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Brandon Dec 2017
{Set I: Brandon}
I want to glide underneath the Sun
You know, it's hard sometimes
I want to guide others like I would a son
That's what I love to fantasize
For my enemies, I wouldn't dare a wish on them
Just **** them with kindness and cut their stem

{Set II: Brandon}
"I'd die for you" is easy to say
Everybody makes a list they'd take
Bullets are here and bullets jump there
I'd jump in front of everybody
But I don't seem to see bodies jumping for me
They'll abuse the phrase to conjure false smiles
I can document every situation in my files
People loosely say that they'd live for you
But they fail to realize how hard it is to do
How do you tell them when you know it's not true?
While listening to 'Ride' by 21 Pilots I just sort of thinking about the phrase "I'd die for you". People say it all the time, but do they truly mean it? Personally, I don't know. Enjoy!
Brandon Oct 2017
{Set I: Brandon}
When I wake up,  I want to only see you
An adventure of a lifetime, all I say is 'Whoo-Hoo!'
I love the way you sound when you're fatigued
Those hands and how they fit between mine
I want you in the picture when I succeed
Pancakes, lemonade, it's almost 5
On the road to Niagara, with you I feel high
You can play with your ruby hair and I'll smile
When I look at you I know we can walk 500 miles
Pancakes, lemonade, watching a colorful sunrise
You'll be asking what I'm looking at with those eyes
I'm just looking at the last piece to my puzzle
It's the littlest things that really make your connection with somebody truly special and unique. ❤️
Brandon Oct 2017
Trust is so easy to lose
On both sides, we give up easily
Patience is what our hearts need
But they won't teach you that
Details fly at Mach-4 over our heads
And when it is all said and done
Friendships end in a beautiful lie
Sailboats sink and bonds die
You built me up; we were brothers
How can you bring somebody so close to the light
Only to pile-drive them back into the darkness?
Friendships grow so fast and look as beautiful as a rose; sometimes they wither as fast as they grew. Not everything is permanent, but if you are blessed with a strong friendship that can get through anything, then you have true gold. :D
Brandon Jul 2017
{Set I: Brandon}
I have
What I have
And I am happy
I've lost
What I've lost
And I am
Still happy
Once you move on, the feeling is much better.
  Jun 2017 Brandon
The prettiest colours of the sky are in the morning between five and six.

The prettiest colours are on my cheeks when you touch my lips.

Keep on touching and paint all of me because I'm a blanc canvas and I dont want to be.

This is the message I want to send to you

I haven't met you

but I know I will soon.
Brandon Apr 2017
{Set I: Brandon}
I've been through
Hell and back
I have blemishes and bruises
Marks that can't be erased
But Life will not defeat me
I am still standing
For now
That is enough
Everybody's been through a little bit of pain. No matter how hard life knocks you down or how much it burns you, it's important to always believe in yourself, get back up, and say, "Is that all you got?". You can do this. Never give up. You might not know me, but I believe in you just as I believe in myself.
Brandon Mar 2017
{Set I: Brandon}
The season must turn, turn, and turn
Our pain and love will turn, turn, and turn
There's a time to heal
There's a time to feel
The pain is not everlasting
But to build up
We must break down
So take my hand and rise up
Let me wipe those tears and frown
We shall not **** and not even seal
We will gain
But for that we must lose
We will make peace
I promise you it is not too late
If you're ever feeling down, then just read this poem and think of the things that make you happy and be grateful that your life isn't worse than it could be!
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