Crazy am I driven by the idea, the possibility, of another's kiss on your collarbone. I recall St Valentine's Day, when your **** Jagger lips told me 'I'm yours' with such sincerity and that I could hold you to it. And I will.
Does she listen to your stories and then pretend to care? Do you make that moaning sound when she plays with your hair?
Does she hang out with your friends and has she met your dad? Does she hold you oh so tightly whenever you get sad?
Does she let you keep her awake with your snoring? Does she know how you like your tea? And that it's coffee in the morning? And which mug you like it in?
Does she know you listen to Green Day when you brush your teeth? Does she know you like your teeth? And that you hate the rest of you?
Does she notice the scars on your arms? And then does she wrap you in her's? And does it feel the same?