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 Apr 2015 Otherly One
DC raw love
As long as one does the right thing
As long as your feelings come from your heart
And one takes care of their responsibilities

You have nothing to prove
No how
No way
 Apr 2015 Otherly One
You changed. Slowly.
So slowly maybe, I'm not sure you even saw the difference.
But I did.
And I couldn't speak to hurt you- but I couldn't keep it in.
My soul battled itself.
And there is no victory for one who fights themselves,
*For when one part dies, so does the other.
I'm so confused at the moment. I'm sorry if this isn't much of a poem... But I had to share.
Those hands they'd be like snow, for ice could glow in your eyes.
Don't compromise this moment we have, adjust the volume to max
We're the only ones here in this terrace flat, come round and we can chat for ages, take it smoothly, in stages; turn me up, feel through my pages, purrrrrrr
the sexiest thing you've read all day
I wonder
how many words
have sat on the tip
of your tongue,
waiting to take the plunge
into the world outside,
but have held back
in fear of the fall-

and I wonder
how different your life would be
had those words been set free.
I decided it's better to live with what you hide from me
How can I ask you to be honest when I won't let you?
What you choose to love is not my right to question
And if it's not me it doesn't mean that I won't love you

You probably thought I'd hurt you over rejecting me
But that's not the man that I want to be
I don't mind crying alone
I don't mind if you know
That's the only way to know how I feel

I decided it's better to help you love the right way
I want you to remember me as a person
And not someone who loved but walked away
Because he couldn't make you worship me

You probably thought I'd never leave you alone
I have to be the kind of man who hears what you say
We have to know when to let go
We have to know when to let it show
That's the only way to make you feel safe inside

I decided it's better to be happy for you
If you love another man then that's the right thing to do
I won't force you to tell it too my eyes
The kind of person you are doesn't hurt someone like that

You probably thought I'd never accept it
I have to quit imagining what you do at night
I know that I loved someone too
I know that I once lied to you
It's time to be strong enough to let you go
 Apr 2015 Otherly One
Bask in the joy of our hearts
Not in the absence of our bodies
For our souls remain as one
Haiku/Senryu version:

bask in joy of heart
not in absence of body
for souls remain one
 Apr 2015 Otherly One
Jeffrey Pua
Should a star learn to hurt another
     Without hurting itself,
As I, for one, am also capable,
Know, that to begin with, before the impact
Or little lightyears back,
We were not from different constellations.
We are still the same,
     Portenting love.*

© 2015 J.S.P.
Ideas are like tall trees
they begin microscopic
small beams of humble enlightenment
of what they could become
until a mighty body emerges
and boughs like warrior arms reach
draping and lush
inviting suggestion

I am surrounded
by many eager minds
towering above
my own meagre imagination
kings and queens
of profound thought
how they stretch to find me
so my inner eyes
may witness restoration

Ideas are like tall trees
where even darkness
fails to demolish
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