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Apr 30 · 462
Hello Again...
Maria L Apr 30
Time for resolutions,  opportunities. and changes. All I would think was, “Did I just blow open wide my world”. I’ve had enough of the disrespect, lack of appreciation and consideration. I lost 10 pounds within two weeks of saving myself. I felt the weight of my decision on my shoulders. But as I return the keys, returned the ring, took all my things and locked the door… a new person walked alongside me.
Romance, love, roses and celebration. I surrounded myself with friends and family. Old childhood friends, new forged friendships and kindness and patience. With truth, reveals secrets and deep thoughts that plagued myself and others, set free for healing to slip in. But I laugh again, I sing again. And all the while, that new person seems more familiar with each day.
­Luck, abundance and new beginnings. I noticed I think of you less, I think of me and my future more. I grieved the past, that present and the future I was looking forward to. However that future was bleak, filled with disappointment and tears. I now feel purposeful, proud, encouraged with the road my life has taken; as I look at this familiar person and say “hello again.”
                                                     ~ April
Renewal, resurrection, and blessings. Although at our anniversary and I could not be alone, I felt more seen and heard in this time than I had in the years I’ve been with you. I think of you in passing and the pain doesn’t sting as it use to. I feel sorry for that woman who held on for so long that she no longer has tears to cry. I shed that skin and can see how that familiar person alongside her as me. We are so alike now, she is so proud of her new and familiar skin and I am proud that I never lost her.
                                                      ~  May
I don't know what's in store. The ripples of my life have outreached my view but holding my own hand, nothing will hold me back. "Hello again" indeed.
Jul 2018 · 539
Tempo of Romance
Maria L Jul 2018
Inspired by: Duke Ellington, John Coltrane “In a sentimental mood”

Romance is like a jazz melody;
A marriage of symphonies.
Passion dances in the air;

Two lovers provoking destiny.
Eyes wide with epiphany;
She looks away breathlessly.

The smooth beat of the drums, a soft piano joins in.
The whole club fills with hums.
Glasses with bourbon and gin.

Boldly and loudly, he speaks-
Melodic and demure, she winks.

The band senses the lust, their heated intensity.
A saxophone chimes in, quite rhythmic and velvety
The trumpet shrieks, like a woman wrapped in ecstasy.

Touching with flirty techniques;
He orders a round of drinks.
Magnetic pull and bedroom eyes;
Fruitless efforts to disguise.

Dancing close amid dangerous temptation.
He smells of sandalwood and *******.
She smells of jasmine and anticipation.

The band fades in the night, slowing their song and dance.
They float aimlessly into the moonlight under this trance.
Her red dress swaying to the tempo of romance.
Jul 2018 · 392
Hazlenut Tree
Maria L Jul 2018
What I would give-
To touch your face.

To be in wholesome peace-
Under the hazelnut tree.

Oh, how I wish to live-
In that beautiful place-

Between blissful sleep-
And reality.

You are napping on my lap-
I am playing with your hair.

I am in your speedy trap-
And I couldn’t even care.

Yet, I know you’re not truly mine-
And I am a fool on cloud nine.

I know I cannot change your mind, dear.
Even if you wipe the salty tear.

What I would give-
To touch your face.

To be in wholesome peace-
Under the hazelnut tree.
Jun 2018 · 381
I seek...
Maria L Jun 2018
I seek... adventure
I seek to find the greatest treasures
I seek an expedition of the furthest corners  

I want to see a world more important than my own.

I seek... discovery
I seek to unearth my hidden self
I seek an expansion of my earnest passions

I want to see my purest nature exposed.

I seek... growth
I seek to expose my dispositions
I seek an awakening of body, mind, and soul

I want to see revolutions I’ve always known deep inside.

I seek... romance
I seek to remain soft and kind
I seek an affection without reservations

I want to see others care for me as I care for them.

What do you seek?
Dec 2015 · 1.1k
Shades of You & Me
Maria L Dec 2015
In every "opposite's attract" relationship, they say she's the yin to his yan,

He's mysterious and calm like the moon and she's electric and energetic like the sun.

But I'm a painter and I see ourselves as different colors and hues instead of objects and symbols.

You're a midnight blue; a serious yet earnest lover who parades in a facade of blankness.
Slowly and gently, I've peeled away the mask you wear, to reveal a sweet, loving boy I always knew was inside.

I am a vibrant yellow; playful and sweet,  illuminating the darkness in your life.

I've shine a light to your darkest corners and found the boy you hide away. I've reached out and pulled him up, showing him that he no longer needs to hide.

With taking my hand you've shown me, the trust and understanding I need, guiding me through my darkness.

Together, with your strength and my kindness, we made emeralds, raditating the world around us.

Together , with your seriousness and my sillyness, we grown shamrock, making us feel like the luckiest kids around.

Together, with you and me, we've created a forest filled with green apples, pines, olives and limes, making us feel like anything is possible.

These are the shades of you and me.
Nov 2015 · 1.7k
Life's Winding Road
Maria L Nov 2015
Life's like a road trip. When you're young, you're deciding where to go, what friends to take along and what sights you want to see. As you keep growing and learning; you change destinations, travelers and where you want to explore.

Once you're in your car, driving down the winding road, you start to pick up hitchhikers. Some only need the ride to the next town over, some stick around longer than expected and some leave too soon, each leaving different stories and memories.

With any road trip, sometimes you read the map wrong, or make a wrong turn and lose your way back to the main road. But don't panic, you'll get back to where you need to be, in due time.

While driving, you could decide to switch destinations because, that's not where you want to end up anymore. So, you pull up on the side of the road, ask for directions, maybe grab a bite to eat and head on to your new road.

With every road trip, it can be fun or hectic, longer than expected or ends too soon. You might stumble upon new discovers and detours along the way, stopping to soak up the beauty of the landscape.

Road trips are unique to the driver and the passengers. Once the road trip is done and you've reached your destination, you can always plan a new trip and start looking at different routes.

As long as you got good tunes, great travel buddies and gas; life's winding road will show you new horizons.
Jan 2015 · 16.0k
Maria L Jan 2015
Riding a wave of happiness and sadness.
Thinking I'm out,
Only to be drowned again.
Desperately trying to reach the surface,
But it's so easy to give up,
To stop trying and let this sadness consume me.

Staying happy instead of living in a state of depression.
Getting out of my bed instead of staying in it.
Putting on a smile instead of breaking down on the floor.

Swimming against a powerful current,
Swallowing salt water,
Burning my eyes,
Every part of my body aching.
Wishing to just float on my back and
Let the wave take me.

Wearing clothes instead of staying in my pajamas.
Going out instead of sleeping for hours.
Sitting with my family instead of slaving over my computer.

I’m a swimmer, fighting the wave.
Keeping my head above water, fighting the wave.
But for how long, can I keep fighting the wave?

— The End —