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 May 2015 elizabeth capital
If I could send you a song
I'd send you the rain
Because hunny I'm pouring my heart out
The thunder rolling gently in the distance is me whispering your name
And the gentle shower like kisses on your face

My passion is a storm
Cause I'm sending you
The brazen caress of strong winds and strong hands
The crack of hot white lightning up your spine
As I touch you where you like
Every drop sliding down your skin my kiss
The thunder booms out my desire
As the howling wind tussling your hair gives away our pleasure
Do you feel me there?
This is a time of
separating paths
but pacts need not
be broken.
You and I will know.

Know all the cars
that cross the border
past the weathered sign.

Welcome To A Brand New Place
I can see your face
reading the words
but your lips don't move
your eyes don't blink.

Stand over the bridge and
let pebbles fall into the river.
I needn't hold on
to these former times
I find they remain.
This is a time.

Blessed are those able
to relinquish control
to the trees.
Blessed are the trees
whose falling leaves
fertilize the soil.

You sit there
steering wheel in hand
facing something and saying
so this is God
I am a mere child
once more.
 May 2015 elizabeth capital
you placed my love
upon a goosamer thread.
And expected it
Not to break
Although outward beauty may be seen all painted on with a brush so fair its shallowness can be revealed in our actions unaware,but inner beauty is much more rare and it comes from God above. It is shown in how we act and we show His love. Like an oyster in the ocean its outer shell so plain and dull but when you look inside of it there's a pearl so beautiful. I hope to be like the oyster when you look inside you'll see a heart so warm and beautiful and see God's love inside of me After all it is the inner beauty that defines a person,it is the one that matters.
You can be physically beautiful all you want, if your heart is cold and bitter you are ugly.
You're with me through everything,
love, hatred, anger, lust, care, sympathy.

You give me life, so much life,
Yet I use you selfishly.

I hurt you,
I hurt you because I want so many things.

I want to eat a cheeseburger,
feel the delicious goodness slide down my throat.
Every burger makes you weak.

I want to love him,
even though he won't love back.
You ache and ache,
trying your best to keep me together.

I ignorantly take in hurt from people,
because I want to feel,
you wither away slowly,
like a tree succumbed to winter.

But maybe because I hurt you so,
you blossom and grow,
because you fill your vase with not only water,
but poison and honey.

And it is best to feel everything rather than nothing.
Like glass, hearts are fragile.
You drop them and they will break into a million pieces.
If you are afraid of falling, then don't sit so close to the edge.
Because there's no one there to catch you.
And maybe there is.
Maybe there's someone at the bottom waiting to hold on to you no matter how cracked you are.
Maybe there not.
Maybe there's someone at the bottom waiting to catch you so that they can drop you.
So that they can leave you on the ground.
And maybe you'll realize you weren't the only one.
They'd wait for anyone to fall into the trap.
Manipulating the way you were meant to be held.
You tell them,
That a heart is like glass, If you drop it it will shatter into a million pieces. it's pieces will cut you so deep you begin to bleed.
You tell them,
Don't complain to your doctor when they tell you you've got a transmitted disease.
i changed from liquid to powder,
Now that you're gone?

powder was to much of a memory

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