I'm alive today, but not sure why
I've been thinking a lot about life and when I will die.
It's sad to say, but truth often is
I'm left here in this empty abyss of loneliness.
Sitting upon my pity-*** gains me nothing in the end
I wish I would've considered my actions, now without my friend.
Crushed and polluted within my mind
A crime scene inside my brain you will only find.
So, what is the solution to the problem at hand?
How can I correct what has already been done and still be able to stand?
Should I run away or stay to face the music and internally die?
I know that I'm sick and tired of always wanting to cry.
I know God exists and he has a purpose for my life.
I know that he loves me and will always make a way, leading me away from strife.
So, now that I remember that beautiful promise he made to me...
I'm asking the Lord to carry my burden and help me to be eternally free.
Do I still think about morbidity and the way it would look upon my death?
Am I so selfish to be concerned with how I will take my last breath?
No, I refuse to give up and let the evil one win.
I'm going to turn my life over to him again.