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 Aug 2015 J
Liz And Lilacs
It is my theory
that we are all connected.
From the thread around your finger
to the ribbon on her wrist
and the rope tightened on my neck.
Every action has a consequence,
because when you pull on the string;
*something unravels.
 Aug 2015 J
BeAutiFul ConFuSion
Its like your trying to break my heart again
When you look at me that way
 Jul 2015 J
poetessa diabolica
They met on rainy days
  when the air was thick,
laden with the
   scent of old musky
     scrapbook memoirs
           & salt tears' reminisces
 Jun 2015 J
Lillian Harris
 Jun 2015 J
Lillian Harris
I planted flowers
At your feet
But they soon
Grew too tall,
And tangled 'round
Your face until
You were not
There at all.
 Jun 2015 J
Ella Gwen
Starting over.
 Jun 2015 J
Ella Gwen
A missing link
I don't even know what that means
keep your ****** coding
and yes, I burnt down those trees.

You need to, sometimes,
it gives the ground new time to grow,
recycle nutrients and now just breathe
without your suffocating seeds to sow.

So yes, it's terribly blackened
and maybe no-one will ever come back
but after everything that's happened
I'll happily settle for that.
 Jun 2015 J
My pen exists
Between heaven and hell
And feels the pull of both.
Swinging like an undecided compass,
I never know what mood
Will govern it.
Which polar end will win today?
It taps the page like a metronome
And I wait with bated breath.
 Jun 2015 J
I Love You More
 Jun 2015 J
I guess I won that stupid fight of "I love you more."
Do you know about the Big Bang?
How everything was once so highly compacted
Did you know that matter can not be created or destroyed?
Every piece of you, every particle, was once something else
You were dust
Spread across the world
Think about it, how much effort went into making you
Even with the imperfections every human has
Your very being was made perfectly
When someone says you don't matter
If you just can't stop crying on those lonely nights
When you just feel so invisible and little
Every particle of you had to be there to make you
Your very being is timeless
You are made of matter
Just like the beautiful stars in the sky
Just like the swirling galaxy's and supernovas
You are just as important
You matter
Don't ever forget
This is important not just for me or who I wrote it for, but for everyone please remember lovelys x
 Jun 2015 J
 Jun 2015 J
I don't know what it is,
But something's missing
Something's missing from me
And I think that's you.

I feel like a defective doll
One that won't operate without being tuned
One that won't laugh
Without unless you put in a battery
I'm like a mute that won't sing
Unless given a tune.

And that tune, and that battery,
They're you.
And I miss the day we spent basically the whole day together
I miss your presence
& I can't help but feeling
Defective without you.
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