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Trapped in a cavernous haze
A blazing inferno which burns on for days
Relentless, eternal
Incendiary waves
And you stand no chance of escape

Death by Stoning!
Buried in Smoke and Rock
Never Knowing
Where it all went wrong

Dwelling in a hellish abyss
Looking for the way you came in
But you're lost as your cause
And time gives no pause
To those barricaded within

Death by Stoning
Apocalyptic Revelation
All is Burning
Succumb to Smoke Inhalation

When the world is on fire
And the flames are only growing higher
Then try to ride the dragons thunder
And let it drag you under

Dying an ethereal death
Laughing at the chaos
And mayhem you left
Taking that final breath
Say Goodbye to suffering
with one final step

Death by Stoning
Apocalyptic Revelation
All is Burning
Succumb to Smoke Inhalation
I have tasted darkness,
and oh how bitter-sweet it was on my tongue.
It electrified my taste buds
and sent my body numb.
I had never felt a rush vibrate my bones
from the eruption of tears
escaping from eye to cheek.
what an odd sensation
to smile for being weak.
i'm victim to my demons
and their persuasive way of speech.
hanging by my fingertips,
fascinated by how they bleed.
one slight movement and my spirit will soar.
tempting to not only try,
but succeed the evil deed.
Standing in the doorway I see the man larger than life lying in the bed
Tubes running from his hands and head.
I had heard the news but couldn’t believe it was true.

Sitting in the chair I listen to the familiar raspy voice,
But it’s so weak and soft, everything this man is not.
Tears brimming my eyes I hung my head low
I want to cry,
I want to scream,
I want to wake from this terrible dream.

I couldn’t bear the sight of this man weak and feeble
I couldn’t bear the thought of losing him
So I said he would be fine, just keep hanging on
Before you know it we’ll be back to those projects left incomplete
I’ll tell you then how much you mean to me
I’ll say everything I always wanted you to know
But not until you’re out of this white wall death lingering hell hole

Standing in the doorway I saw the life slipping away
But couldn’t accept what was right in front of me
There is so much left unsaid but life is short is what they say
I prayed that he would have more time that day
But we all have to go soon or later

I love you grandpa
I don’t know if you realize it but you were like a father to me
If it weren’t for you I would have walked a very different path
I listened whenever you talked because I wanted to be just like you
In fact if I can be half the man you were I would be proud of who I am

I wish I had could have said what was on my mind
But life is short and it was simply your time
I love you but I must put my regrets to rest
Say my final goodbye
And though you’ll always be in my heart
Your memory won’t have the painful sting of things left unsaid.
I love you grandpa,

When I was eighteen I lost my grandpa who was like a father to me since my father had long since been out of the picture. I loved him ever so dearly and at the time I couldn't accept life without him so I squandered my opportunity to tell him everything he meant to me and I always regretted that ever since. This piece is simply a small amount of what I wish I could have told him in person but it means so much to me. I still write him letters from time to time but it always hurts because I regret this time in my life so incredibly much. I hope with this I can remind myself to let go of that and simply remember the good and not let the regrets seep in.
World as you end,
...same as the start.
Oh the indescribable beauty!
See the metaphor?

 Apr 2017 Moonshine Noire
The moon.
It is beckoning me.
I can hear its voice calling for me,
begging me to stay.
It wants just one more night
but I must go.
The night is not like how it used to be,
the stars do not shine as bright
as they once did.
It saddens me.

The color is being stripped away.
The air is becoming thick.
Each day, the sun fades a little more.
The glimmer in my eye, it dims.
Everywhere I look I see ghosts,
I see shadows of objects
that no longer exist.
The world is dying.
I feel alone.

And yet, my mind is alive.
The thoughts race past,
one after the other,
even as the nights grow longer.
My dreams take flight.
Every time I move I dance.
I skip, I scream, I cry.
Never have I ever held onto a moment
as if it were tangible.
As if the seconds were not fleeting
but fragments,
snapshots stolen from time.
Dancing with you
In silence, You should not be here.
Swinging to the left there is a light
Swinging to the right, there are shadows holding us so tight.
Under our feet is everything I dared to love,
That I dared to desire, is where I lost my sense of freedom.
Dancing with you in silence, You should not be here
Swallowing those words I could not say,
On the hourglass what falls is all the time I wasted in in vain, in second thoughts...
Turning and turning all the time I'm trying to gather my pieces
Above us ,I just can't see unless you keeping walking with me
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