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Lydia Jun 2018
out of bed and into your arms
your fresh eyes, morning hair and scruffy face,
your hands go up my sides and back around my waist as you
pull me close and take me in
no where else on earth feels this much like home,
I've never felt such security in fingertips before
loving you is like breathing
because I can't get enough
Lydia May 2018
I got so used to being with you
knowing you and memorizing your tics and the way you spoke,
I hadn't realized real time apart
would change both of us to the point that looking at you now only feels like speaking with a person I just met
  May 2018 Lydia
Sarah Gray Isenberg
Ask me
Why I can’t cook
And keep a house
And I tell them
My mother
Spent my childhood
Teaching me
What it meant
To be a bigger
Man than
Even they
Learned to be
Lydia May 2018
to the man in my life who has loved me through all my heartache,
all the bad days and good days,
who sees me for who I am,
even when I don't even know where I went
Lydia May 2018
I remember the night the moon got huge and then faded to black
I spoke to you in my belly and wished for you to love the sky like I do
Lydia May 2018
they say growing up is a trap,
but what about never growing at all?

I think it may be worse to miss out on all the heartache and pain that comes with being alive because in all that suffering, is where you find yourself

growth hurts,
every limb and vein in your body as if you're being pulled apart,
but from darkness always comes something far more beautiful and then after all of it,
you're still here

rather than stay sheltered and safe and comfortable,
I think I'd rather feel it all

all the risks I've ever taken
or hardships life has thrown at me,
or moments so wonderful they imprinted my soul,
have been more painful and beautiful and just so very worth it
I wouldn't change a thing
A work in progress
Lydia May 2018
old me used to be fragile
easy to bend when the wind blew
and quick to drown in the current
emotional and open
I longed to be a stronger girl
independent and free as a bird

new me has her blinds drawn over the windows
anxious and lonely, tougher skin,
I can stand tall and not break,
never allowing my emotions to show
I long to be a softer girl,
willing to let the light in
willing to learn how to be strong but gentle
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