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Nicole Dawn Sep 2015
Yes, Doctor
First it hurt horribly

It swelled up
So I wrapped it tight
Till the swelling went down

The swelling was gone,
But it started to bruise
It turned bright colors; purple and red
So I iced it numb
Till I felt no more

The bruises aren't so bright
But the numbness went away
And back came the excruciating pain
So I took some medicine
To make things seem better

But Doctor,
Here's the thing:
I don't think it will get better

So Doctor,
Can you fix my soul?
No. He can't fix it. I'm officially broken
  Sep 2015 Nicole Dawn
Showing me,
parts of you,
no one else can see.
Through poetry,
these words express
my heart literally.
  Sep 2015 Nicole Dawn
Maybe I was destined to be eternally sad.

© Leigh
  Sep 2015 Nicole Dawn
Things happen for a reason..
Why can't things stay the same?
Why does change hurt so much?
Nicole Dawn Sep 2015
When I tried to tell someone how I felt
How I felt like a failure
How I didn't have a will to live
How I looked to the future,
And only saw pain

They said,
"You don't look that sad,
And anyway,
You're young.
You're probably exaggerating.
A young, healthy person,
Would not feel like that."

I know I don't look sad
I practice every day
So no one sees my pain

I know I am young
At least in years
But I have seen and felt
So much
In the short time I have been here

I know this.
But I am not okay.
I am not young.
And I am not healthy.

My heart, soul, and mind have aged
Far beyond my years

And I am not healthy
I have not eaten in days
3 or 4 I think
I did not sleep last night
And got less than an hour the two nights before
I slice my own skin open
To bleed the bad things out
And my mind has put me
On the verge of death
And taking my own life

Do you think that is healthy?

As for me being okay...
I think my tears and blood
Can speak for themselves
I hate that no one takes me seriously because I'm 'too young to know what pain is'
she is not the kind of girl
that deserves to be left out in the cold...
she is not the kind of girl
that deserves to be taken for granted....

yet she'll set herself alight to keep someone else warm.
yet she'll allow herself to be forgotten, just to see someone else smile.

she is not the kind of girl that deserves to be treated this way.
maybe she'll get what she really deserves some day.
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