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I am sick.
But not in the way that you think.
I do not have measles or mumps,
nor cough or flu.
I do not have stomach pains nor food poisoning,
don't have a headache making me feel blue.

I am plagued with humanity.
Music... See music is me, and I am music. I am the notes that flow through my bloodstream and make my heart skip all kinds of beats. I am the sound of nature that meets it's melody. The river's stream that stream my consciousness.
 Apr 2015 elizabeth capital
For an instant, I saw your reflection
and, for a moment, I touched your fingertips
through the glass, as if it were water
Your glance was so clear
and sharp through that light
I almost stuttered as I shook
from the force of it all.
But I pushed too far and it cut too deep
and the edges of your face
slipped from view and I was left
shattered on the floor,
once again.
Broken hearts
          Broken home
                      Broken bonds
My mind
          My heart
                  My love

No longer can we sustain
As foundation crumbles beneath our feet
This ship we built
has fallen to sunken sails.

As water rises
Waves strike bow
It fills our boat
and weighs us down

All I've taste for weeks is salt
From my eyes,
         My brow
                My cheeks
I bite my tong in fear
I beg you to change course
Yet you alone Captain this ship
 Blind to ensuing storm.

My heart is to heavy to swim my love
So I must bid retreat.
The thought of loosing you to Davey Jones
Set action upon me.

You cry mutiny
I just cry
It is not a lack of love
Just changing of the tides

How could we have foreseen
this voyage to meet its end.
We were green and rash
Dreaming of an endless journey off into the sunset...
I'm going to seriously come back to this one and revise. I thought it was perfect but one tiny change led to another and now its far from.
The gentlest eyes
I have ever seen
but also, I think,
a bit fierce,
like a baby tiger.
Such an exquisite,
elegant contradiction.

Love baby tigers...
can you forgive me
for walking away?
i thought it was best
but now i'm not sure
maybe it was
but maybe i should have...
and maybe if i had...
it was
it was for the best
but maybe..
i miss the smile in your eyes
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