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I had my chance and I missed it.
Threw it away because of one friends ****** opinion
Don't get me wrong I was mad for a while,
You, with your body next to a girl that isn't me
Sleeping innocently, I don't think you could hurt me like she said you did.
You were my sunrise man, my sunset, and everything in between.
You were every shade of black and white
And I threw that away because I questioned my trust in you.
Why?? Why did I do that?
Because now you are next to a girl who isn't me
And you love her
And she loves you
And I miss you
But I'll never tell.
You be happy, I had you and I gave you up. That was my mistake, and your opportunity.
I'm sorry, I miss you, don't come back.
Maybe I'm the person who backs away from compliments
Who sits on the sideline to watch the nights events
The one who doesn't like the spotlight on her
Who has a feeling she's got the answer but isn't sure..

Maybe I'm the person who sits on her hands in class
You know, that person who always avoids the mass
The one who doesn't do well with the crowded halls
Who always looks away from the teacher when she calls

Maybe I'm the person who hides behind book covers
Because the books tell of dragons, fairies and lovers
Worlds where she's the princess, soon to be queen
Or a kickass ninja fighting robot machine

Maybe my imagination takes me to far away places
Maybe I imagine the friendliest faces
Maybe that's because no one in reality was friendly
Maybe you should look at me and see me differently.

- E.A.F
To the people who are misunderstood ♡
When he asked her
What made her do it,
what pushed her
to such a dark place

The well of excuses
she had used a thousand
dried up from her lips
ground to a halt

“It was the only way to feel good,
an addiction I couldn't help
I needed to do something.”
But nothing she said could fix her mistakes

Under his loving eyes
she squirmed in her nightgown
thin fabric hiding the
scars of a not so distant past

“I don’t understand, why would you
hurt yourself so much?” His words hit her
and her guilt bubbled up
black anger and black words.

“It’s not a big deal.
It’s over. I’ll never do it again.
Keep out of my business.” And the
conversation closed.

But demons are not so easily slayed
and fears, the all consuming
darkness, not so easily

Three weeks he was gone,
not to be back till the sixth
and yet on the fifth late in the night he came
three white roses in hand

ruby red lines painted
her thighs, guilty tears
painted her forced smile
Bad timing or good?

She knew he would yell
He couldn’t understand, wouldn’t understand
blame he had yet to lay
hands clinched for rejection

But he pulled her close
suit soaking up the red
absorbing her pain
clinging to her desperately

“I don’t want to lose you.”
voice raw with love
“I don’t understand, so
help me too”

It was enough for her.
The wall she hand built with such bitter care
shattered, she shook
crying past temptations away

hours wanned, he treated
her wounds, wound up with her on
white sheets, tangled together,
holding her as she spoak

Baring her soul to her swain
she talked until her voice was raw
until the stars faded, and her
burden was lighter than she had thought possible

And after that night
two become closer, every jagged edge
known by the other. They lived for each other
breathed for another

Another time, she could pull herself out of bed
she could open her eyes
and wonder, with that elusive curiosity,
what the day would show her

And the darkness of that endless night
could not push through
the twining of their limbs
and the knotting of their souls
Mighty alone,desperate times
he has a girl now,of his choice
was alone then,now at least  I'm fine
oh guilty pleasure of mine
oh guilty pleasure of mine.
Sometime you fall in love with a **** haha sick people,you know but still you enjoy being with him,or without him too.Not much of a bother.
Even when my wonderful
universe seems like
a cosmic mess,

Even when
all these souls
leave us in the
form of death,

Even though I'm
underfed, underslept
and can't catch my breath,

I emit love
**and so who cares about all the rest?
change yourself.
change yo
 Nov 2014 Joseph Childress
White walls
White beds
White floors

White sheets
White tiles
White gowns

White faces
White eyes
White lights
I'm going tell you what you mean to me
I want to swim in your divinity
Emotions flow in unity
Creating our reality
You would be my only wish
Eat you like my favorite dish
Raw or cooked just like fish
******* wisdom like Ganesh
In darkest night be my sight
Battles for you I would fight
Overcome an Army for my true treasure
Heaven or Hell has no measure
Pain I feel me pleasure
Will worship you at your leisure
Soul reflects in your eyes
Forever Impaled between your thighs
As energy we begin to rise
You and I super size
Simple in our complexity
Illuminated for all to see
Acquired this ability
To tell you What You Mean to Me..

11-5-14 M.A.N
You make me smile
for a little while

Then you make me cry
and say good-bye

The love of my life
wont make me his wife

I thought we had somthin
but now we're just nothin
This is for everyone out there who has been misleaded by those simple *******.
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