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Dec 2015 · 794
nicole Dec 2015
let beauty never cease
for when the sun expires and
its burning core no longer churns
when the epitaph is inscrutable and
no remnants of words or sounds or love persist
the everlasting emptiness of what
used to be
shows the truth more beautiful than ever
Aug 2014 · 587
nicole Aug 2014
until we
as humans
drop the act of a so called
humane existence
and adopt the act of
a universal existence
until we achieve more than a
one-size-fits all
can we transcend the limits of
such an insignificant creature
and not just discover
but become
the truth of life
the truth of all the universe
Simply wrote down thoughts that passed through my mind. It could make sense or maybe not, but ultimately I wanted to express my discern for acting like a "human" and act more as just one with nature.
Jul 2014 · 758
meaning perhaps
nicole Jul 2014
life is searching for a key
to a door that is not there
writing a title to an essay not yet written
with not a clue the topic of the paper
finding a knife to cut bread
when you have not bought any bread
so maybe it's up to us to
build the door
to pick a topic
to make the bread
Jun 2014 · 3.4k
just a cup of coffee
nicole Jun 2014
breathless air fills the room
and a cup of coffee somehow changes that
lifeless sound of nothing there
and a cup of coffee somehow changes that
the void in any occasion is somehow filled
by just a cup of coffee
pure and simple, bold and black
with floral hints, burnt flavor must lack
sit and wait
and then you'll see
that every void is gone, you're free
Jun 2014 · 358
nicole Jun 2014
there is much to be said
about this finite existence
when you're lying in your bed
and the mind is surely distant
are you here or are you there?
are you body or are you mind?
maybe both perhaps
dependent on each other
as is energy is to matter

— The End —