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 Jul 2020 joel hansen
JG O'Connor
Old Navigators,
Where they go or dream,  
Doesn’t matter.
As long as there is still,
Somewhere to go.

Meanwhile I'll just sit on the edge,
Well ahead of the crowd,
Waiting for the train to eternity.
Where it goes does anybody know?

While I wait,
I’ll sit on this deck,
I’ll dangle my feet in the warm sea,
Look at the sights.

And I’ll enjoy it all,
With the spirit I was given.
Perhaps I’ll whistle a tune while I wait,
Even if it is bad luck,
It hardly matters.

Maybe I’ll write in the log book.
And if someone after me reads the entry,
That’s fine.
And if they don’t,
That’s fine too.
 Jun 2020 joel hansen
I can fly with birds of sorrow,
I can fly with twisted wings.
I can fly like there’s no tomorrow,
I can sing like many springs.

People are but lonely birds,
Calling, calling, to be heard,
By other birds, by anyone,
Yet each bird keeps flying on.

Not ever pausing, to stop and hear
A lonely voice, calling dear,
The voices are lost, the voices are found
In the sound of the song, the song of the sound.

But I can fly on lonely waters
And stop to sing with lonely souls,
I can linger on the frontier,
And stop to sing, all alone.

I can soar above the clouds
Watching for someone worth singing with
Watching for someone in the crowds
A singer of songs, a legend, a myth.

But the sky is still grey, so bleak and dark,
Of blackness and unwanted things,
So I fly, as lonely as a lark,
Singing alone, on whispered wings.
 Jun 2020 joel hansen
 Jun 2020 joel hansen
Why do you talk about me behind my back?
Why do you scrutinize every single thing that I do?
Why do you have to criticize and criticize some more?
Why do you say you love me but your actions don't?

Why do you end up breaking up the tightest of ties?
Why do you still sit there on that high throne of yours?
Why do you not realize the lives you scarred?
Why are you so selfish beyond comprehension?

Why? Why? Owh why and why?
Why do you make them feel so so sad?
Why do you hurt their poor little hearts?
Why? Owh why? Why? Why?
Amazed at how people can be so cruel and evil like those villains you read in books or watch in movies or TV shows. Real, red blooded human beings.
So, my words,
Could not reach your heart,
Maybe then,
My silence would
 Jun 2020 joel hansen
her entries
"Words doesn't hurt."
They said.
"Come on, be tough."
They said.

"I care about you."
They said.
"I love you, always."
They said.

I fall for what
they said.
I got hurt and bruises from what
they said.

After all,
everything that they said
are nothing,
but empty promises and lies.
 Jun 2020 joel hansen
 Jun 2020 joel hansen
You've been through it all before
The promises
The good intentions
The disappointment

You've got it down to a science
And can predict each step
You've forgiven your entire life

When will you have no forgiveness left?
Life is like a puzzle,
A game you cannot lose.

It requires patience and perseverance,
It also takes understanding.

It takes years for the pieces to fall into place,
But just one little fall...
One measly little falll,
Can cause the pieces to fall apart,
And plunge you into the depths of hell.
Time kept ticking and I waited for time
One step closer to the end of line
Watching life as the time went by
I kept dreaming and I was fine

I waited to reach the borderline
Now I am here and I just don’t shine
Going to take one day at a time
I’ll keep dreaming and I’ll be fine

I went downhill
But now I’ll climb
My dreams are worth a dime
I’ll keep dreaming and I’ll be fine

Only when I am done
I am going to die
Our dreams are worth this lifetime
We’ll keep dreaming and we’ll be fine
It’s past midnight in my mind
My insecurities run the second half
Of this alluring moment in my life
I wish I could take the driver seat
But I’ve let my demons take control
Masking who I want to be
Lord knows, the flaw of humanity  
We mess up,
some things we never meant to Be

Keep the world beneath your feet
Even when you feel so small
Everyone has a chance to change
Progress may be moving slowly
Move at the rhythm of your own pace
Only you can be your savior
Validate your own feelings
In the end it’s your life
No else will take control  
Go ahead, the world is yours
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