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lost Dec 2017
i hope you know
i have changed because of you.
me meeting you
and you breaking my heart
because im not good enough for you.
was the best thing that could have happened.
because now i love the new me
So THANK YOU for breaking me.
lost Dec 2017
you say you don't want to be in a relationship
but you ask for me to **** around with you
"i'm not ready" "my heart still hurts"
Those are lies and me and you both know.
I sit here and still believe you and take your word
cuz you've "changed"
Me and you both know you haven't
I watched the way you slipped your hand down
my skirt.
You smile. That's how I know you haven't changed.
but I still believed that you have changed.
lost Dec 2017
Don't you love it when they say
" I love you"
" I ain't never gonna leave you"

We all know that those are lies.
Just like
"i'm fine"
Nobody is ever really fine
lost Nov 2017
Every step I take is a step is a step farther from you.
Moving forward is a good thing.
So they say.
But what if your true love was in your past?
Will you ever know? Or will you move on?

But if I move backwards closer to you
The farther I get from my goal.
so they say.
But what if my true love is closer to my goal?
Will a power hit me and tell me to move on?

To gain that power you have to broken
You have to be hurt
That power is within yourself which is created by others
who have done you wrong.
This poem is about whether you have meet your true love or its the future, To really know what's bad for you, you need to be hurt. So then you can ask yourself whether this is going to hurt or help you.
  Nov 2017 lost
Angela Rose
I thought about texting you last night to tell you I cheated on you
To tell you I was sorry and it was so wrong of me
To tell you how I cried every night for 4 months because he didn’t even love me back
To tell you I was a heartbreaker and I caused myself just as much distress
To tell you he was not you and it always made me feel sick
To tell you I was just sixteen what did I know about love then?

I thought about texting you last night to tell you I cheated on you
Just so I could feel some kind of emotion from you at all
Just so I could see if you even thought about me still
Just so I could try to validate what I am feeling now
Just so I could clench my fists onto the thought that maybe we could work it out
Just so I could try to feel anything again in these cold and lonely apartment walls
lost Oct 2017
Today is the day
I asked you to be mine forever
Will you join me? As I went to jump in the lake.
You said you would here then as I sank to the bottom
I didn't see your face
  Oct 2017 lost
Freeda Lobo
She assumes I don't care
And all that she does
Ends up in cruel despair.

She puts up a show
And buys me a bow
Until she feels empty, sad and low.

In a box that I chose
That smells of orchids so special
Lies the bow, like a rose.

For all that she ponders yet knows not
The times that we've spat and fought
Will remain as memories that shan't rot.

For on a pedestal she stands
In my heart, deep and within
'Cause I'm an angel in her hands.
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