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4.3k · Jul 2016
for me
please leave. (leave her)
stay with me forever, even if you’re not with me. (don’t leave me bc u care for someone else)
keep me in your chest (always have love for me)
don’t let the banging scare you (i’ll get upset bc you don’t want me like you want her, but it’s okay)
don’t say i love you more than once (tell one person you love them, not both me and her)
listen to One - Ed Sheeran
658 · Aug 2016
radio head
my heart used to wonder about all

of the foreign places we’d visit and the

translucent stops we’d make in cute bookstores

where you’d delicately place me up against a creaking

bookshelf and rest your lips between my legs.

you were supposed to help me save the world.

I was supposed to drink salt water from your ocean eyes.

instead we’ll sit in a room together blind folded,

our tongues no where to be found,

our hands holding each other,

and our hearts loving one another other,

all while not knowing where we are.
Listen to Alright by Keaton Henson
656 · Apr 2016
but the questions kept coming.

do you love him?

do you love him?

and all of a sudden my eyes couldn't speak.

from one day to another i wasn't sure if my heart wanted to love you anymore.

I look at the boxes of letters I sent to you and the empty ones I kept just in case you missed me so much you had to write me back.

these boxes they haunt me, because they could have been full of the words you'd wished you'd spoken but never did.

but they stay empty till this day, proving once more that your love was nothing but artificial and that when you finished emptying out your boxes into mine there was no use for me anymore.

"this will not end in heart break" you said to me as you entered my soul and stole all that had meaning.

now I'm a wandering crow, soulless and hungry.

haven't you heard? when you feed a bird just once, they'll always come back for more.
Listen to Constant collapse - Hotel Books
476 · Apr 2016
In between the dizziness and confusion my ailments calm me. I don't care how disturbing and unorthodox it sounds. My loneliness accompanies me everywhere I step foot.

You said I could stay in your heart forever, you said all these things and made so many promises that at the end of the day your words hold no meaning. That was when I was a child and you really believed you loved me. But mom and dad I can see the pain you feel when you lie to me and tell me you love me.

I'm lonely and I like it.

Wake up. Wake up.

Can't you see I am awake? Can't you see I am just trying to take in all of the cold?

I'm trying to accept that the vacant spot in my chest is something more than a heart malfunction—this is real and cannot be diagnosed.

Father will you stay today.

No, can't you see I have better things to do

like dance with strange women and drown myself in liquor?

No father, I cannot see because I am blinded by the scars and faint screams that cover my eyes, can't YOU see that I am no longer asking you to stay, I am telling you.

They say that the drowning comes to an end—what if I can't hold my breath anymore.

She pretends like she doesn't know.

But mom, how can you not know?

Can't you see that I am a flame in a cup of water?

Are your own problems consuming your soul? Too tired of the world to hold your daughter. Take pity on me woman! What if I fly off the tippy top of the stairs like a bird? Would you hug me then? Would you cry to your dying baby?

But woman look at me! I am in fact dying. My heart is shedding its protective layer and your words are puncturing it. Can't you see that when you lie and steal my innocence it kills me?

My body is weak. I can feel my heart giving up on me. Something my soul needs.

Maybe I was lying. I am more than these bones, I feel love and I feel alone. I don't want to feel alone. It doesn't accompany me, it punches at my soul and pulls my hair out.

And like the guest of honor, the feeling of overflowing emptiness bursts through the doors of this house and finds its way up to my room, my mom's room, and my dad's room.

We're in a full house together but we're all alone. And it may seem strange to want to be alone and to want attention all at the same time. But if you were me for just a day you would understand that it's nothing but a façade. We're all actually super happy can't you see?

My mother hits my father and makes him bleed but we're happy.

My father pokes himself with needles and cries on the floor of my room but we're happy.

Are you going to put the dog to sleep?

No are you?

No are you?

He put himself to sleep.

And in the end I realize that if I were God we'd all be dead because darling we all get what we deserve.
listen to Putting the dog to sleep - The Antlers
446 · Jul 2016
"you are extraordinary
you are the butterflies that come out once a year.
you are the unexpected last drop of honey." (for u)
"he is extraordinary
he is the butterflies that come out throughout the year.
he is the well anticipated last drop of honey...
and it's all yours.

there are treasures buried beneath his eyes, I swear it.
you may lose hope in finding it some days
but I promise it's there
even when he swears to God you'll never find it.
that's only because he never has.

his heart pumps blood to your heart and he doesn't realize it.
that's because he doesn't mean to.
he doesn't mean to love you
he doesn't mean to make you feel like the prettiest girl in the world
and he most certainly does not mean to help you paint futures on canvases which sometimes may feel like murals.
he doesn't have to try.
that's the thing.

he runs.
not outside...
because as you probably know...
he hates it.
he runs away
he runs to
he runs with
and he runs and runs until he doesn't have to anymore.

as you probably know:
his eyes tell you his secrets.
the ones he swears he'll never tell.
his nose listens to your heart
because it's all he wants to hear.
his ears feel your sadness
because it's what he wants to ****.
his lips touch your body even though you're so far away because they speak in tongues only your body knows.

he will care about all you have to say because your mind is where he wants to go.

he will purge your mind because in it is a treasure you hold.

he will stay up until you fall asleep and wake up before you because he doesn't want to miss anything. he doesn't want to miss you." (for her)
love him with your whole heart.
listen to White Blank Page - Mumford &  Sons
435 · May 2016
Cat & Dog
She doesn't understand.

I'm not who she needs, I cannot save her.

my heart beats for her but her teary  skies poor down and like Neptune's storms' sweeps away my love for her.

It fills me with rage

Makes me feel cynical

Her eyes tremble and her ankles ache, I ice every part of her body and kiss her tears away

but there's not a remedy for aching of the heart.

I'll save you from the bad man next door, I'll save you from the monster under you bed, but darling I can not save you from yourself.

stop digging your nails into your chest, you can't carve your heart out without dying,

carve yourself out of your casket instead.

sing to me the reasons why your eyes search for my hatred and cry when they find it.

i've told you time and time again that my cloudburst is no match for your hurricane.

no, this most certainly does not mean wait for me to cut you up with knives

no, this does not mean pack your records and leave

it means stay-stay at your own risk.

no, this is not a love letter, nor is this a letter reminding you to pick up your scrunchies on the way out of my chest.

I am not on my knees, nor am I cutting ties,

but baby i'm still feeling cold.

stop pounding nails into your chest,

put them in mine instead.
Listen to Small Hands - Keaton Henson
411 · Apr 2016
the dog
and how much I miss you I cannot put into words
though your words are the ones I miss.
There are days that are easier without you
and days that I can feel my feeling going away.
I can feel myself fighting it--fighting the numbness
and nothingness.
It's hard.
I have to tell myself that I'm happy, to be happy.
I can't remember a time when I was truly genuinely happy.
when I was with you I thought I was happy, I forget what that feels like.
I wonder if you're happy, can u teach me how to be happy?
I don't think you can teach someone how to do something that comes naturally to you, right?
I don't feel anything when I think of you.
that's a lie.
I feel nothing with a hint of smiles.
it's a weird feeling and it makes me nauseous.
it makes me feel dizzy and it makes me throw up.
I still want to hold your hand.
I want to lay next to you forever.
I think of you and I think of nothing but genuine feeling.
whether it be pain or butterflies, I feel something.
i want to fade into you.
I know you don't read these anymore and it kind of makes me glad.
but it's not like I wouldn't've written this if I knew you were gonna see it. you know I don't care.
you know that for you I'm an open book.
nothing to hide.
the only lie I've ever told you is that I've never lied to you.
I lie to you every time we speak.
I don't tell you this.
I don't tell you how badly I want to run all the way to your arms and never let you go.
I don't tell you because I know that there are times where weeks can go by and you don't think of me.
I think it's strange.
I've never been able to go a whole hour without thinking of you.
I don't hate it, but I don't know how to make it go away.
I don't want to forget you the way you've forgotten me
but I want to let you go the way
you've let me go.
I don't want love - The Antlers
382 · Jul 2016
I think about you every day still.
I think about holding your hand because that's my dream.
I promised I'd keep you on like the favorite sweater
I never get to wear, but you're coming off on your own.
I want you to fall in love with the way I do things only you notice
but you're not.
you're falling in love with her
because I opened you up.
I sometimes think she's closing you up.

I'll never be tired of waiting for you,
just tired of hurting over you.
you know I hurt,
but you don't care enough to run to me.
you don't care enough to ask to hold my hand.
listen to Light Home - Matt Corby
359 · Jul 2016
his breath smelled like that of an addicts.
he smokes cigarettes now.
I think she put him on.
I don't recognize the person he wants to be.
the reason why he can't love me always changes and I believe that is why he can't ever answer the question.
I don't want to set a plate on a table for someone who may never come.
but I will still open the door for you if you decide to come.
you don't give me hope anymore, in fact you give me reasons to go.
but I'm tired of leaving.
it's your turn.
it's your turn to tell me you'll never knock on the door.
it's your turn to tell me your lips will never touch the fork that's been there for 3 Christmas's.
it's your turn to confess that I was just a void that you wanted to fill.
that your need for me was that of a curious kids'.
I was something you'd never had but not at all what you had expected.
you are something I've never had but that's to be expected.
listen: oceans - seafret
326 · Jul 2016
talking to myself
it feels like a pat on the back when we talk
it doesn't feel like 'I love you but I'm scared to tell you' anymore.
it doesn't feel like 'I like her but I love you'
it feels like 'I scared myself into not loving you'
it doesn't feel like 'I'm taking some time so I can become the person who deserves to love you'
it feels like nothing.
listen to Gale song - The Lumineers
319 · Jun 2016
a lie
it wasn’t that i didn’t know if i loved you,
i was just afraid you didn’t love me back.

I’m scared
but I have you

don’t be scared
darling you’ll always be enough

you whisper your love.
tonight you yelled it and our neighbors heard

I love you felt undefined but sincere
a confusion we both shared
maybe it was just I that was confused.

It’s the favorite sweater i never get to wear
i promise i’ll never take it off
lying to you - keaton henson

— The End —