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 Jul 2017 Lydia
Star BG
The Gift
 Jul 2017 Lydia
Star BG
Rainstorms of rhymes
echo in mind.
They tickle senses
giving steps momentum.

They whisper in ears
to dance with umbrella closed.

Rainstorms of Rhythms
open consciousness.
They launch dreams that vibrate
behind thunderous clouds.

And when music ceases,
to radiate in cells for new starts    
a gift appears-
A Rainbow Heart.

StarBG © 2017
inspired by Cynthia Henon
 Jul 2017 Lydia
Natasha Rose
see, the thing about her

is that she wreaks havoc cities away

insert any word you’d like

insinuate, stimulate, incite, excite

she will make you want to taste them all

her lips do not trace with lipstick,

they trail thunderstorms of

invigoration, greed, and fulfillment

without having touched you at all

see, the thing about her

is that your invisibility is her tell-tale

she won’t make you delight in skin

or whatever is carnal, earthly, corporeal


instead, she will make you want to write

because she will not become your pleasure

she becomes your whoever and whenever

and breathes life

into all your non-personal conjunctions

see, the thing about her

is that she is complicated chemistry

a principle of uncertainty

in a world governed by relativity

she will be be here

but she will disappear

with the world’s unobtrusive

waves of tenets

nothing good will leave

but love, you forget,

nothing you want ever remains

see, the thing about her

is that she makes you want to use

your tongue and your hands

not on her, love, but on your earth

she is your language

she is your dictionary

she is the words at the tip of your tongue

and no, you will not have her body

you will never have her body

see, she permeated your mind

while you were fretting over skin

see, whatever she is, no matter what you do,

she will always have you


in a psychological


of want

and creed

she: both ultra-violet and ultra-violent
 Jul 2017 Lydia
Anne Molony
you know the look
the look
when you feel eyes on the side of your face
but you're not completely sure
so you turn
instantly catching them
their addictive
ice blue eyes
and then quickly they're gone
looking somewhere else
like the floor or  
out the window or
pretending to be deep in thought
you know that they've been looking
because you've caught them twice before
 Jul 2017 Lydia
 Jul 2017 Lydia
I want to be just like the sun.

Because after it sets,
it rises.

And I, too, will rise.
you are strong; you are the sun.
 Jul 2017 Lydia
as in to remove
what you have learned
the wrong coping technique
I suppose you never forget
just learn something new
to cover it up
for however long
the new way works.
 Jul 2017 Lydia
Liz Carlson
 Jul 2017 Lydia
Liz Carlson
I wrote you a note at 5 am,
you read it,
with no reply.
Before you left you asked for a picture of the two of us.
I made a joke and we laughed through the pictures.
But all that I could think about was
how it felt to have your arm around me.
It was holding me,
as I held you.
I wish I could go back to that moment,
but it's gone.

When we said our goodbyes,
it hurt so much.
I wanted to tell you so many things,
but time was running out.
I hugged you so many times,
you thought it was strange.

As soon as you walked away,
my heart felt empty;
I missed your presence already.
We touched hands as you drove away
in that big green van.
I ran after you,
as did other friends.
But you were gone.

I can still see your eyes gazing into mine,
and your oh so sweet smile;
but you're gone.
Nowhere to be seen.
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