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Feb 2017 · 567
Good morning
Brooklyn Brooks Feb 2017
My dry mouth full of flames ,
Bleeding cheeks all the same.
A brain without oxygen,   hardly a hallucination.  
A dream without sleep
Gives Pins and needles to my
Ghost feet.
I'm listening to the Silence With half an ear.
A presence between the wall creeks
The patterns of the season
My bed is the hallway between today and tomorrow
Yesterday and Today
This one goes out to my boomchica
Nov 2016 · 461
Brooklyn Brooks Nov 2016
I’ve got something on the tip of my tongue, something
Salty and neat.
You can have the diabetic eye candy
or be well fed with soul food,
Just don’t drink the kool-aid.
Nov 2016 · 403
Brooklyn Brooks Nov 2016
I would’nt know what to say to that girl, I’d just give her a roll of duct tape and a coat hanger
That mug can sink a thousand ship
Feb 2016 · 369
Stop Fighting it
Brooklyn Brooks Feb 2016
Stop Fighting

The moment
now its gone
I’ve watched it pass away
so nonchalantly
Always waiting for another day.
Am I supposed to feel something?
what am i supposed to say, does it matter any way?
its all so cliche…
There is me and all the things the worlds told me to be, not the same thing.
So suggestive and fleeting…
Why am I fighting ?
I was One-Two-Thirty Six
It happened so quick,
Did I miss it
or is this it?
Feb 2016 · 2.2k
Poetic ejaculation
Brooklyn Brooks Feb 2016
Stomach pains directly connected to the interwoven circuits that are
Wondering, hoping.

Stopping at blind corners
Questioning the soul...

A potion of acid and cactus forms
Transformative contributions.

Catching up because you woke up to late.

Now it's to late; so late that your building a statue to remember the good you see in others.

The universe is penetrating everything at the same time it's being penetrated while we all wonder what is happening?

What does this all mean?

Why are we here?

Everything is ***** and a ******, everyone is ******* everyone and everything and everyone and everything is being ****** at the same time...

Nobody gets it while the soul is in the body.

By the time the true soul leaves the said body you fools will build a statue of this body that no longer has a soul.
Anxiety equals creativity
Both invented by my imagination
Feb 2016 · 485
Behold the Overman
Brooklyn Brooks Feb 2016
So much for an omen
so much for heart to heart

A vision so abortive

blinded by eyes unable to sing out of mystery

Sometimes the mysteries

as in anticipate

or be crushed

impending the
of a flower
to soon
Feb 2016 · 332
Over slept
Brooklyn Brooks Feb 2016
Go away sun
Let the rain run
The thunder will be done when it's done
Let the storm form
Puddles that will
Flood and spill
Like the blood
Of spring.
Jan 2016 · 905
A painful secret
Brooklyn Brooks Jan 2016
Loneliness worn on our sleeve
From opened wounds to
Thinned skinned scars
Lights out , Jealous again of
this deadbeat sin that has stolen
hours after hours to only leave us with an unproductive taste in our veins.
Sore shoulders sour with neck pains that has scratched our throats dry.
Weaved chest pains bled out,
Do we have to go over it again and again.
Feel alone and be misunderstood and know it's value and rarity
Jan 2016 · 877
Brooklyn Brooks Jan 2016
I Woke up with the words of this poem whispering on my lips, It was a cold January morning within the pomegranate trees.
The storm had passed two days now.
There was a forecast of Screaming with chance of tears.
The Clouds had been Clumped together.
They had appeared compressed and so close that Less light reflected upon them.
what revealed to be a visible mass had in actuality divided and turned black, stricken with lightning.
In space there is Honor,
In honor lye's trust
In trust there can be an open communication.
Jan 2016 · 310
Brooklyn Brooks Jan 2016

Out of the gutter where we discovered true love

Please don't steal from me
Let me show you how to do laundry
Let's stray from the microwave and boil an egg

Those dishes ain't gonna clean themselves
Everything has its place on the shelf

Please nurture my insecurity
When your near me

The Cobb webs in the corner will secure our days
The moths will notify our lethargy
Just don't ever leave me  

Did I stutter?
Jan 2016 · 316
Keep it to yourself
Brooklyn Brooks Jan 2016
I know no satisfaction
Cutting the chord of the imagination
Sitting on my knees
Hands Locked
Never to look like yourself  
Or sound like anybody else
Tasting the vigil of the flame
Indifference is my mistress
Keep it to yourself
Jan 2016 · 797
Cross my Heart
Brooklyn Brooks Jan 2016
You've ripped my heart in two,
Half of me will remain with you.
I will wonder half empty
Until I'm still, and even then I can only feel,
half full.
This perjury of love has yet to be understood. Holding these Acute symptoms while stepping forward.
I now understand surgery can only be done with my own two hands when Two steps back only arrested my cardiac.
The dawning of subconscious
In progress
I Woke up with the words of this poem on my lips, It was a cold January morning beneath the pomegranate trees.
Jan 2016 · 415
Fractured Innocences
Brooklyn Brooks Jan 2016
Cackling and Tyrannizing for the seed of arrogant greed
What a pompous persecutor is he! none for you all for me,
is there truth bound in-between the aggressors glamour?

The Company of ignorance was pain
ruptured violence with shame
The unknown was dissent untrue
yet it doesn't mean it's you

From this darkness comes this light
in the night the mocking bird serenades insight

  conscious reconciliation that will fracture the dead world that
lives inside you nearing the bridge of an imagination

the innocence in darkness mirrors back to me
A fear unseen on
memory lane

Is it true that you’re only innocent when you dream?
this is also an artist statement for quadryptic installation i made called Fractured innocence.
Brooklyn Brooks Mar 2015
We all have a voice,
some are never heard,
We are all subjects to a society absurd.
If the world began with a big bang
It shall seize without  sound.

There is a Child Inside that hides behind the depiction within, crying out in spite.
So you would never have to guess, why one generation will fear the next, and why we all are wondering if there will be anywhere left, left to hide; Anywhere at all, to hide from
This absent mind, never mind this mindless chatter…

Your mentality will mold you to the reality they’ve sold you.
How could you even know…when you all go where they want you to go?

All is blind
oh’ so blind, hiding behind the collective mind.

They told you where to go, so you went.
They told you what to get, so you got.
They told you what to buy, so you bought.
They told you where to look, so you watched.
They told you what to think, so you thought.
They told you why, so why not.
They told you who to be so you agreed
They told you what say so you obeyed
what now,
They told you when, so where have you been?
And sometimes they told you how, how too follow…
And again they told you… Not to question…

The voices you hear all so absorb you
If you stand for yourself they will only ignore you

Never ask why, only to identify…
You’re being restrained, don't you dare to complain.
How could you ever even know, when this is all you’ve ever known?

when will you finally perceive you are only to be
The imagery you see…

We all have a voice,
some are never heard,
We are all subjects to a society absurd.
If the world began with a big bang
it shall seize without a sound.
Feb 2015 · 586
Pigments of the sun
Brooklyn Brooks Feb 2015
Her ****** is her love.
A passage dressed in blue only to convince you of your faith. 
Vast and sacred, her grim blackened skin will wash you clean.
Rose’s bleed the symbol O as infinite as the number 8. (oxygen)
Her love is as thick as a mothers blood, while she forgives but never forgets. Consciousness lays at her feet in honor not defeat.
Your impressions are sheer for you to burn and turn to Ashe and never learn.
Kailma, The destroyer.
Feb 2015 · 675
Friday the 13th
Brooklyn Brooks Feb 2015
I want to be a dust cloud
off the grid as a ghost,

The will to be unaffiliated
and resilient with equipoise.

I'm the moon light at night,
the sun blaze by day,
the thunder of my memory is yet to come. my Guessing will soon be forgotten.
Feb 2015 · 5.2k
Mental Minerals
Brooklyn Brooks Feb 2015
Together we are alone
the wishers utter was always unheard

the Art of my consort is like ash in the wind 
this purified drift of the eternal fire burning for all eternity

Timid little shell as fragile as the pearl inside
Impurities imparted and manifested into a gem

Let me see the diamond 
the diamond in your mind
I ve been mining with a keen intent
to break down the barriers only to be surrounded by the remains

Im intrigued by lustered reflections of light in these rays of waves in this passing haze of the delicacy protected by your shell

Pandoras box and eves delight
only gives me a peek of that iridescent insight
Such an elusive emblem of the coveted representative Aphrodite

Awakened by impending doom
Cross the threshold of a Careless bloom
you turn to me to turn away
that I see
the Diamond is your mental mineral.
we must first be secure with ourselves to relate properly to each other.
we are all so fragile yet so enlightened when our greatest weakness becomes our greatest strength.
Feb 2015 · 493
In the land of the Bland
Brooklyn Brooks Feb 2015
I'll be behind the curtain 
Unless you think you already know 
You'll never be certain 
The sound of my voice 

I will still ask that you've questioned  
transparency of the light 
Wondering about reflections
Reacting to the darkness
 Wounded perceptions

It's only a dare to revise
an expansion of our essence 
clutching our resolve

It's only been a matter of time in transcendence

 Let's drink the nectar of mercy
Swimming through the sea of contempt.
only an open mind living without attatchment to petty judgement can embrace the challenges presented in life by the only thing constant as change.
Jan 2015 · 466
As above so below
Brooklyn Brooks Jan 2015
She only wants to be loved

She shouldn't ever have to say to me
“just be nice to me”
When her eyes have never lied to me

Her apartment smells of old books
like a cave to hide from the rain
She will only open the windows at sunrise
and then again to gaze the moon

She's a master of herself
Her solitude lacks loneliness

She will always be above that what is below her
If she ever lets you close enough to know her

allow yourself to be loved
allow yourself to love

Conditions are without tenderness
Nobody’s below
Nobody’s above

She has escalated me to be
Soaring above yesterday

I have often thought to myself how I could have missed it all,
but who knows maybe that's because I have already been absent in the theory of tomorrow.
I wrote this on Jan,28 2015
Dec 2014 · 392
So sacred So naked
Brooklyn Brooks Dec 2014
There's something so soothing about your tears
A release that meets the needs of your soul
So sacred
So naked
I wish I could join you
We are weaved together by our weakness
And stitched together by our strengths
The shadows of the mind are disdained while the shine in our hearts are
Rising in love
Nov 2014 · 462
Brooklyn Brooks Nov 2014
Minds change from
complicated grief

does this mean never or forever ?
my trust for you is a reflection of my character

Ive been alone long enough to know when Id rather be alone
inspiration only strikes spontaneously
i hve noidea what im doing
Nov 2014 · 631
most people
Brooklyn Brooks Nov 2014
Guilty Am I of Decline
pressured by the rain
dancing within the fire

It's another band aid on a bullet wound,
Looking thru the eyes of the gate keeper.

Spiraling into the warmth of the beams in this cold world.
Revolutionary heat from the sphere of influence nears,
billions of years held in place by the crescent of our connection.

The last flicker of light,
the last inferno Blazing to ignite these hours of darkness.
Burning out the zenith into the black hole that is to swallow this Fear and sadness that gives birth to our aggravation, never ever to admit we are afraid.
The nature of the universe and the curvature of orbits and the burning out of suns turning into black holes.
Nov 2014 · 342
Mommy Issues
Brooklyn Brooks Nov 2014
I think about all the times before you
I think about
I could never ignore you
I think about how you're the perfect woman
You can treat me like the perfect man  with all my failures
with all my defected characters
the origins of letting secrets out
A blossom
A bloom
I'll never feel good enough for you
I keep trying to add up serenity
To subtract my own security
By dividing my own sanity
I'm just going to have to be me
you love me so perfectly
that I'll just have to do
My intention
My reflection
Truths you only show me
Oct 2014 · 474
Brooklyn Brooks Oct 2014
She complements my chivalry
always making the most of me

She's the light that shadows my darkness

Iam formless
She is my dynamic
I am an aspect of static

She is the element of my will

Only in sin I speak us Separately

Without her I am a waveless ocean

She is the heat in my fire

My eyes close
I am motionless
I am Breathless

She's so Merciful
So gentle
loving and affectionate...
Oct 2014 · 2.4k
Hypnotized Illusive
Brooklyn Brooks Oct 2014
Maybe these voices I am hearing are what I should be listening
They may be telling me
not to be hypnotized by possibilities
blinded by these ashes
Deafened by explosions of passions
Does it even matter
How it is what ever I look for
That is happening all around  
"I" is only the first letter of this Illusion.
Jul 2014 · 4.0k
Brooklyn Brooks Jul 2014
truly make believe
The Sign of A fine mind
The Intellectual, the instinctual, the imaginational, the three dimensional
A trinity forte

The Sign of Insanity
This Absent flesh left behind
Mumbling def and blind

That rare gaze into the day after
I want you to know I remain intensely aware of you
I may peak into tomorrow without ignorance of today
You already know I can see through my eye lids.

— The End —