Oct 2014
Once man thought
Why stars blink?
The next sought
Why things sink?
Then man won
The mysteries many,
Has man shown
The feelings any?
The minds grew,
Hearts did shrink;
Always in nostalgia
Think, think, think.

Alok Mishra
Oct 2014 · 461
Perpetual Love
Alok Mishra Oct 2014
Perpetual Love

Eternal is the woe of love
That Human race always suffer.
Cupid’s sharp arrows from heaven above
Decide the hearts to indulge and confer.

Starting from the blinking eyes
Then sinking deep in eager heart,
Tell any soul if it oblivion lies,
Who could escape the Eros’ pleasing dart!

Love- the only hope a soul has
To cross the circumference of ‘lust’
And end the venture of insane phase;
Then, at last, rise from the mortal dust…

To please, to redeem, to comfort and enlighten,
Love is only the truth that redeems and brighten.

Alok Mishra
Love Poem
Oct 2014 · 788
Love to be Loved by You
Alok Mishra Oct 2014
Blinded by your beauty,
Struck I am of the glow
From fulgent your eyes;
Deliver me to salvation
With your kiss!

Scared; must you be,
We are going to be one.
The Moon and the Sun
Will meet on the Horizon!
Take my hands and feel
The chasm - of heart's emotions...

Inspired by Marc Terenzi's love song: Love to be loved by you.
Love poem
Oct 2014 · 497
Span of Life
Alok Mishra Oct 2014
Span of Life

Come; rise and stand before we sleep forever.
Act now; dream now; pursue your passion;
The eternal truth leaves none, fool or clever,
Waits that for everyone- the inevitable ‘Passion.’

Set your eyes to the aim,
Put life in your name,
Fame you get or not,
Crave not for some defame!

Truth, that people love life so dearly.
In their loving, they lose it nearly!
Left are the ‘wise’ pursuits and they fall
In their graves, to that, they throughout stroll!

Rise; before your fall abrupt to decay
And come on the mirth in a new way…

Alok Mishra
Oct 2014 · 1.6k
Love: the voiceless voice
Alok Mishra Oct 2014
Love- Voiceless Voice!**

Silence whispered in the ear of heart
With her voiceless tongue,
The emotions that fell round and apart
Were fresh, so young.
Days that were in vain spent,
Found some toil to try,
Nights now were only meant
To seek, not to find and cry!
A journey started thus never to end,
The way was long under the sky,
A journey started thus never to offend,
The motive was the Moon in high!

Heart and Soul should fuse and rejoice,
Love is silent and does not need voice.

Alok Mishra
Oct 2014 · 681
Mighty Death
Alok Mishra Oct 2014
Mighty Death

O’ Death! Who can ‘ail’ thy ‘icy hands’?
Who canst challenge thy perpetual realm
Lingering over the oceans, vales, and sands?
Truth, like the insane humanity, thou dost not overwhelm,
Thou dost not forget thy duties and the eternal truth!

O’ Death! Who can ride thy mighty wings?
Thou alone canst fly with thy bulk so huge.
Thy shadow, the black herm, with herself brings
The call of eternal kingdom; thou with marred fuse!
Thou art the conspicuous truth; Death thou art eternal!

O’ Death! Thou dost die every moment
To be immortal in every ‘speaking monument’;
Death, thou art immortal and forever true;
Thou art the bliss soul passes through!

Alok Mishra
Alok Mishra Oct 2014
The Rainbow
‘My heart leaps up when I behold’
‘A rainbow in the sky’
Filled with seven colours, the story untold,
Hanging there still, so high,
‘So was it when my life began,’
‘So is it’ now I am insane,
‘So it be’ when I shall grow demon
‘Or let me die’ in my insanity, my venom.
‘The child is the father of man’
And how could I wish my days to be
‘Bond by each to each in natural piety,’
If I could not check my desires,
When I could not hold to the truth
That every father is the child’s prey!

Alok Mishra
Reminding Wordsworth in verse

— The End —