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Nicole Dawn Sep 2015
Before I was born,
My mother wanted to name her child Kaitlyn
As the firstborn,
That should have been me

Kaitlyn was my mother's favorite name
But as soon as I was born
She looked at me
I just took one look
And realized,
I could never be her Kaitlyn

Three years later  she tried again
Now her Kaitlyn was born
A beautiful,
Innocent little girl.

My mother calls me
"The trouble child"
I cause trouble
I am not good enough
I am not her Kaitlyn

Now I am named Nicole
My mother wanted her child to be Kaitlyn
She loved the name Kaitlyn
Was I not good enough?
Why was I not her Kaitlyn?
This affects me more than it probably should...
Nicole Dawn Sep 2015
Put me six feet under
Away from all the noise
Where no one will hurt me again
Nicole Dawn Sep 2015
Sometimes I think
I'm empty inside
Like there's a black hole
In my chest
Where my heart is meant to be

Sometimes I feel like
It's ******* the life out of me
It's stealing my energy
It makes it hard to breathe

Sometimes I wish
I was normal
And I had a strong beating heart
Where all I have is a evil black hole
That stole the innocent me

All the time
  Sep 2015 Nicole Dawn
sanch kay
of course* i want to die
i think of it every
second every minute every hour.

and now you've all begun to
ask questions,
whisper behind my back, she
looks dead;

has the lord of the underworld staked
his claim over
me *already?
is it my time to go? (please say yes).
  Sep 2015 Nicole Dawn
Apparently my “talent” receives praises
When it's not even one
It is unfathomable sentiments
Besieged within the fissures of my soul
Yearning to be poured out
But I can’t successfully express
So instead I laid it down into words.

© Leigh
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