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 Oct 2016 PK Wakefield
I only feel happy
When I'm high enough to feel
Only tingiling in my fingers
And a the sensational rush of
Ice cold water across
My dry tongue and down my
Empty throat
I wish to be full
I haven't been full in years
And in both ways
I only feel okay when I'm out
Where's my peace in being alone
I'm alone in the dark in the house
Only one here talking to walls
While they are out
And I am trapped
 Oct 2016 PK Wakefield
When temptation follows us all,
From the farthest pew,
He calls the poem,
ooooo, I'm gonna sleep 'cause you live in my daydreams
 Sep 2016 PK Wakefield
I tried to write of you.

I really tried to write of you.

\i don;t know Why i't didtn work---

I tried so hard, I tried
so hard, but it
was just a sign--
just a sign-just
I'm alive today, but not sure why
I've been thinking a lot about life and when I will die.
It's sad to say, but truth often is
I'm left here in this empty abyss of loneliness.

Sitting upon my pity-*** gains me nothing in the end
I wish I would've considered my actions, now without my friend.
Crushed and polluted within my mind
A crime scene inside my brain you will only find.

So, what is the solution to the problem at hand?
How can I correct what has already been done and still be able to stand?
Should I run away or stay to face the music and internally die?
I know that I'm sick and tired of always wanting to cry.

I know God exists and he has a purpose for my life.
I know that he loves me and will always make a way, leading me away from strife.
So, now that I remember that beautiful promise he made to me...
I'm asking the Lord to carry my burden and help me to be eternally free.

Do I still think about morbidity and the way it would look upon my death?
Am I so selfish to be concerned with how I will take my last breath?
No, I refuse to give up and let the evil one win.
I'm going to turn my life over to him again.
It was long engagement
Now you are just a glimpse
I on train passing you by
You on platform waiting
Just waiving hand good bye
Train going forward
Never return to former place
I will never forget
The moment of your graceful face
 Oct 2015 PK Wakefield
my mind is too loud
but every time you **** me
it moans quietly
 Oct 2015 PK Wakefield
Alana S
new year isn't really
new it's a new cycle of all the
old in the world
old rotations of earth-sun-moon-stars-
old fruits to sprout & die at the breath of hope
old places trodden over by
new feet, worn by the curious who are conquering their fears.
old sounds permeate my senses & I wonder at a
time when they meant something
old year is a crouching beast, he is standing tip-toed in a liminal space between
new & new; old new and freshly
new, ink on parchment,
signs & names sealed and permanently set
the world cycles & returns.
people walk the earth & hold their hearts out for me to inspect
nothing is new here
just gone.
You lit my insides on fire

voiced the words sunken deep in my linear

spoken against,

the stillest water

I could of sworn I saw it move.

your eyes blushing as 
articulate her thigh

I saw it in you,

your shy endorsement
for the same

 curious movements

from gentle hands

lip gnawed and panicked

I ran my hand through boyish hair

and god I am such a cliche

why won’t you come and say
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