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Pax Dec 2016
Rock with double shadows
******* is hard to swallow
Sea of Pebbles in the sands of time
Roses hunt something that shines
Powders of snow shine in the dark
But it did not shine by just anyone
Alone, hidden in a sea of pebbles
------------Will you find it?-----------
Or it's just another thing lost
In the sands of time
© 2012 Pax
this was one of my older piece when i was starting to used imagery in my poetry. It was the First part of my Concrete poetry series, it was supposed to be a pebble shape, now im not sure(smiles). As i re-read it now and post it here, i realized something that i never thought of when i wrote it. I was writing it on a fantasy genre on mind, but now i know deep inside, even before, i am looking for someone who i can connect with, to share something with, to be with someone you can relax and trust upon... i become the rock who is lost in the sands of time, because the roses have gone away, or never got to find my shine.
Pax Nov 2016
In the breeze of cold wind
Shivering in temperamental emotional pondering
I engulf in a journey of motion steering
Who are they who makes head aching problems?
People who succumb to their will, like me!
Suffers a low, unbalance gold fee
I’m widening the patience I have left
Though I’m tired of these awful mess
The aura of fine is at my will
A choice to pay the bills
Its a challenging flight of my well-being
Time is fast approaching for me to be back Home
To feel warm again is what I long for…
The hands of cold oceanic waves paints an empty wall
                                                            ­          In Deep Blue….

Poetry is self-assessment healing process for us poets…

I wrote this awhile back when I was still starting my job here in Saudi. My salary before was enough for me to eat and send money back at home. It was hard, but manageable. The culture here is a bit shocking as it is very diverse... from India to Pakistan to Egyptian to Nepali to Filipino to Bangladesh to Saudi and so on... i guess i got to mingle with each and everyone of them...
Pax Nov 2016
There's something about
Love that you
if 99%
of your life
ends up
in failure
that 1%
of luck
for love
is enough
to rebuild
I guess in my file i never got that 1%, one of the reason why i wrote "unlucky". I think its enough for me to say this hypothesis. My failures are always on a safe distance to be okay, so even though this is just an observation, i still think 1% though very small, its enough for a person to stay tough and move through to life and love. Thanks for reading.
Pax Nov 2016
In my world i never been
able to say i have love.
I guess I'm just a shut-in
who never got to enjoys the
affection of someone special.
Someone who treats me better,
& cherished me - like
someone who's
to be
So in the end
I built too many walls,
too insecure to be vulnerable
and very much afraid
to be heartily

truth be told, raw feeling.
Pax Nov 2016
is there a hole
in this shadow
of deep darkness,
so that
i can just crawl
myself into
and get out of
this mess.
raw. my darkness series.
thank you for reading.
Pax Nov 2016
if i die,
I want to be content,
and atleast happy
A shout out wish.
Pax Nov 2016
In the shadow of these city life
your shine gets dimmer
and your beauty seems duller.

In the midst of these city lights
your nothing but a shadow who
the mundane rules
neglecting you dream
to create.
shout-out to self.
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