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 Apr 2015 Otherly One
Dear forest leaves ,                                             Do you tell your trees
your "I love you's" before
you drop from the branch ?
Do you tell them "I'll miss
you" before you fall silently
to the ground. Do you ever
look back before touching
gentle earth's damp soil.
Do you make love to the tree
before you wonder off wild
and free dancing on the forest
floor as the winds move you
from the right to the left ?
Do you forest leaves ? If yes ,
then tell me your story
passionately* ~
 Apr 2015 Otherly One
Mike Essig
When you have to
pass a drug test
and a background check
to shovel mulch
on some rich dude's
sorry-assed shrubs
for seven dollars
and fifty cents an hour,
the very notion
of freedom
becomes a farce.
  - mce
 Apr 2015 Otherly One
Girl don't falter...
I know out moments aren't meant to last forever.
You gave me ur all..
Still I surrendered,
Shattering our happily ever after...

Girl don't falter ..
It may be too soon..
But, please remember all the memories we've spent together..
I really did my best and tried to be stronger for us...
I was devoured by my indecisions
and you were blinded by your heart

Girl don't falter..
I know I was at fault
You and I both know its over
Im sorry dear, Im lost at words.
I've lose you
I've lose you..
I always say do not falter..
In the bitter end I was the one who did.
I'm losing you..
Dear love
I'm here on the coast
Staring at the stars in the night sky
I'll watch the moon off the horizon
And I'll be faced with reality
When the sunrises ..
Cause I'm just a ship anchored off the coast
While you off sailing the seas
Seeing all the wounders in these waters
I'll weather these storms while your gone
I'll hope that one day I'll see your sail off the horizon .
And pray that all these storms I've  weathered will bring you back to me .
 Mar 2015 Otherly One
Mike Hauser
This heart of mine sometimes
takes to wandering
At any given moment
it just ups and leaves

This heart of mine sometimes
can't take too much
If you scratch the surface
its tenderness hurts to the touch

This heart of mine sometimes
loses its way
In search of a heart like mine
to bring it back again

This heart of mine sometimes
will skip a beat
This heart of mine sometimes
lays naked in the street
 Mar 2015 Otherly One
She was the train you missed by a second
You look longingly at her direction long after she was gone

She was the coffee that spilt before you could take a sip
The scent of her and the stain on the carpet remains to remind you of what you lost

She was the flower you planted that withered before it bloomed
You are always left wondering how beautiful your life would have been with her around

She was the card you didn't call when you had a strong hunch that you could have won
She was the chance you didn't take

If you had only rushed to meet her...
If you had only handled her right...
If you had only given her more attention...
If you had only been more brave...
Cemetery trees shiver
in the snowy breeze,
and cover the graves
with their dead leaves.

Tombstones and bones
lying in the shallow earth,
remind the living that
it could always be worse.

we only feel so empty
because we left
little pieces of ourselves
in everything that
we once loved;
once lost.
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