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All the Truth in the Whole Wide  World

is simply here and waiting for YOU to partake of it !





because you don't want to
You killed her.
You may not realize
what you've done.
You may not've killed
her physically, but emotionally
she's gone.
 Apr 2015 Joseph Childress
Prohibited and inhibited from the start.
Like a shooting star lighting up the night sky.
Your heart and mine talked, our minds instantly connected.
The tears from my eyes with your hands collected.
Our love is not right they say,
Our  love is misunderstood.
Another day goes by and we are still standing side by side.

Those who misunderstand try to to fill us up with guilt.
We would rather feel ourselves up with pleasure.
The love we feel they cannot begin to measure.
I am you and you are me so they cannot deny that we are meant to be.
He was a phenomenon wrapped in silver skin
With brown eyes, crooked teeth
And craters above his collarbones that caught the rain
His chest was made of ocean more than bone
And I folded my promises into paper boats
And sailed them along his body
His hands caught the distance between us
With every word his cheeks would descent

*"I burnt holes into the darkest of skies
Allowing you to see that even at night
The angels still spill through the cracks"
Sniffing powdered white off my nannas vintage mirror
My inheritance,
My dignity gone
Nannas old, she's dying
Told me stories about the fairies in her head
Dancing her to sleep each night
Would dance upon my head ....
The world is like a bubble.
barley on the edge,
ready to pop,
at any moment.
Make the world a better place.
it was in the middle of the night

they hadn't seen each other for such a long time
suddenly laughter and old memories came back again
remember the time when it was you and me against the world

everything could have been so different
but they never truely followed their hearts

this night he called her, he missed her, a part of him
he told her the words she wanted to hear, she craved for
this girl was weak and all over again she fell for him

the boy with the green eyes and a beautiful smile
he could be so charming and lovely if he wanted to
but he also had his moments, he was always fighting
it was a battle with himself and he could never win

she wanted back to the times when they were just kids in love
running in flower fields and swimming in the ocean
being reckless and getting way too drunk under the stars

something that we are not
is the thing I always wanted to be
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