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 Nov 2017 KC
Angela K
 Nov 2017 KC
Angela K
don't use me
as your broom
to sweep up your feelings for her
under rugs
cause every time we kiss
every time we touch
i can feel her coarse dust
rubbing through my skin
 Nov 2017 KC
 Nov 2017 KC
Time; it never gains,
Nor ever does it once lose,
Momentum; at all
 Nov 2017 KC
poems in the clouds
there's a strength
in watching all the
other girls around you
fall for you,
even though i've seen
the way your mother talks
to you at your dinner table
in your childhood home.
i've watched tears stream down
your face because you couldn't
understand why you were so
different from anyone else.
i've listened to what hurts you.
you sat on a bench with me, drunk,
and told me you were scared of love.
i've seen the deepest parts of you.
and the night you came outside, drunk,
you said, "i care about you.
i really care about you. please
never hurt yourself, please."
and i said the same thing back.
you walked back inside to all
the girls drooling over you and left
me in the cold, but i knew where i stood
with you, i just hope at the end of the
day you know who will always
be there for you.
there's a strength in watching someone you love live their life without you, only knowing it's for the best. you just have to hope they grow out of it one day.
 Nov 2017 KC
Liam Hunter
Kissing You
 Nov 2017 KC
Liam Hunter
They say
Good things take time.

Like a season dying
And a new one being born;
Like falling in love
And saying it aloud.

But there is wonderful,
In the most evanescent

Like sunsets
And summer storms;
Like snow falling
Only to melt away in the morning.

Like your fingers wrapped in mine,
Like the way you smile when I smile,
Like kissing you…


Like kissing you.
 Nov 2017 KC
Whitney Grey
I like you
 Nov 2017 KC
Whitney Grey
I like the way your nose flairs when you laugh
And the way your lip quivers
I like how you stand
And how your words flow like the rivers
Your smile gives me butterflies
In your eyes I become lost
I want to be yours
I’ll keep my fingers crossed
 Nov 2017 KC
if i were to admit
that the reason I lose
countless hours of sleep
is because of you
would that be enough
to make you stay?
 Nov 2017 KC
Door Frame
 Nov 2017 KC
"A place can never replace a person,"

That's what you said to me
As you hugged my curvy frame
Against that door frame
Before I turned
to watch you leave
 Jun 2017 KC
4:14 am
 Jun 2017 KC
at 4:14 am
im still wide awake
imagining your body on top of mine
captivating me,
your large hands running down my fragile, tiny body,
claiming everything you brush as "yours".
at 4:20 am im still awake,
imagining myself on all fours,
your hand grasping my hair,
pulling it into that tight ponytail i wear during the day,
while you're telling me about how you could never resist me,baby. your words alone leaving me drenched and ready for you.
it's 4:30 am, and texting you:
"are you awake?"

— The End —