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When you saw me
With those blue eyes,
My sadness crept.
How can you see
Through your own lies,
Where others wept?

Stop! I won't think;
Not of our past,
Not our present.
I will not sink,
Not now, I'll last
And be pleasant.

You broke my heart,
I broke your hand;
It's a fair trade.
You tear me apart;
I hide in sand,
Waiting to fade.
 Apr 2017 joel hansen
The light flickers in my head ,
The idea comes and goes out ,
But none of them will be much help ,
Because I feed all my doubts
And I do not have the support
I do not see much positive scope
There is nothing good there
I feel I am tied to a single rope
And there is no one to care
Insecurity has power over me
Says that I will never be good enough
It leads to nothing but misery
For I do hear all that stuff
The biggest fool of all is "I",
As in the first to begin,
but the last to finish,
After a march so long;
Used and discarded like tasteless gum.

"Ah! Why does the rain echo my tears--
does the winds my sigh?"
The sigh of a fool
The sigh that was shut out
The sigh nobody hears.
Happy April Fool.. Life is just a never ending maze of pain and unexpected sadness.
I have tasted darkness,
and oh how bitter-sweet it was on my tongue.
It electrified my taste buds
and sent my body numb.
I had never felt a rush vibrate my bones
from the eruption of tears
escaping from eye to cheek.
what an odd sensation
to smile for being weak.
i'm victim to my demons
and their persuasive way of speech.
hanging by my fingertips,
fascinated by how they bleed.
one slight movement and my spirit will soar.
tempting to not only try,
but succeed the evil deed.
 Mar 2017 joel hansen
Aaron LaLux
Mad Man

A made man,
a mad man,
but no I’m not mad and,
I’m dreaming of scheming up a brand new grand plan,
as in,
a glad plan,
to be happy and not mad when,
people act bad as I suppose sometimes just happens,

and that’s when,
words find their way into your heart,
hatred hits the light and dissolves,
and we see the matrix coming apart,

this is the definition of The Beautiful Art that we are,
hope there’s enough diamonds in this dirt,
to make the dirt worth this much work,
the effort is worth it when we’re on the Ark.

We are the Art…

We are all art,
this is all art,
******* a kiss,
don’t waft me a ****,

oh sorry not sorry,
was that a bit retart,
or rather retarted,
did we have a rough start,
should we just restart it,

because I’m late,
a bit tardy but not hardly sorry,
because it’s better to be a day late,
than a dollar short and that word to Charlie,

but not sorry,
see we don’t care,
not even hardly,

we don’t care,
as we buzz by like shooting stars,
let them stare,
young starlet’s go numb from the fun on the heart,

I know where you’re at and can tell where you’re from,
just from the scars that you wear,
no time for small talk let’s take a tall glass and a long walk,
see the road is long but if we stay strong and get along we’ll get there,

don’t be scared of offensive truths if we have to we’ll take it there,

see there be no PC for my Bee Gees,
we’re Staying Alive staying live just to survive,
How deep is your love love,
tell me will I hit bottom if I jump in from a swan dive?

It’s Saturday Night,
and I’ve got a fever of Celsius 69,
been spending Too Much Time in Heaven,
It’s hot up here on Cloud Nine that close to the Sunshine,

see I’m,
making references to musical preferences,
Bee Gees Staying Alive,
How Deep Is Your Love Saturday Night,

but I’m probably just sounding like a mad man,
because you’re probably to young to get it they miss the reference,
so I sound like someone who believes they’re right even when they’re wrong,
but are just are too stubborn to admit it as a confession,

every mistake can be a lesson,
listen I’ll tell you what the difference is,
if you learn from a mistake,
you turn what a mistake was into what a lesson is,

you don’t learn from a mistake,
but you learn from a lesson,
see honestly it obviously seems,
that that’s the only significant difference,

tell me what the difference is,
between genius and insanity,
honestly it’s only a few million,
self made man so what can they tell me?

A made man,
a mad man,
but no I’m not mad and,
I’m dreaming of scheming up a brand new grand plan,
as in,
a glad plan,
to be happy and not mad when,
people act bad as I suppose sometimes just happens,

and that’s when,
words find their way into your heart,
hatred hits the light and dissolves,
and we see the matrix coming apart,

this is the definition of The Beautiful Art that we are,
hope there’s enough diamonds in this dirt,
to make the dirt worth this much work,
the effort is worth it when we’re on the Ark.

We are the Art…

∆ Aaron LA Lux ∆
 Mar 2017 joel hansen
It's come to pass,
towards the last,
the inevitability
long ago.
A solitary path,
traveled alone,
in the dark
and unafraid.
I came
to here
and yet
in spirit,
if not
in body
or in mind.
No one else
laid the way,
or paved it,
with stone.
No, that
I did alone,
a piece
at a time,
all the
should haves
and could haves
and might have been's
on the way.
But then,
in truth,
was there ever,
a choice?
Ask the Lion
if he hunts
to eat,
or to ****,
and wait
for the
that will
I'm at peace
with what's lost,
and will never be,
as the time
to wonder
grows shorter
and moves
with speed and grace
to the end.
I give no time
to wishes,
or regrets,
I don't have
the moments
to spare,
I'll say
the last
good night,
in my sleep
to the dark,
for the chance
to have played
the game
at all.
these shallow glimpses we share
as days grow long
the scattered thoughts swirl and bury themselves
in crevices of this old house
to be re-awakened perhaps
when we are many years gone
what can we salvage of this eternal bond
while the Sun buries itself behind the Oak
that we've watched grow from the kitchen window
since the days when our hair was thick and dark
and the smell of fresh cut wood was present
what words can I say to bring tears to your eyes
tears that would come from but a glimpse
that shouted my fervent love
we are captives of our timeless, undying, unwavering hearts
yet all that remains of this diminishing soul
would disperse like the final slivers of light
should I lose you
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