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Sailing expensive fried food,
'cross awful carpets so crude,
A bright sunny strong attitude,
This lovely young Lady's fine mood...

And customers, often quite rude,
Dummies that drag in their brood,
Scrooges and harlots half ****,
Still can not drag down her mood.

For this is not where she will stay
This will be, soon, yesterday
She is her own sunshine ray
She plans her own life her own way

Studying hard every night
To strengthen her mind she will fight,
Managing well, money tight,
From her might, to height, and the light.
She's cool
Twenty-four years remind the tears of my eyes.
(Bury the dead for fear that they walk to the grave in labour.)
In the groin of the natural doorway I crouched like a tailor
Sewing a shroud for a journey
By the light of the meat-eating sun.
Dressed to die, the sensual strut begun,
With my red veins full of money,
In the final direction of the elementary town
I advance as long as forever is.
I can feel it coming
That shakiness in my hands that begins to spread throughout my body.
My heart beat begins to pick up speed. Getting louder & louder, until it's all I can hear.
Worry fills my every thought
And those thoughts consume me.

I suffer from anxiety
sometimes i wonder
how many people
I’ve talked to for the last time.

sometimes I wonder
how many people
I’ve hurt and how many
I have yet to hurt.

sometimes I wonder
how many times I’ve passed
the person I’ll marry.

sometimes I wonder
which of the people I love
will die first.

sometimes I wonder
when I’ll die
and if that will finally
make me happy.
structure, form, and
drip down tired
dreams fade
to forgotten
once baptized
in scholarly review,
till the fire’s
put out in you.
and when the pain
leaves your
solar plexus
learn structure, form
and political
Lips as red as
     A rose,
In the height of
Summer's heat.

Heart as dead as
     The leaves,
In the waning of
Autumn's fall.

Skin as cold as
      The snow,
In the quiet of
Winter's night.

Mind as fragile as
In the dawn of
Spring's rebirth.
nothing compares to the empty feeling
that you've left inside of me.
you tell me lovely words,
and then leave me alone
to my own thoughts and creations
i never wanted to love you
but here we are
here i am
alone and confused
and i can't tell you
oh no, no way
you'll judge me
hate me
the way you do to my opinions
my dreams, wishes
my thoughts
you're no good
not for me
not at all
a bad friend
a worse lover
but wow, if i could change you
now wouldn't that be something
make you kinder, more open,
more willing to talk to me,
like you once did
more understanding, more caring
less cold and distant
less painful and agonizing
more appreciative and mannerly
and maybe if you made me cry
a little bit less
with your take take take
and only enough give
to make me crave more and more

wow, if i could change you
now wouldn't that be something
it makes it harder because i know you think i'm pretty
but i'm not nearly enough for you
(i lied about the finale but i needed to get this out i guess)
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