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 Mar 2015 epictails
A Watoot
 Mar 2015 epictails
A Watoot
He's a world reknown pianist and
She's a respected ballerina;
Another one's a famous artist.
Everyone wanted a picture. An autograph.

A simple teenager turned into a super model and
A hunk in the beach; girls flock him.
Another one's singing in the comfort of her home.  
She turned into an internet sensation.
Everybody wants to be like them.
No.  Everyone wants to be them.

And here I am, passing by the familiar streets.
And here I am, listening to my own thoughts.
And here I am, a girl unnoticed.
*Here I am, just another face in the crowd.
Maturity begins
when you can be proven wrong
without feeling like you've lost.
 Mar 2015 epictails
A Watoot
And when your shell shatters into shards of grainy pieces in front of him and he accepts you for who you are, learn how to be a keeper.

When you fall, fall hard.  Don't be afraid when you fall.  

I fell hard.  Lips first- on top of his lips.  He got me by my waist and shifted my weight to his body.  

Fall in love and then fall in love with that same person over again. It is a cycle that should never end.

*And believe me, you will see beauty.
 Mar 2015 epictails
A Watoot
Sometimes, it is so good to write an unsent letter.
I do this all the time just to create a release.  I have lots of unsent letters and I'm glad I never sent those things to people.  I've never been better.
 Mar 2015 epictails
A Watoot
I'm as weak as a category 5 typhoon
I constantly need help
A fury so soft, everyone looked up
to see the intense gentleness

I'm as weak as a magnitude 9 on the Richter scale
The graphs wild with every seismic movement
That gently rocks everyone to permanent sleep
with a gentle lullaby that soothes your nerves

And I'm as strong as a feather
That tickles your innards and brain
To cry and laugh without fail
and make you stop breathing with a smile
wala lang.
 Mar 2015 epictails
A Watoot
Please don't let yourself drown in the ocean of lies.
Late night thoughts.
flawed to near insanity
but long as you could hold down a job then its alright
isn't that a wise policy she asked
i'm not so sure
watching the clowns strut their stuff
in the midnight sun
they are reckless to be certain but self aware to a fault
just makes it all the more bizarre
watch em go at it with each other over the simplest thing
its no way to live
you can vouch for the living as long as you haven't died
and this madness is just shy of being in a pine box
so darling lets get outa this crazy place
get away from the thinking
that you gotta be like everybody else
get away from the plastic hippie rat-race
roll down the easy highway
find us some sweet sunshine to breath in
find us a better life to be
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