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Michelle Aug 2015
Pensive as I am, I thought of you today
Amongst the overgrown grass and the clouds of grey.
The heavens, they opened, perhaps pathetic fallacy
As I lay there saturated, already losing my sanity.
But I stayed in the showers and let nature embrace me
When all of a sudden a gold globe came to face me.
Warmer I felt, as down on me it shone
Almost as if to remind me to always be strong.
Michelle Aug 2015
A girl's bedroom is full of choices
Which she must choose to stop the voices.

Hair curly or hair straight?
Leave early or just wait?
Tall stilettos or comfy flats?
Quirky bag or one to match?

The saddest part of this conundrum
Is she's trying to impress a special someone
Who'll work his way into her bed
And then join the monsters in her head.
Michelle Aug 2015
Her house:
Now home to one person and a million memories.
It used to be their house, until he passed.

They told her to move,
But she never did like moving on.
And so she never did.

At the wake they brought her flowers.
Flowers that were soon to leave her,
Just like everyone else had.
Michelle Aug 2015
I know that pearls
and diamonds are in,
But look at my necklace
of rope all tied in a ring.
The colour, it changes,
into that of maroon.
A little tight at first,
but the pain will go soon.
Michelle Aug 2015
Bound together in ecstasy
Bodies shaking,
Pupils dilating.
No one I'd rather see.
No place I'd sooner be.
Because nothing makes more sense
Than the thought of *you and me.
Michelle Aug 2015
They wait all year
To hear that bell ring
And now it's July
They don't worry about a thing.

Sandy toes
And salty kisses.
Too good to be true
It's almost fictitious.

Parents ask them
Not to throw it all away
But they're young, they're kids,
And they just want to play.

That lad with the freckles
Wants an August romance
And now there's no school
He might just have the chance.

That girl with the ribbons
Can finally stay out late
And maybe one night
She might just get a date.

They embrace every day.
They congregate at the beach,
Enjoying not learning from
A teacher who can't teach.

But Summer won't last forever.
In fact, September is near.
No more under-age drinking
Upon the old pier.

They know they'll grow old
And their hair will go grey
Which is why they insist
On seizing each day.

If this was a play,
This is when they would bow,
Knowing they'll never be as young
As they are right now.
I read a really amazing poem on here about Summer (well done MK), and it inspired me to write this. It felt fitting as my Summer holidays end in three weeks and it's been such a perfect one.
Michelle Aug 2015
As the weather gets colder
We enter into the Fall,
With your arm round my shoulder
But saying nothing at all.

The season cycle goes on;
Spring will soon be passing.
So when things seem to go wrong,
Remember nothing's everlasting.
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