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Oh, how I wish you still called
To hear that crack in your voice
Flaws and all
You were still my first choice.

Oh, how I wish you still called
To talk the fears back
Because since we fell off
It brought the tears back.

The comforted words you spoke*
The *life in your laugh

All the memories I have to revoke
Brings all the pain back.
Inspired. But real.
 Nov 2014 Joseph Childress

       a sea
                  rider of the
                         dwindling air...

one day my ailing boat would invite
the water•i will finally sink into
~ ~ ~~
oblivion's lair•~~ ~ ~
~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~  *~ ~
~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~
~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~   ~~
~~ ~~ *•m y exis tenc e ~ ~ ~~  
    ~~ w ill then  be • but a we a k, ~
i ndis  cern ible... reflec  tion of my sel f
~   •  ~
                      ~     i' d notb e  free •but~
        ~    ~          t rapped i n abo x
                   ~   on a  lon g for-  ~~
              g o tte  n  ~
~    sh e ~

sick to my stomach
and bloodshot eyes.
nicotine stains
and scarred thighs.
I live on little sleep
and lost hope.
wondering just when
you'll return home
From the man on your heels
From the cold
From your demons
Run wolf run
Run until the fog has cleared
Until your chest has warmed
Until your ache is fed
Your hunger satisfied
Your past is gone
Run past those of no importance
Leave them in their place
Stay with your own kind
Embrace your hot copper tinged diet
Warm salt
Raw meat
You're all sharp claws and memory
Deep instinct
An ever rolling hunger in your belly
Programmed to survive, love, feed, make
and maybe I just
get attached too easily
and maybe I just
get my hopes up too fast
but I cannot fight this feeling
in the pit of my stomach
that every single atom
of my existence wants to be with you every minute of everyday.
so no,
I cannot help but get my hopes up.
no, I cannot help
getting attached to you.  
because you taught me
I shouldn't turn others into my lungs and rely on them for every breath.
but I should allow things
like sunsets
and the ocean shore
and the way the stars look at 3 am take my breath away.
 Nov 2014 Joseph Childress
Paul C
"Do you...?"
The elder asked in late September,
It wasn't difficult, I knew the answer,
But still I paused, briefly undisturbed
And every detail, I suddenly remembered:

Glancing look
Batting eye
Short of breath
Long sigh.

Chest pocket
Slightly pounds,
Deep breath...
"Nice to meet you"

Charming smile,
Class Monday,
First touch,
Dinner Friday?  

Silent pause,
Checks calender
"That'll work!"
Phone number.

Sweating palms
Nerves swell
Deep breath...

Dad's request,
Home at eight,
"Movie premier?"
Second date.

Hand in mine,
Afraid to miss,
Eyes close,
First kiss.

Throat tightens
Tears form
First fight
Cheeks warm.

Things I said,
Were never true,
You see... Because..
Well... "I love you."

Bended knee
Golden band
White box
Take my hand?

Five maids
Five men
White dress

Chest pocket,
Slightly pounds.
Sweating palms,
Nerves swell.
Throat tightens,
Tears form;
"Do you..?"

The elder asked in late September,
It wasn't difficult, I knew the answer.
I've been hurt before, love's pain seems to be my chronic affliction,
I've never been shown this much affection.

Please excuse my apprehensive reactions, if my participation feels like I'm just going through the motions- I find it hard to portray my emotions.

I've had so many lust filled stints; That's why I don't know if I can accept this, your love that is.
You're out of my league I know that ; I'm, in the eyes of those I've loved, just : emotional,untalented, unathletic, poor and fat those things I just can't forget.

My insecurities
a guard,a shield, they limit me to what I think I deserve and I don't deserve to be happy and with you that's all I know I can be.
Forgive me,
if It takes me time to say those 3 words, even when my heart beats like the wings of a humming bird, it's just I can't imagine why you have these feeling for me,
my Baby TT
I want this to last so I will wait a while until I say my, normal, last words
everyone I know is dead

it's I who's gone & beyond to them

but in this moment I feel beautiful
I've never felt so pure before

free from being a thought-
fore, after or otherwise

not in the least troubled with concern
as it has not troubled itself
to extend its pruned fingers in
my direction

how sweet it is to be nothing at all

lips free from the stain of
pretty lipstick,
no strain of passion in my face

the excess of pity
and empathy have left
their mark, in any case

I've no love to keep me,
no tender arms to cage me in

I am not but a mere ripple
in a vast timeless ocean

to which I yearn to return

I never was and I will never be

gone & beyond is the only
fleeting meaning I've seen and need
This is jumbled but it is organic.
 Nov 2014 Joseph Childress
Something's not right
I can't sleep at night
Dread at the pit of my stomach
Doubts, all stack on the rack.

In my mind, alarm bells ring
my heart knotted with strings
Whispers that you are not one,
That I should get away and run.

Turn back before I am left with nothing
or continue the free fall of uncertainty
My soul constantly screams for liberty,
at your mercy, I refuse to be.
Just a thought to liberate my mind.
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