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 Apr 2015 Joseph Childress
I stare out of my warm sunlit window
Watching the solitary tree stand alone
Incredibly tall and fully grown
Only dancing in the wind with its leaves
So majestic, so at peace
The way the leaves move in such sweet relief

When the seasons change and the leaves start to fall
They begin to change colors and dwindle to to the lawn
I only ever admire from afar
For I am jealous of the lonesome tree
That stands proud and tall

When the tree is ready it says goodbye
The leaves start to change colors and begin to die
They fall with ease and grace
Ready for their fate
How does the tree just let go
Of something it's held onto for so long?
How does it part ways with something
That's grown into it's soul?

I wish I was like the lonely tree
I wish I stood noble and free
Effortless beauty and strength above all
Nevermore feeling small
Able to surrender my demons in a blink of an eye
Never questioning or asking why
Firm and notable
Never used as somebody's pawn
*If only I could be like the lonesome tree in my front lawn
everyone needs happiness it keeps us all alive
puts a smile upon your face helps your life to thrive.

helps you carry on keeps your life so bright
takes away the sadness and fills you with delight.

fills you up with joy makes life seem worthwhile
all you need is happiness and great big smile
Show me your flaws and I'll show you mine,
The moment is raw and I won't decline,
The chance to be open,
The chance to be kind,
A finger to my lips
To hush words I can't find,
Scars don't determine
Your final appearance,
Nor is perfection
Your final endearment.

I have wounds of my own
But alas you can't see,
Echoes of war that
Ripple through me,
Deep beneath skin
And deep beneath veins,
Tucked away safely
In the confines of a brain,
Kept in a box wrapped in a ribbon,
Collecting dust and carefully hidden,
Away from hands that try to pry,
Scratching at surfaces try after try,
Scrounching for scraps and forever hoping,
That pandora's box will finally be opened
© LJ Chaplin
when someone tells you that they want you,
you don't really feel anything
but when someone tells you that they don't want you anymore
you feel every ounce of it

you re read it over and over again
trying to figure out what you did or said wrong in the past 24 hours
you analyze all your moves from the start of the relationship
and when you find out that you didn't **** up
you just don't understand why
you don't understand what went wrong
that "don't" and "anymore" in that sentence weigh down on your heart
you can't stop thinking about it
you think,
"hey I'm okay, not worth my time anyway to be stressing over someone who is not stressing over me"
but that only helps for 5 minutes
and then you're back at it
trying to figure out what went wrong
and it's just a cycle
every **** hour
you're not okay
but oh you want to be
you want to be
My heart currently feels shattered. I knew this would happen, but it still hurts. I didn't do anything wrong. As much as I want to say it's his loss, I know it's mine too.
Hail to thee, O Rain!

The sharp needles of summer are blunt
And lazor of the noon doesn't perforate the skin!

.                                     Hail to thee, O Rain!

Once again kiss the December's frozen lips
And his cool breath blows through our bones!

.                                    Hail to thee, O Rain!

Don't run away though you are bound
For Summer tortures while you relieve of our wounds!
Notes (optional)
 Apr 2015 Joseph Childress
people who smile the brightest cry the hardest
that is society's problem
the people you see might not be genuine
sometimes just put on a smile
and just tell lies

smile , society tells you
lies, lies, lies
put on a smile, don't cry
be silent

to smile is a thing people say is easy
smiling genuinely is the problem
can society move on?
instead of picking on the weak?

alas, society shall stay the same
a mistake, a lie
after all,
isn't it better when everyone smiles?
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