I want to live a life in between,
A destination somewhere from here and there,
Where the grass is green on both sides
if you only stand on the fence.
I want to live a life of moderation,
Where the rain doesn’t fall in torrents but in mists,
and the sun rather warms than burns.
Where I never drink too much, and wake sore,
with no memories.
And yet I’m there with the rest, the best,
drinking with friends.
I want to live in a world where my life is mine
And that we are never too late or too early but just on time,
Live in a world where my favourite song will still move me as
much the first time as the thousandth.
I want to live in a world between, and yet looking back at my words I don’t know if I would be happy.
So I’ll be content in this world of in-moderation.
Where we love like it’s the end, and we listen like we’ve never heard before, and we live like everyday is our last.
Though I will never have my perfect world, I am happy in imperfection