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oni Apr 2017
hearts break loudly

overshadowing light

all i can hear
are all of the pieces
hitting the floor
oni Apr 2017
maybe we dont believe
we're beautiful
because those who have
told us that
have hurt us
oni Apr 2017
my heart will continue to beat
regardless of whether or not
you are still within it
oni Apr 2017
turn me off
and turn me on
like a wind up doll

who needs love
when you have

who needs to lie
about their feelings
when they are
made of stone
oni Apr 2017
there is a faint glimmer of hope
in escape

the sound of birds singing
through the window panes

a small stitch on a broken heart
forming with each passing day

a deadline
promising graduation
from here
from hell
from heartbreak

i hope i make it
oni Apr 2017
i want to wrap my own hands
around my own waist
like your hands once
circled my hips
as if they were a planet
to orbit

except i want to
dig into my own skin
fingernails scraping ****** ribbons
removing your sweat from my pores
your skin from my skin
your blood from my blood

ill destroy my own body
in order to take it back
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