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 Mar 2017 Lyndsay Pryor
out of the blue you came,
and for that i was the blame.

the house was too crowded,
sweaty bodies and red cups enshrouded.

i looked and looked around,
but you didn't want to be found.

and then in the backyard i saw you,
noticed you right through.

i asked you 'what's the matter',
you said 'i would rather'.

i gave you a questioning look,
you asked, 'are you Brooke'.

i chuckled at you guess,
and straightened my dress.

you got up,
and pushed the red cup.

i opened my mouth to talk,
but further you walked.

you cupped my neck,
and gave me a peck.

i gasped for air,
and ran my hands through your hair.

your lips connected to mine again,
and realization hit me then.

i was too good for you,
and you were too good for me.

we didn't match,
we were a mismatch.

but just so you know,
i loved you all along.
even though we both said no,
we were wrong.

you were such a party destroyer,
you destroyed me, completely,
mind and body.
Called back to love.
Disown me if you need too.
Leave me not abandoned.
For you of beautiful moments.
I cannot set you free.
I can bleed for you.
Read to you.
Ride on clouds full up with rain,
Fall down once again,
I always do.
If ever I could stake my heart,
I'd switch it for your pain.
Raw candor is necessary for this one

If any of you readers met me, you would not enjoy my company
You females may find me mad, over-amorous and devoid of any set moral standard
The men might perceive me as an arrogant, disgraceful chaser of impairment
By the end of this that shall all be proven true

I am blessed with a ****** appetite that can never seem to be appeased
And you are all cursed for living in the same world as me, for you are all on the menu
And women  
I'm not sorry
I want to touch you, lick you, **** you *******
And I will
If I have not already

I will love you
I will hate you
We can go for a drink or five
Have a smoke
Cigarette or joint?

Do not fight it
You are much too cautious
It's better to just go with it
Do not fret
We can go to the city
To a a restaurant
Dine and dash
We will rob a bank
Look at art
See a concert
Write a bestseller
Map out the ****** of one so deserving
Create a new belief, a new system of faith
All in one afternoon

But I'm warning you
Do not fall in love with me
Do not want me
Do not even look at me
I'm doing all this for I am bored and in need of a single-serving "friend"
I warn you
I only desire ***, excitement, experience and intoxication
Do not disappoint me
**** me well
And I will reciprocate
And every time you ****
And you ***
Whether with me or an other
Think of me because I live for and live in that feeling of complete satisfaction

There you go, a declaration of my personal itinerary
It is not decent
It is not humble
It is the truth

I am Tommy Johnson, one of an entire race of flawed mortals lost in their own derangement
Ever since October the third
I've had no one to call mine
My relationship failed
And I was single once again
Then, in November
    I liked a beautiful boy
Who I thought liked me back
But I was mistaken
And for awhile, that destroyed me
I needed someone to love
But I just kept spiraling downward
Into that void we call
"The single life"
I've dealt with it as best I can
Winter is hard, right?
But now it's Spring
I see couples all around me
My old boyfriend is a distant memory
He's dating a girl who's great for him
The boy from November is a stranger
He's dating a girl who deserves only the best
Where am I ?
I'm at the bottom of the heap
Hoping that maybe one day
I can be complete.
Im just trying to put things into words.
I stared into the mirror last night
And I cried
But this time I cried not because
I disliked what I saw
But instead because of what you
Always saw in me
Because no matter how I looked
You found beauty in me
Even when I
Was simply a crumpled mess
You'd hold my hand with pride
And tell me I was beautiful
So thats why I cried
Because your words
Made me feel loved
Even if everything's changed
Those words
Meant everything
You mean everything.
 Apr 2014 Lyndsay Pryor
I self identify as the mud caked on your shoes
after you stepped in an unavoidable puddle

I self identify as the coffee that burns the back of your throat
every morning around 5 am

which was always right before you went to sleep
and it never failed to make me laugh

I self identify as everything that reminds me of you

I am a museum to your thoughts
your dreams keep me up at night
I can tell when you are cold when you are 37 miles away

I know you just lit your sixth cigarette of the day
I'm sorry you led me astray
 Apr 2014 Lyndsay Pryor
and then there you are,
blinding in your brilliance
perfection in your lilting voice
grace in your smile
and then there you are,
stunning in your superiority
beauty in every facet
joy in your eyes
and then there you are,
a flawless gem of idealism,
romancing me with hope where there's none,
and daring me into the darkness.
and then there i am,
succumbing to your sin
as through the blackness i fall.
 Mar 2014 Lyndsay Pryor
Every now and then
I see you look back
To catch a glimpse of me
To see if I'm still there
If I'm real
If I show you emotion
Like how I used to
When we were together

When you look back
I realize I'm not the
Only one that does it.
You do it too.

Sometimes I can't help myself
But to look at your face
And try and see
What your thinking
Wether you miss me or not

I miss you, but not in the same way as I used to..
Things are different

But even if they are,
I know, no matter
how much time passes,
We both will continue
To dare to look back at each other's
Faces when the other isn't watching
Forever will we be curious of the other
 Mar 2014 Lyndsay Pryor
i can't open
the door, darling,
it's broken,
fix it, darling,
otherwise i can't
come in,
open it wide,
for me, darling,
i am the one
who i always claimed
to be.

*let me in, darling,
so i can show you
that you can be broken,
and you can be fixed,
and you can be open for me,
i will break you,
and fix you,
and cut you open,
bleeding the truth.
to my darling,
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