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Dec 2023 · 191
One night with you
louis rams Dec 2023
One night with you
One night with you was all it took then I knew that I was hooked lost in the depths of your soul swimming frantically to escape knowing well that no place was safe.  Reaching for solid ground and none to be found.  Sinking deeper into your endless love and no help from above.
How? How could this be when my heart was single and free?  Like a fly caught in a spider web and the more I struggled to be free the closer you came to me. I have no will left to fight and don't want it to end tonight.   I want more than one night with you!
(c) Poetlou 120123
Nov 2023 · 156
Powers of a woman
louis rams Nov 2023
Powers of a woman
Even the strongest man on earth can have the most softess ,gentlest, weakest heart and will try to overcome the powers of a woman . She   seduces him with a kiss a smile   A touch   a laughter for she knows what he is after . O ce their bodies and souls become as one , she knows her work is done . She will work on his ego as never before as she opens up his door .  She will get everything she wants and needs and on this she will feed . He may not have wealth   fortune or fame but to her it's all the same . Man will always try to go back to whence he came and to the woman it is all a game .  Never underestimate what they can do for she is always ahead of you .
[C) poetlou 100923
Nov 2023 · 135
You Are the queen
louis rams Nov 2023
You are the queen
Your body is your castle and you are the queen of your throne and no one can take away what you own .  Your castle was built as you grew  and this  was taught to you. No one can enter unless you say and if there is love that comes into play .  Protect your castle from those who wish to bring you down who want you gagged and bound . You must take jealousy  with a grin and just let love come in .
You are the queen !
(C) poetlou 101023
Nov 2023 · 127
The final walk
louis rams Nov 2023
The final walk

He was whipped till his back bled then a thorned crown was placed upon his head. Made to carry the cross to the top of the hill as he was spat and laughed at by many around. and as they joked about his crown.  Out of the crowd, his followers came as one picked up the cross when he  fell to the ground and one wiped his face
At the top of the hill, all who were to be crucified were bound to the cross yet he was chosen to be nailed hands and feet as his mother began to weep. His final walk he took that day was to wash the sins of the world away.
(c) poetic 113023
Sep 2020 · 322
the spirit within
louis rams Sep 2020
The spirit within

It would be quite a sin if I didn’t speak of the spirit within
This is my webpage called ‘the spirit within”
We all have that spirit waiting to be free and it’s
Within you and me.
Some may do it thru the preaching of words
So that their voices could be heard.
Others may do it through their gift of sound
And sing it to everyone that’s around.
Some may do it just like me - through
The words of poetry.
Some may do it while they pray and tell
The LORD what they have to say, and ask
His guidance from above to protect all the ones they love.

This is “ the spirit within “ so open the doors and let it in.
Many of us keep it locked up inside  looking for a place
For it to hide.
Afraid to speak thinking of what people may say
And laughing at them from day to day.
If we do not speak then no one will ever know
of  ‘The spirit within” AND that my friend is a crying sin.
© L . RAMS 090520
release your inhibitions
louis rams Sep 2020
(in The News) Human Trafficking And Slavery

something that should have gone out
with the dark ages 'still rages'.

human trafficking and slavery for the almighty dollar
and no one to hear the screams and hollers.

young children being forced into prostitution
and not one country with a solution.
parents selling their children to get out of debt
just to make ends meet
a problem which they can not defeat.

yet we classify ourselves as humane?
now that's a crying shame.

if your mother or father was sold as a slave
is that the road that you would pave?

they steal the most precious things
from these boys and girls.
their innocence and their childhood
and turn around and say it's good!

these people say that it's too late
and of no use, to try to stop this
worldwide abuse.

maybe it's time for noahs ark
to reappear, and instill in their hearts
the almightys fear.

but the LORD had done this once before
and we had found another door.
so i guess the solution is not
just for the LORD to decide.

but for all of humanity to see
that this destruction has exceeded their realities.

the LORD has to soften our hearts
and weaken our minds
in the hopes that we will find
all the values we left behind.

Sep 2020 · 259
blade of grass
louis rams Sep 2020
My heart is no longer soft and red but has become cold and dead
It was trampled like the blades of grass and just as without water
It did not last ,It became dry, withered and died.

No longer did the sun shine down upon it covered with
Dark heavy clouds - that’s all that was around , and yet
One blade of grass stood as tall as can be waiting for
The sunshine to set it free.
Yet there was something that I never knew - could
The clouds disappear and let the sun shine through ?

Could that blade of grass regenerate life to all the rest
And is it strong enough to pass the test.
Unlike the rest of the field that had turned brown
This one blade stood it s ground.
Will it survive ? Who is to say !
It may come back another day.
© L . RAMS 090120
Sep 2020 · 180
breathe of life
louis rams Sep 2020
To feel the sun s rays upon my face
To know that I am in his grace.
To see the stars come out at night
So he could keep us within his sight.
To see the trees, the grass, the flowers in bloom
And knowing they will end much too soon.
The mountains, the valleys, the rivers, the streams
And everything in between.
Waterfalls, ponds, lakes and such - everything
Within our touch.
Birds of the air, animals of the ground
All of GOD S creatures can be found.
This is the breath of life of which I speak
All created in less than a week.
Look at the moon coming out at night
And the universe in plain sight .
Enjoy the five senses that he has given
And make your life so worth  living.
© L . RAMS 090120
Nov 2015 · 1.0k
louis rams Nov 2015
to all my music lover friends and poets
this is the link where you can like , leave comments and buy the
songs for .99 cents.
Oct 2015 · 1.4k
reunion in heaven
louis rams Oct 2015
Heavens gates were opened wide as they waited for them to arrive
The wings were waiting fluffed up and ready as the line
Moved quick and steady.
When at the gate they did reach and waited for that heavenly speech
SAINT PETER there in all his glory telling everyone CHRIST S story/
That they are there because of him and their wings they did win.

Departed souls as far as the eyes could see all happy as can be.
Inside the gates was family - waiting for relatives patiently.
The greeting process is hard to describe as their lights blind your eyes.
It looks like millions of fireflies lighting up the entire sky
They say all the souls lit up - creating the brightness of the sun
And the color of the moon are the souls which will enter soon.
There‘s a reunion going on in the heavens above
Where friends and family are showing their love.
,No more tears , no more pains , mo more bigotry,  cause we‘re all the same
All the heaven will rejoice when they hear the LORD S voice
So there is no need to shed a tear , for we are all under GODS care..
© L . RAMS 100515
louis rams Sep 2015
I say this prayer and I’m leaving it for you
Because you know what I’m going through
I don’t ask for money or for fame
Just for health so that I may see
How to raise my family.

With good health I could make a living
And handouts will not have to be given.
So many of us with death related sicknesses both young and old
And when we go to the doctor is when we’re told.

It is a burden which is hard to bare - then with the family
This news we must share.
How do you tell a loved one that you have a certain amount of time to live
When in your heart you have so much yet to give.

So dear GOD this prayer goes out to you
Let us see what you will do.
We know that not all of us can be saved , some of us must go to our graves.
Because you have a job for us to do , and it can’t be done
Till we’re with you.
© L . RAMS 090315
Sep 2015 · 921
the devils lair
louis rams Sep 2015
All you could see was the blood trickle down the devils sickle
As he laughs away at his new deaths today.
He knows there are many who will go astray
And with evil they love to play.

These are the ones who will lose their souls
Because in life they had no control.
Had they listened and looked around
GODS kingdom they would have found.

In the meantime the devil sits in his lair
Cause he knows he’ll get his share.
Some sins may look to be fun , but you’re under the devils gun.

He makes the world so enticing to where you want to explore
Never thinking that you’re opening up his door.
Although he may be a worthy opponent
GOD he could never defeat and will always be underneath GODS feet.
© L . RAMS 090215
Sep 2015 · 1.5k
leave it to GOD
louis rams Sep 2015
When  everything goes wrong and nothing goes right
And we no longer have the will to fight.
When hope is just a word , and your heart doesn’t
Want it to be heard.

When the bills are starting to pile , and you’ve
Been out of work for a while , and your health
Is taking its toll and you feel all alone.
When your friends are never there in your loneliness and despair.

This is when we must learn to cope and pray for guidance and hope. A simple prayer to GOD above to send down
His solutions and love.
Strange as it may sound I have found two -three key words
In my life. the father , the son , the holy ghost.
FAITH , HOPE , LOVE - both have been given to us from above.

So when you find yourself in despair , throw your problems
Up into the air cause stress will not take it away
So just kneel down and pray.
You’ve found your problems much too hard
Now its time to leave it to GOD.
© L . RAMS 090315
Aug 2015 · 645
my own music
louis rams Aug 2015

to all my friends -

this is to let you know that my music is now on
youtube -itunes and numerous other stations and sites:
under - louis rams songs vol 1
the latest song "till the end of my days " is a love song of a husband to his wife
even after her death.
for you men it is a song that women will cherish and a song that women will treasure.
now is the time to buy the album

all i ask is that you listen to these songs ( in particular -end of my days )
and tell all your ffamily and friends to listen , if they don't have the .99 cents to buy it.
it is a beautiful story in this song
Jul 2015 · 509
do you
louis rams Jul 2015
do you think about me when we're apart
do you have me in your heart
does the scent of me fill the air , even thou i'm not there
do you miss my arms that hold you tight
do you miss my kisses when i say good night
what do you like most about me i'd like to know
is it my love that does grow , or is it the way
that i hold your hand to let you know i understand
is it the passion that we created , that left our bodies devastated.
or is it the hours that we spend together in sunny skies or stormy weather
do you think that if we're apart ,  that you will disappear from my heart
do you know that i live for your love , and that you was sent to me from above.
do you know that our next step is marriage and a family
and i don't just want two , i want three.
(C) L . RAMS 071915
Jul 2015 · 587
staying alive
louis rams Jul 2015
working in the sweltering sun, had to stay till the job was done
i started to sing : " staying alive " as the sweat poured down my thighs
then i saw her with the convertible top down
her hair was short and mousey brown
her rosy lips complimented her smile, she had grace, she had style
she gave me a bottle of water to cool me down
smiled and said : " see you around "
i sipped the water very slow , and her body i wanted to know
i had to finsh this job on time, cause all day long she was on my mind.
quitting time was getting near, and when i turned she was there.
" hey cable guy- i liked what i saw, came back to see some more "
she parked her car and got out - this is what life s all about.
short shorts, high heels, and she wore a ******* blouse
her long tanned legs complimented the look
i knew right then that i was hooked.
walking over she grabbed my face and planted kisses in every space.
then her lips finally met mine, and took me beyond all time.
she pulled away from me and with that smile asked if i wanted
to go to her house for a while, and make passionate love all night
untill the early morning light.
my hands started to tremble and my voice started to shake
as i rushed to the car before it was too late.
she was true to her word and we made love all night
i'm glad as hell " that she's my wife "
ha -ha  hope you enjoyed this tale !
(C) L . RAMS 071815
Jul 2015 · 467
renewing the love
louis rams Jul 2015
the relation is starting to go wrong, when you no longer get along
when you start to bicker and fight, and things just don't seem right
when the " i love you " becomes fewer and far apart
and those words don't come from your heart.
when you both find fault in all that you say and do
and it's time to find someone new.
you try to salvage all that you had, but the relationship
has just gone bad.
it's now the time where you must sit and talk , and tell all
your feelings before you walk.
you're both feeling the pains that this breakup brings
but you feel it's the best thing.
you don't want it to get to a point of hate , so you must
break up before it's too late.
the pain and anguish is seen in your eyes, as you both begin to cry.
it started off as a fairy tale romance and you both felt it had a good chance
you're both now sitting at the kitchen table wondering if you're willing and able to give this relation another chance to refind that lost romance.
you find your hands reaching over to meet and your hearts start
to skip that familiar beat.  your eyes make contact and your hearts
begin to melt recalling all those feelings that you had felt.
many things are said in anger and stupid pride pulls us apart
but that's not what we're feeling in our hearts.
many times a relationship can be repaired and sometimes not
but in this world what else have we got.
you get up from the kitchen table still holding hands
and talking about making new plans,
( you learn to grow strong when you both admit that you are wrong.)
there's a lot of people you can live with , but only one you can't live
without .
(C) L . RAMS 070915
Jul 2015 · 646
the storm
louis rams Jul 2015
the sounds of thunder echoing in the sky, bolts
of lightning passing my eyes, the fears of the storm gripping my soul
making me lose all control.
where do you hide when you're in open space
another storm you have to face.
a silent prayer comes into your mind, and you lose the track of time.
when the prayer you have finished-the thunderous storm has diminished.
the skies start to clear , and the birds are singing in the air.
the squirrels running on the ground making their familiar sound.
the sound of a helicopter buzzing in your ear , giving
its reports from far and near.
the day is back to a normal pace, as a smile crosses your face
the storm is over and you are fine- it's just another day in time.
(C)  L . RAMS 070715
Jul 2015 · 1.1k
this old fox
louis rams Jul 2015
my heart is a temple holding all the secrets of this sinner
where there is only one winner.
i'm a sinner who has won at every turn, and so many lessons to be learned
how does an old fox change his ways, when there is so many plays.
so many sheep for the slaughter, and the field is getting broader.
oh !  i love the sheep so young and fair, who strut around without a care.
always thinking " it can't happen to me "but this old fox they do not see.
i get them while they're in their prime- they try to think but don't have time
this old foxx is about to leave its lair- so you young sheep ' YOU BEST BEWARE "
(c) L . RAMS 070715
Jul 2015 · 705
womens flowing tears
louis rams Jul 2015
( these are the thoughts of women when they thought
i could not hear them over the years. )
womens flowing tears
i want all the world to see all the feelings inside of me
feelings of love , disappointments and fears all of which create my tears
tears are our " escape valves " from the past and even now.
tears are like water faucets which can be controlled to release the pressure
built up inside- pressures which we try to hide.
tears that flow which only a woman may know.
we have a release valve unlike a man , and we can create
it at the drop of a hand.
we are women " unique but not weak " in many ways.
we can compete against the powers of man ,
something which they don't understand.
they may see us like a fragile delicate flower as a rose
but we have thorns which can ***** you at any time, if you cross the line.
men and nations have been destroyed for the love of a woman
the history books tell many stories of our " infamous glories "
so when you think you have the upper hand, it's because you've been scamed.               (C) L . RAMS 070615
womens thoughts
Jul 2015 · 510
lost in a dream
louis rams Jul 2015
what does it mean ? when i find myself" confused and lost" in a dream
is it the way my life is meant to be? i guess it'll just be a mystery !
all my life i managed the food line, something i thought i left behind.
working there i had a purpose - a goal , never thought about getting old.
each employee had a job to do ,and i'd make sure they followed thru.
life seemed so much simpler then , and the employees were all my friends
we'd go out and share a drink or two and talk about dreams we'd like to do.
yet i still have these dreams of being lost and confused , and of walking
alongside the shores , searching for something i never saw before.
it leaves an emptiness in my heart , not knowing if it's ending or a new start.
it becomes a question with no answer to be found , yet you search and look around trying to see something out of place, giving you a clue as to what to face.
you always find yourself in the middle of that " crossroad "
not knowing which way to go and whichever way you go leads you
to one crossroad after another to a point where there is no beginning
and no end and you scream out to find a friend.
                   ( confused and lost once again )
my sub conscious tells me it's just a dream, and i will awaken
to find myself in my room - no more confusement and no more gloom
then the recurring dream of me in a supermarket basement
with the conveyor belt full of merchandise and i don't know
if i should push the button to go " up or down " and i look
for help and there's  no one around.
               ( confused and lost once again )
that's when i realize there is only one thing that i can do
" give it to my father up above who is always there to show his love.
          " dear GOD there is nothing  more that i can do " confused and lost "
i turn to you to do whatever it is that you must
because in you i put my trust"
no more dreams and i'm on track , because my LORD has my back.
(C) L . RAMS 070515
Jun 2015 · 612
my personal update
louis rams Jun 2015
wednesday 6/10/15 when going to my summer school post and made a right hand turn at the change of the light ( also in fl. you can make a right hand turn on the red ) i was slammed by a flatbed truck and forced me onto the sidewalk and hitting a concrete pole. the car was totaled and the driver sped off leaving a tire on the sidewalk up ahead , but we wasn't sure if it was from the cement mixer that he had or from his truck. any ways GOD and the ANGELS were watching over me and i walked away from that crash to the amazement of the police and the firemen medics who came because of a call from a passerby. i was taken to the hospital after they had gotten the info from me and then they called my wife and i called my daughter on the medics phone. ( mine locked from the impact and to my surprise not one airbag went off ) they did a MRI and just found some arthrithis in my neck , but i was allright. geico paid off the balance on my car and with the difference i put a down payment on a new car. ( KIA SPORTAGE 2014 ) new payments all over again but what the hell - i walked away from it. GOD IS GOOD i will continue writing my poetic stories and lyrics as long as GOD allows. BLESSINGS TO ALL MY READERS
Jun 2015 · 1.6k
angel vs devil
louis rams Jun 2015
the cries of this soul entering the valley of death
where others before him sat and wept.
the life you changed is a life that had gone wrong
it was on the road of self destruction , and for
the devil it was an abduction.
your powerful wings brouht you to my side, when you heard
my far distant cry it was  a cry for help so loud and clear
that all others shook with fear.
it was an echo that rang like the bells on a steeple
giving a warning to all its people.
knowing that your battle had begun , they looked down
to the earth to see which one had won.
the wings of the angel knocked the devil to his knees
as his pitchfork struck him and he began to bleed.
the devil jabbing at him with all his might , not wanting
to lose another fight.
the angels wings moved quickly like in a dance
and the devil knew he had no chance.
his arms were tired as he continued to poke
as the angels wings weakened him with every stroke.
with a screech he fell to the ground , screaming to the angel
" you won this round "
no longer did he have control over a child of GOD
because it had become much to hard.
the angel carried the soul to the heavens above
where all he could see was happiness and love.
(C) L . RAMS 062915
Jun 2015 · 519
return of wee willie
louis rams Jun 2015
wee willie escaped from his jockey strap , and say s he ain't going back
he said it was too cramped and crammy , and always fighting bill and sammy.
they feel they are the ***** of the party, because they are filled and hearty.but they forget that they are below willie and attatched
to all that he says and does , even the ***** raises a fuzz.
now he's at attention once again and say s his head will never bend.
he says that he was tired and limp , but he'll show them he;s no wimp.
he won't let any women bad mouth him and put him down
because of the solution he has found.
tighten the rubber at the base of his neck
and he'll stay at attention if you want to check.
(C) L . RAMS 061815
May 2015 · 575
loving you is my dream
louis rams May 2015
loving you is my dream come true
you have taken me to worlds beyond mine
through distance and time.
i have traveled the solar system in your embrace
and in the safety of your love , given to me from the LORD above.
i have seen desolate worlds without any knowledge of what it would be
to love and be loved endlessly.
this time machine can only be found in a heart of love
    ( who is it that you're thinking  of ? )
you'll sit in this vehicle and see the present , the future , the past
just to show you how long love will last.
travel with me on the tails of this kite , and i will take you to a brand new height.
don't be afraid to show your emotions , for it can be deeper than any ocean, and higher than any mountain top
continuing higher and without any stop.
love is worth more than gold, diamonds or pearls
and will take you to different worlds.
it is like the ocean waves with its ups and downs
till it crashes upon dry ground.
voyages don't always have smooth sailings , and you
learn to take the good with the bad , the happy and the sad.
grab the kite tails and fly with me to the world of ecstacy.
(C) L .RAMS 051015
May 2015 · 610
mothers of the world
louis rams May 2015
to all the mothers in the world-who are raising their liitle
boys and girls.-it is plain to see that you have a tremendous responsibilty.
whether we are single or with a spouse
have an apartment or a house.
not many people know the pain you go through.
except the ones who are close to you.
when you are single and no one to give a helping hand
and no one to encourage you-or ease your pain.
it will never be the same-as someone with a caring spouse
who is a man and not a louse.
you struggle to give them all you can without the help of a man.
for there are very few men who will take on the responsibility
of raising someone else's kids.
unless they are in the same boat as you-and don't know
what to do raising his children on his own-in hopes that
they will be big and strong-and for them to see-he is holding his responsibility.
so if this man and woman can join forces as one
there is nothing under the sun-that can shake their faith
in the one up above-for he has given them this love.
and for the women who do have a man to share
the responsibility.-don't ever set them free-
because what you give up today
some one else will pick up the slack, and never give him back
May 2015 · 664
i took the vows
louis rams May 2015
i work my fingers to the bone , but my wife won't leave me alone
she is always looking for a fight, sometimes i think she just ain't right.
i'm sure she loves me in some way, but i'm finding it so hard to stay
women say they wish they had a man with qualities like me
but this is something she just doesn't see.
she's been a housewife more years than i care to count
i thought this was what marriage was all about.
she has most things that women dream of , even has her spouse's love.
but she nitty picks me to death and doesn't even take time to catch her breath.
i make a list of things to do, and she won't stop criticizing until i'm through.
is it that she is so insecure- that with me she's not sure ?
why does negativity control her life - a little change would be nice.
i guess i'll have to accept this life- because i took the vows when she became my wife.
(C) L .RAMS 050115
May 2015 · 614
why people fear poetry
louis rams May 2015
most people don't read poetry because it's hard to understand
they don't know how to interpret what's in their hand.
they have read  century old poems with the " THEE'S and THOU'S
but i'm going to change that NOW.
i am known as POETLOU and i'm going to show you just what i do.
my stories will blow your mind, they are written in verse and rhyme.
they are stories of love, passion , faith and hate and of sorrows and abuse.
pick any story and you will see, that you'll get hooked on me.
let me take you on a journey where you've never been before
and i will open up every door.
yet the biggest door that you will see - is where your mind will be.

        ( food for thought )
if i was lying , i'd be flying  , and my feet are still on the ground.
ha-ha      enjoy the reads !      (C) L . RAMS 050115  - time traveler poet
louis rams Apr 2015
for centuries they have been around in  every city, village and town
they was known under many different names and yet no two
were ever the same.
they are known as the angels of mercy, also te kind hearted souls
who helped the sick , the dieing , the old.
they see aches, pains and suffering every day while family members
may hide or run away.
they share with the sick , stories. pains and tears
and they wipe away their fears.
their faces may be the last faces that the dieing may see
as they bring them comfort in the life to be.
nurses don't work under doctors , they work as equals with them !
they give them meds and hold their hands to let them know they understand.
the nurses are the soldiers on the battlefields who fight the wars
they are the ones who know the score.
when they have to turn a patient on their side so
that they can clean their behinds and making sure
they have no bedsores before they  walk out the door.
they also have times of joy when they see the birth
of a girl or boy, and of when a patient can walk out the door on their own
because of the caring a nurse has shown.
they are the last stop between healing and dieing
and of this there is no denying.
(C) L . RAMS042715
Apr 2015 · 539
he was a follower
louis rams Apr 2015
He hid me in the rafters because for him the
Roman soldiers were coming after.
As they led him out the door he screamed up to GOD once more
I will gladly give my life for you, there is nothing more that they can do.
He was tried and sentenced to be crucified
They say as he looked up he saw JESUS face up in the sky
Looked at me and said good-bye.
You must practice what you preach - this is something
That he did teach , and with GOD in your heart
Into a new world you will start.
So teach your children as he taught me
In the other life you’ll be free.
There will be no more suffering , aches or pains
For your life will forever change.
You never fear the unknown - if your faith is very strong
Let us all do the same - follow him in CHRIST’S name.
© L . RAMS 041615
Apr 2015 · 455
rare beauty
louis rams Apr 2015
The sun was shining way up high , transparent clouds
In the sky ,as the birds were flying by.
Then I saw her beautiful face - she had style , she had grace.
It was as if she was floating by and she had caught my eye.
I became transfixed , hypnotized with her beauty
With a small waist and a fantastic *****.
Her legs were shapely , yet firm and that picture
In my mind did burn.
She was VENUS and LADY GODIVA rolled into one
And I knew my heart was done.
When you find a beauty that is so rare
With no one else do you want to share.
Then she smiled and started to speak
And I was swept off my feet.
Her voice as gentle as a summer breeze , putting
Me completely at ease.
She was as beautiful as a turtle dove
Then I knew I was in love.
© L . RAMS 041615
Apr 2015 · 2.9k
abusive hot line
louis rams Apr 2015
he Was an abusive man and led her by the hand
Took her to a room and beat her till she was black and blue
In fear she didn’t know what to do , so she called the
ABUSIVE HOTT LINE – they told her to come in and she’d be fine.

With this group there was no hesitation
They filled out the reports and took her to the police station.
A restraining order was filed to protect her and her child.

He had done this many times before and they let him walk out the door.
No others had filed charges against him and he’d walk out with a grin.
But with her he could not be within fifty yards
Otherwise he’d be charged.

The ABUSIVE LINE is open to everyone
Don’t wait till they have a gun.
The abuser wants to be in control of your mind, body and soul.
To them it’s the greatest power to control your every hour.
And put fear in your mind and keep you meek so you stay in line
No matter where you live you will find an ABUSIVE HOT LINE..
Reach out while you can and get yourself a helping hand.

© L . RAMS 041415
Apr 2015 · 547
he walked amongst men
louis rams Apr 2015
this is one of two Easter poems I’ve just written

He walked amongst men

It is said that he arose from the dead
Looked around and walked straight ahead.
Walked to the top of the hill, where he would begin
To do his fathers will.
GOD had prepared him from his birth to create
The miracles on this earth.
To show the world that his son- would not be the forgotten one.
That everything that he would do in his life
Was to prepare him for the ultimate sacrifice.
The devils temptation to make him weak
He would face and defeat.
Every miracle that he created – none of which was related.
Turning water into wine, giving sight to the blind
Making the crippled walk, and the mute begin to talk.
So many things that he had done, was because
He was his father’s son
He believed in his father from the start
And this had filled his gentle heart.
He was a king who walked amongst men
And every person was a friend.
He had no enemies or hatred in his heart
It was pure love from the start.
Over a thousand years have passed
With billions of followers and climbing fast.
© L . RAMS 040215
Apr 2015 · 653
louis rams Apr 2015
The day is approaching when he arose from the dead
And walked the earth as the bible said.
Every year we celebrate this day – when the Christians kneel to pray.
For children its Easter bunnies and Easter eggs and dressing up for mass
But as parents we must remind them of the past
Of how this day came to be – when CHRIST died for you and me.
He was not laid in an earthly grave, but into a mountainous cave
And a concrete wheel put at the entrance way, and guards
To protect it so it would stay.
On the morning of the third day the guards had found that
Not a sound had been made –as the wheel was moved from his grave.
When the followers went inside and searched “to their surprise “
He was nowhere to be found and his burial cloth lay on the ground.
They say that some had seen him walking on the mountain top
Turned around and looked down to where he had laid
Smiled and walked away.
© L. RAMS 040215
Apr 2015 · 699
the preacher girl
louis rams Apr 2015
She was a little girl about seven or eight
Had a dream but couldn’t wait.
Said she been dreaming of this since she was two
And knew just what she had to do.
She felt the LORD in her soul –that to preach she was told.
She told her preacher what she felt inside
And it was something that she could not hide.
She would preach the gospel while in school
While other kids thought her “the fool “.
The preacher seeing the pain in her face said:
“You can preach in my place “.
He set up his pulpit with a wooden stand
So she could grab the mic with one hand.
When the congregation gathered to their dismay
She grabbed the mic and started to pray.
The sermon she gave left the people in awe
This had never been done before.
They all stood up and started to sing
Because the feelings this girl did bring.
The” hallelujah s “and” praise the Lord”
Was being sung like never before, as they walked out the doors.
She is just a little girl – but JESUS CHRIST filled her world.
The preacher girl
She was a little girl about seven or eight
Had a dream but couldn’t wait.
Said she been dreaming of this since she was two
And knew just what she had to do.
She felt the LORD in her soul –that to preach she was told.
She told her preacher what she felt inside
And it was something that she could not hide.
She would preach the gospel while in school
While other kids thought her “the fool “.
The preacher seeing the pain in her face said:
“You can preach in my place “.
He set up his pulpit with a wooden stand
So she could grab the mic with one hand.
When the congregation gathered to their dismay
She grabbed the mic and started to pray.
The sermon she gave left the people in awe
This had never been done before.
They all stood up and started to sing
Because the feelings this girl did bring.
The” hallelujah s “and” praise the Lord”
Was being sung like never before, as they walked out the doors.
She is just a little girl – but JESUS CHRIST filled her world.
Mar 2015 · 3.3k
the housewife
louis rams Mar 2015
If you do a little housework every day
Then on the weekend you’ll have time to play
A housewife s work is never done
Working from morning to setting sun.

Sweeping, dusting and mopping, always moving
And never stopping.
Washing clothes and ironing too
So many things that you must do.

Then the cooking and doing the dishes
Picking up in back of the kids and feeding the fishes.
Then trying to look pretty for when your husband gets home
So at your tired appearance he won’t throw stones.

Then when your day is through, a CALGON bath is what you do.
                 (Calgon take me away)
Just lying in the tub to unwind, and in another hour you’ll be fine.
The comfort of your bed is looking so good
And you’re wondering if you should.
Then your husband has that gleam in his eye
And you’re hoping that he doesn’t try.

Then the comment was all it took, of how good you always look.
Then he holds you in his arms and releases all his charms
And makes all your aches and pains go away
And this ends the housewife s day.
© L. RAMS 032515
Mar 2015 · 525
you're a hypocrite
louis rams Mar 2015
I put you on a pedestal and raised you to the sky
And everything you told me was a lie.
You said you loved me and would always be true
Then I found you with somebody new.
Your friends knew about your cheating heart “oh so well”
But no one would tell!
How could you be so cruel that you played me like a fool!
I know now that you’re not mine, so I won’t waste my time.
I’ll take your cheating heart and throw it to the wind
So in my heart you’ll never get in.
Hypocrisy is all you’ve ever known
Hypocrisy is all you’ve ever shown
No truths could be found, as all truths fell to the ground
A hypocrite in love and life, and you’ve never done
Anything that’s right.
How did your memory hold – all those lies that you told?
Well baby it’s time that we part, because you have broken every ones heart.
Your hypocrisy showed me to beware, that my love with just
Anyone I cannot share.
© L. RAMS 031515
Feb 2015 · 469
sea of love
louis rams Feb 2015
love can be like the sea, deep and mysterious and yet beautiful when it is calm- and can reach all shores and beaches and bring in the beauties which it uncovers from deep within.
love is the most precious treasure hidden  deep within the heart of the seas and worth more than any gold, silver,pearls, sapphires, rubies or diamonds.
it is something that all mankind want to hold for its worth more than can be told.
feel that sensation within your chest that tingles and starts to grow and become stronger than anything you have ever felt before !  that is the power of love !
have you felt it ?    yes , no , maybe so !
tell me in your own words what you felt and if it is the most beautiful treasure on this earth.
Feb 2015 · 577
soldier on the beach
louis rams Feb 2015
wrote this through the eyes of this photographer

he laid on the gaza beach, the m-16 within his reach
at a young age he was taught , that the palestinians had always fought
fighting for freedom and the land, was something that he could understand
but this was a day of relaxation, away from the war and the devastation.
the waves rolling in to the shore - peace and quiet at last once more.
will there ever be peace on the gaza strip ?
or will i forever have a gun on my hip !
centuries have gone by and still the battle rages
no one is willing to adjust to changes.
so many countries have been divided in two
civil war was all they knew.
there is never peace ! always unrest
is GOD putting us to a test ?
when will these murders end?
that we could become neighbors and friends.
there are three things that rule this world
politics , religion , and greed.
why is it that people don't read!
whether it be the bible , the koran ,or any other religious book
we must stop and take a look !
no where does it say to destroy one another
when we are all sister and brother.
this soldier is now relaxing on the beach
this is something that our children we should teac
Feb 2015 · 1.6k
dream catcher
louis rams Feb 2015
I put the dream catcher at the head of my bed
Where bad dreams dare not treed.
It captures just my good dreams and hopes and prayers
And with the angels it is shared.
What better carrier than an angel with wings
Who can handle most anything.
Your prayers and dreams have been seen and heard
Every dream and every word.
The dream catcher must start again
Because your dreams may never end.
© L. RAMS 020415
Jan 2015 · 848
parents revenge
louis rams Jan 2015
this is about ABUSE and AGE

as you know there is so many different types of abuse and a lot of it is on seniors

we have the physical ,******, verbal, mental to name a few and the elderly parents can fall into two and many times three of the four listed'  we see children who can not , will not or just don't give a **** about anyone let alone their own parents'

first may come the verbal abuse and then the mental abuse and finally the physical.

so this little poetic story is about parents getting even.

                                   PARENTS REVENGE

mom, dad - you lived your life so let me live mine

i'm not going to take care of you till the end of time.

I am young with so many things to do and no time to take care of you.

i'll have to put you in a nursing home or an assisted living

maybe you could survive on what social security is giving.

I am packing your bags and sending you away, I can't take care of you another day.

the father answered - my child since the day that you was born

we fed you, bathed you, changed your diapers and changed your clothes

because of the love we have for you.

now the tables are turned and you must do for us what we did for you

but if you don't want to -" that's o.k. too.

because we didn't expect any more from you

we had bought a house in OLD MEXICO and that is wher

we both shall go, with our social security checks

we  can live like a king and queen and it's the most beautiful house

that we've ever seen. we'll have two live in servants

and a nurse, who will take care of us for better or worse

so live your life as you must, because we put our savings in a trust.

ha -ha  the joke's on you son.
Jan 2015 · 474
the other side
louis rams Jan 2015
just add two loved ones names to this poem

           The other side

Loved ones name   and loved ones name each other they have found
For their love is no longer earth bound.
The love in heaven becomes a million fold
It is a love that will never get old.
Friends and family will meet as they lay
Wreaths of gold at GODS feet.
Frankincense and myrrh also wait
As you pick them up at the pearly gates.
Crowds of angels and cherubs line the path to his throne
Much more beautiful than it is known.
So many descriptions of how heaven must be
And now our loved ones will finally see.
The streets may be lined with every precious jewel from earth
But in heaven it has no value, no worth.
In heaven the most beautiful treasure that you will find
Are the souls of every kind?
Our souls are a growing light that they transcend day or night
There is no such thing as race, color or creed
For we are all of the same seed.
We are but GODS children and mere humans struggling
To do what’s right, under GODS watchful sight.
On the other side there are no more troubles or despair
You will find only beauty everywhere.
© L . RAMS 12315
louis rams Jan 2015
When you ask me:” who am I?”
My heart breaks and I begin to cry
Alzheimer’s has taken over your mind
But I will be with you till the end of our time.
I will wash your face and comb your hair
Cook and clean – “I don’t care “.
We had made a vow for better and worse
So I’ll take care of you and won’t hire a nurse.
I may have to remind you every day
Of memories that may have slipped away.
I know that if the tables were turned, every border you would burn
Just to keep our love alive, and keep me by your side.
This sickness may affect your mind, but I’ll open the doors every time.
I will remind you of the good times and the bad times
The happy times and the sad times.
I will be your television screen and show you everything in between
Although you may have that faraway look and your eyes may be glazed
When you do remember I stay amazed.
Because you have a smile from ear to ear
And you look at me and say: “I love you dear “.
© L . RAMS 11115
Jan 2015 · 583
my wife and daughter
louis rams Jan 2015
Yesterday my daughter e-mailed me again, asking why I didn't do something useful with my time.

"Like sitting around the pool and drinking wine is not a good thing?" I asked.

Talking about my  "doing-something-useful"  seems to be her favorite topic of conversation.

She was  "only thinking of me", she said and suggested that I go down to theSenior Center and hang out with the guys.

I did this and when I got home last night, I decided to play a prank on her.

I e-mailed her and told her that I had joined a Parachute Club.

She replied,  "Are you nuts?  You are 78 years old and now you're going to start jumping out of airplanes?"

I told her that I even got a Membership Card and e-mailed a copy to her.

She immediately telephoned me and yelled, "Good grief, Mom, where are your glasses?!

This is a Membership to a ******* Club, not a Parachute Club."

"Oh man, I'm in trouble again," I said, "I really don't know what to do. I signed up for five jumps a week!!"

The line went quiet and her friend picked up the phone and said that my daughter had fainted.

Life as a Senior Citizen is not getting any easier, but sometimes it can be fun
Jan 2015 · 702
love is just a word
louis rams Jan 2015
Love is just a word            

Love is just a word until you give it meaning
For this is what I’m feeling, this is what I’m seeing.
This word love is so misconstrued, so abused, so misused
It can be used as a tool to chisel a work of art
Or as a weapon to destroy another’s heart.
It is used as a word of affection to a person
Place or thing, and a look of joy that it brings.
It is used as a phrase “I love you “or as a statement
‘I LOVE YOU ‘or as an emotion – my darling I LOVE YOU.
Yes! Love is just a word, but it is the most powerful
Word that can ever be used.
‘LOVE ME ‘as a person and for the way I am and
Not for what you want me to be, or perceive me to be.
True love is like the flame of the eternal torch which
Never goes out, but just burns on and brightens
Up everything around it and love can be rekindled
Like the flame on a candle.
LOVE is the second greatest gift on earth
And birth being the first.
© L . RAMS 010115
Dec 2014 · 970
Chanukah And Christmas
louis rams Dec 2014

2100 years ago a band of Jews defeated the Greek army
And drove them off their land, reclaiming the holy temple
In Jerusalem and rededicating it to the service of god.
when they sought to light the temples menorah
They found only a single cruse of olive oil that
escaped contamination by the Greeks.
Miraculously the one day supply lasted eight days.
The sages instituted the festival of Chanukah
To publicize these miracles.
The Dreidel which is a four sided top with a
Hebrew letter on each side which means
“ a great miracle happened here”
was used later on in the years to give thanks to god
Without the enemy knowing that they were praying.
Chanukah, the Jewish festival of rededication, also known as the festival of lights, is an eight day festival beginning on the 25th day of the Jewish month of Kislev.
Chanukah is probably one of the best known Jewish holidays, not because of any great religious significance, but because of its proximity to Christmas. Many non-Jews (and even many assimilated Jews!) think of this holiday as the Jewish Christmas, adopting many of the Christmas customs, such as elaborate gift-giving and decoration. It is bitterly ironic that this holiday, which has its roots in a revolution against assimilation and suppression of Jewish religion, has become the most assimilated, secular holiday on our calendar.

Christmas and Chanukah are known world wide
But these two faiths do not collide.
They walk hand in hand
For they came out of the promised land.

You see: the son of god was born a Jew
The Romans felt this was taboo.
No other religion could exist
This was controlled by the Romans fist.

JESUS preached in synagogues throughout the lands
Something that the Romans did withstand.
His own people wanted his death
But little did they know
That with this- a new faith would grow.

The cross on which he died became a symbol
Of Christianity, and that’s the way
God meant it to be.

Chanukah is eight days of giving while the Christian
Holiday is just one day, but during these
holidays we all kneel and pray.

We give GOD thanks for all the beauties of the earth
And for family and friends, and it is something
That will never end.
As long as man holds a belief in their hearts
And faith, -then all will be overcome and
Let GODS will be done.

louis rams
Dec 2014 · 795
Christmas tiny feet
louis rams Dec 2014
don't you hear that beat of little tiny feet
tiny feet running across the floor
tiny feet at your door
to hear the pitter patter of those feet on christmas morn
and the twinkle in their eyes
seeing that expression of surprise
as they open up all their gifts that they put on their christmas list
this is one of the few things that make all the heartaches worth while
when you see their beautiful smile.
christmas is a day to rejoice the birth of our king
who has given us all these things.
so as we share this day with our children
let us remember who gave us this day
and thank him in every way.
rejoice in the birth of our new born king
for he is everything.
he has given us the pitter patter of tiny feet
and has made our lives complete.

louis rams
Dec 2014 · 613
Christmas story " believe"
louis rams Dec 2014
she was awoken with a loud thunderous sound
she jumped up and looked around.
it can't be santa claus? it just can't be.
mommy did'nt even have money to buy a tree.

she heard the sound one more time
and upon her roof they did climb.

the little pitter patter of hooves
above her head
made her turn and jump out of bed.

she ran to the window and
looked to the roof
she wanted to tell her mother
she did have the proof.

she saw something red
moving to the chimney
then she knew it had to be.
that santa claus is not only
in our hearts and minds
and will live throughout all time.

all children are supposed
to be asleep.
but through half closed eyes
they would peak.

she then heard the sounds in
the room below.
as she opened the door very slow.
to her surprise there was a tree
decorated 'oh so beautifully'.

and there under the tree
there was gifts galore
who would think - that they were poor.

as she started to look around
at the fireplace he was found.
he was having the milk and cookies
that were left that night.
' oh my gosh what a beautiful sight'.

he then put his finger to his nose
and just like the book
up the chimney he rose.

she went back to her room, and climbed
back into her bed, said her prayers
and laid down her head.
she awoke the next morning
thinking it was a dream.
when she heard her mother scream.

how is this possible? how can it be?
'all these presents, and with a tree.'
as she ran to her mothers side
the tears started to fill her eyes.

i don't know who did this? i have no clue
and i don't know what i should do.
she then told her what she heard
and saw the night before
when she opened up her bedroom door.

as we opened up the first package
from under the tree
we saw a metal frame with one word.
now we put this question to you.
do you believe? is this story true?

louis rams
Dec 2014 · 759
christmas child
louis rams Dec 2014

It was Christmas eve and last minute
Shoppers were running frantically
As I walked out my front door
What to my astonishment and surprise
A little boy sitting with a puppy in his lap
Looking up to the sky.

I asked: are you o.k.? he replied: no! not really!
Every year I find a spot to sit Down and look around
Of how free will can be put to the ground.

Why does man thrive on pain, suffering and war
When they have another door!
A door of peace, happiness and love
Sent to them from my father above.

I know since my birth it has gotten better
And people are finding their faiths once again
And love is filling many hearts and souls
But true happiness and peace should be their goal.

I see so many children abandoned and left in
the streets with out food or drink.
In the middle east and Asia- little girls lives
Are being taken and destroyed
Over the birth of a little boy.

Without the females this world would cease to exist
I would not be here if not for my mother
And like her there is no other.

Why would man want to take a life at birth
This is the most precious thing on this earth.
The children are so happy when they celebrate my birth
And receive gifts as I had done before
When the three kings opened up that gift giving door.
Yet! I sit here reflecting on centuries gone by
With tears in my eyes.
But also with joy and fulfillment in my heart
Knowing this is the season for a brand new start.

Look into the eyes of every child that passes by
And you will see that gleam in their eyes
And love in their hearts, if they are led in the right direction
Mankind will be closer to perfection.

I could not believe what I was hearing and asked:
Who are you? He turned and smiled and said:
I am your father my son, and I've come
To help everyone.
Everyone who seeks my father
I will respond in his name.

"Then he faded from my sight"
And I prayed for peace and love that same night.


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