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Sep 2015 · 880
Nikola Mills Sep 2015
It felt like having my chest cut open
over and over again
and the stinging pain just won't go away
it leaves me begging on my knees
for mercy and sympathy
and all I get are deeper cuts
and bigger pains.

It feels like having my heart ripped and shattered
crushed and broken
burnt and destroyed  
and it feels like everyone is watching
as I'm being smothered.
this ***** but im broken
Sep 2015 · 919
Sad Title
Nikola Mills Sep 2015
I wanted to be the only one
who will have the key
to your mind
to open up and speak.

I was hoping
I would be the only one
who is privileged to spend lifetime with you.

And now I am the only one
crying and catching my breath
and there is no one
to fill the void.

The only one who
would fix everything
is you.
I'm ******* crying I can't do this anymore
Sep 2015 · 1.4k
Broken Promises
Nikola Mills Sep 2015
I gave you my everything
every piece of my soul
every corner of my shallow heart
every little scar on my skin
everything belongs to you.

I sacrificed too much
or too little
I never understood
why it wasn't enough for you.

You promised
to give me everything in return
you promised
to never hurt me
you promised forever
but every promise you gave me
is broken.

Just like my heart.
Sep 2015 · 542
No Matter How Far You Are
Nikola Mills Sep 2015
Like a morning mist
Sparkling in the morning
Except it was you
in a bedroom
your eyes were sparkling
through the courtains.

Your palms found my hips
you smiled and kissed my lips
and in that moment
I was so **** sure
it will always be you.

And no matter where I go
no matter how far I will be
as long as I remember your name
the hunger for your lips will torture me
and the thing I will always be missing
is you.
Nikola Mills Sep 2015
I was jealous of a cigarette
I wanted to be held so tight in your fingers
I wanted to touch your lips
And then just like the drag of smoke
Disappear in the dark.

I wanted you to smile at me
the way you smile at the full pack
I wanted to be carried with you
and I wanted you to always want me.

Instead of that
you became my cigarette
my addiction
and I wanted more and more
and I couldn't control myself anymore
I wanted to be your everything
so desperately
that I became nothing to you
while you were my whole world.
Sep 2015 · 387
Nikola Mills Sep 2015
Abandoned heart
Destroyed mind
Broken spirit
Dismal life
Left alone
i was thinking about my life and wrote down the way i felt
Sep 2015 · 476
I'm Stuggling
Nikola Mills Sep 2015
I'm struggling
to become what you always wanted me to be
to remember the way I felt
when you whispered my name

You always told me
you love the way I am
and that I should not change
but in the end
you told me I wasn't enough.

I'm struggling
to define myself
to escape the old me
to be better
and good enough.

You always told me
you will always love me
with all those flaws
little imperfections
but in the end
you pointed them out
and left.
what's the point. this is very chaotic
Sep 2015 · 494
Nikola Mills Sep 2015
I'm not sure
whether I am more in love with the memories
or the actual you.

We weren't perfect
I gave you everything though
In order to grow
To make our love get bigger.

You made me happy
You formed the tears in my eyes
whether they were happy tears
or sad tears.

Mostly they were sad tears
But they will never overweight
the value of the happy thoughts
infinity happy thoughts I used to have

Now all I can think of
is you
not thinking of me
not missing me
not remembering what we had.
this *****
Sep 2015 · 471
Fix me
Nikola Mills Sep 2015
I will never forget
The day you kissed my forehead
It was chilly outside
I was cold
And you kissed my forehead

In that moment I swear
I felt the fireworks everyone is talking about
I felt the butterflies in my stomach
And my knees got weak

I knew you will stay.
And you did stay
But only for a while
But long enough to make me fall in love
with the infinity galaxies in your mind

Now there is only void
In my heart
My aching poor heart
Waiting for you to come back
And fix me.
Sep 2015 · 346
It's your fault
Nikola Mills Sep 2015
It's your fault
You made me question my worth.

It's your fault
I keep putting the pieces of me together
But you stole too many pieces
And I guess that's why
I will never get over you.

You stated my value
long before you knew me
You stated my value
when you met me
You made me lost my belief
That I was enough.

That can't be real love.
Sep 2015 · 400
I touched you in my sleep
Nikola Mills Sep 2015
I think I met you in my dream
Your face was blurry
But I know your charming jaw line by heart
I know every curve of your body
I studied your body as a state of the art.

I saw you in the door
standing and waiting
you were screaming words I couldn't understand
and it reminded me of all the subliminal messages
when you and I were together.

I think I touched your hands in my sleep
But only to see myself distancing
moving away from you
But no
You were running away
just like you did two years ago
But that wasn't dream.
This ***** because I wrote it at 4 am last night after I woke up from the dream
Sep 2015 · 377
I Lied
Nikola Mills Sep 2015
I have been acting like I am strong
I have been acting like I am fine
But the truth is
all I want to do is cry.

And I lied
when I told them I don't miss you
there is nothing I can do
to make myself care less about you.

And I lied
when I told them I am fine
when I got drunk on the wine
to make myself forget you.

And I lied
when I told them I don't feel lonely
because after you left
all there was left
was this feeling only.
You destroyed me
Sep 2015 · 890
How Can You Sleep At Night?
Nikola Mills Sep 2015
Bent and broken
on every word you left unspoken
on every broken promise you couldn't keep
on every lie you used to speak
on every faked smile you gave
on every escaped drops of tears.

How can you sleep at night
how can you be alright
knowing you destroyed someone?
Nikola Mills Sep 2015
When you kissed me for the first time
I understood.

I knew you had so much to say
But you didn't have to use the words
I understood

And it felt like connection
Between two floating minds
And I never felt alone again

You never used the words to make me understand
You used your soft touch,
and you painted your sparkling thoughts on my thighs

You used your tongue
colliding with my own to make me go insane

You used your eyes
to make my core burn and burn
and to make me understand that what we had
was special.

But then you used your words
only to hurt me
and I let you walk away
because I wasn't used to tasting the words
I never supposed you would say.
Sep 2015 · 801
Your Skin
Nikola Mills Sep 2015
I will never touch your magnificent skin

And I will never adore the scars
The scars adorning your forehead
The wounds from your childhood

I will never laugh at your goofiness
The way you fell and bruise your skin
And I will never kiss the pain away

And I will forever miss the scent
The scent of your skin after shower
Being envy of the droplets
Making their way across your collarbone

I miss the freckles
shining through the pale skin
I miss the palm lines
I used to read stories from

And there is not a day
when I don't miss every part of you.
Aug 2015 · 377
Recycled Heart
Nikola Mills Aug 2015
Heart full of love
when I was a child.

Love vanishing away,
as days were passing by.

Then my heart got ripped,
and then again. And again. And again.

You put the pieces together,
when you came into my life.
You filled the cracks on my heart
with love and happiness,
once again.
And I felt whole.
I felt like my heart was saved.

But when you left,
you took back what you gave me,
and my heart was empty again
never saved.
i feel ******* empty
Aug 2015 · 346
Common Lie
Nikola Mills Aug 2015
Is this what people call love?
Broken hearts
Crying eyes
Shaking hands
Sleepless nights

I don't trust anyone anymore
telling me it will be fine
because I know it will get better
only when you hold me in your arms.
Aug 2015 · 775
Cave Of Secrets
Nikola Mills Aug 2015
Your mouth was always cave of secrets
making me wonder about all the things you said
making me wonder about all the things you never said.

And I hate the way you left me wondering
three years later
with no answers
to my silent questions.
Aug 2015 · 403
Dead End
Nikola Mills Aug 2015
The freckles on your skin
leaving me jealous
because they will always with you.

Your gentle touch
was my dead end
except it left me dead
and it doesn't feel like it's an end.

Your brown eyes burning holes in my heart
making me lose myself
except all I lost was you
Aug 2015 · 527
i will still love you
Nikola Mills Aug 2015
even if i screamed at the top of my lungs
that i hate you
it still would be lie
and i will still love you
i wrote this **** after sleepless night it ***** too much im sry
Aug 2015 · 697
Nikola Mills Aug 2015
8 cups of coffee
5 am
shaking hands
tear stains

blood on my tshirt
blood on my legs
starving for days
sore muscles

thinking of you again
aching heart
busy mind
another sleepless night

i miss you
this *****
Aug 2015 · 470
She Will Not
Nikola Mills Aug 2015
But she will not love you as I loved you.

She will not kiss your lips
as if it's the last time seeing you.

She will not hug you so tight
as if she wanted to feel every inch of your skin.

She will not touch your skin
as if she wanted you to know how lovely you are.
i wrote it at 4 am while drinking 7th cup of coffee
Aug 2015 · 408
You Never Came Back
Nikola Mills Aug 2015
The smell of daisies
The smell of rain
The feeling of your touch
The tear stains
Seems like all I have
after you left
and never came back.
Aug 2015 · 546
Pieces Of My Soul
Nikola Mills Aug 2015
Once I thought I was enough,
then you destroyed me.

And I found myself crying,
all over again
in my room
trying to catch my breath
but it's hard to calm your soul
when you are broken into pieces.
Aug 2015 · 400
I'm a Mess
Nikola Mills Aug 2015
I miss you,
but I am strong.

Not for me,
but just for you.

Nobody deserves to deal with the mess inside me,
and I don't want you to be ******* like me.
Aug 2015 · 687
Outer Space
Nikola Mills Aug 2015
We move from orbits,
too far away from each other.
We are able to admire each other's beauty,
because we will never collide.

You are the dust roaming around the space,
the dust that makes me choke.
You are the magical moonlight,
that makes me so tired.
The beauty of your soul is sparkling,
and the sparkles are filling up my heart.

You are my favourite way of dying,
because loving you has been breaking my heart into pieces.
I fell in love with you,
but I am strong.
I need him.
Aug 2015 · 534
He is.
Nikola Mills Aug 2015
He is like the smoke I am inhaling.
Easing the pain inside me yet killing.

He is like the rain soaking my clothes and my hair,
refreshing the body, yet cold.

He is like the wind,
he is here for few seconds and then disappearing.

He is away,
but the feelings still remain.

And if I cry, he still won't be there.
And if I drown myself in tears, he still won't be there.

— The End —