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May 2017 · 393
Lost Hope
Jobeth Bufi May 2017
Two to three inches off the ground
The face touches the floor
Without nothing to catch you
Slow motion dancing leaves
Falling down the ground,
Unrequited feelings don’t work that way
It’s like a car crash, you can’t tell when it’s coming
Like a hurricane, you know the signs but you still choose to get hit
You could have saved yourself
But you decided to take the risk
Until you realized you were stupid enough that you did
What a disaster my heart was left
May 2017 · 376
Jobeth Bufi May 2017
Eyes you’ve once met, and hands you’ve once touched
How did it feel? To only ever remember them
Like the way disasters come crashing in
And having to feel to never have it back again,
Or is it a fairy tale scene, and what you thought was happily ever after
Is a sudden slap from reality that good times never last?
But in all your heart, you swear to the heavens,
It wasn’t that bad, it was the best thing
Even in the worst times, the only thing you could ever hope for
Is that magically all those memories rewind back
And that you could grasp once more the things that you didn’t
And live through a parallel life, where it could have gone your way
But life is like a breaking glass, a breaking never returning wrath
One day you are happy, and the next it’s gone,
I live for today and that’s all that ever mattered
But from time to time, I turned my head slightly
To say that I wished I have lived and stayed a little longer in that place called past,
For all the gods in heaven, I stake my life for the future,
Because I never know what is ahead, so I walk with ease,
And trust in what I believe is an instinct and the love for the adventure,
Regrets? I could have some, but I never did regret holding that hand,
Never had I regret looking into those eyes,
I’m glad for today just to reminisce.
May 2017 · 417
Jobeth Bufi May 2017
I’m no engineer, not a mechanic, not even a technician,
How do I mend these broken pieces?
There’s no ******* program to re-run this malfunctioning heart
That I can’t even shape and mold back
There is no elixir, no spell, no band aid, no shortcut, no hint, no time span,
To tell when this pain will go away, it stays every day, reminding me that I’m alive,
Bending, writhing as I try to take it away myself, if only I knew love would be this painful,
I could have decided never to have loved anyone as much as I could because there’s nothing left of me
That I can hold on to,
These ruins I call a heart
No architect could even muster, one an artist could never admire,
But one only a writer could appreciate and write about,
There is no escape from this breaking reality,
It’s been so dark, and the only light I’ve seen has perished with the soul that was once brought to life,
What more is there that I can grasp that could fill the voids of this vacuum I call a heart?
My fingers try to run through and feel in this decaying, eroding temple,
Where these thoughts on paper find home,
A sanctuary of a train of thoughts that never stop for a soul,
These feet can’t support all the agony, unlike my shoulders that carry the weight of the universe on each,
Yet this intellect I have, only could explain these ink jots on paper,
Words I could never speak, only numbing my mouth, I silently utter,
Finger tips reach out to thy but there’s no saving me,
Of what sight you can see is all that remains of me,
The insides of this wall of flesh is dead, I’ve been trapped in this bed
May 2017 · 385
Jobeth Bufi May 2017
Ten, twenty, thirty two, I want to play a game with you,
Hide and seek, you may not peek,
Hello, this is your pursuer,
The game is over,
Yet I will follow, and see you cower,
Admire you more, just like a flower,
Weep, weep little girl,
You are my little pearl,
A prized possession that is true,
The demon deep inside of you
Jul 2016 · 730
A Shot of Reality
Jobeth Bufi Jul 2016
Stretching up tiny little fingers to the sky,
Weeping out, forcing these unsaid words into the gut,
Breaking all 206 fragments of me,
Refusing to raise the white garment that declares,
It’s not yet over,
I will soar higher.
Somewhere out of reach,
Where the eye can never meet,
But first, I’ll be sober,
From all the despair,
Take a sip of honesty, that’s all I need.
Jobeth Bufi Jul 2016
Walking too many miles,
Carrying your weight on my shoulders,
Hand in hand, we watched all their smiles,
Months turned into years,
Invisible and unnoticed by the eye,
Friends? We never were,
You whisper reasons for me to cry,
Slipping away every single time,
running away…

Unchaining and breaking off, yet still clinging on what’s left of me,
Let go, Let go, Let go,
I can’t.
Jul 2016 · 1.9k
Jobeth Bufi Jul 2016
Brittle, crumbling, falling apart,
Piecing together, mending a heart,
Frustration, a manifestation of agitation,
Ponder, wonder, lost in thought,
Finding a riddle, unsolved,
Break into losing wits, yet you still sought,
An unorganized, horrible mess,
nozzle your love, flaws you caress,
Don't do this darling, on shaking knees,
Insanity is all I could feed,
I am not the saving grace that you need
Mar 2016 · 331
Broken Dreams
Jobeth Bufi Mar 2016
Noisy streets, smokey trail,
Passing by, stare into the nothingness,
remembering all the fail,
Oh child, dont point a finger at your stress,
unanswered futures in the mail,
Pity those perched lips finding ears to confess,
fragile as you can be, but no, stay dormant,
Demanding, unending melancholy,
force these dreams you dont own,
Crumble down at depression's feet,
Losing the ideal curve painted in a canvass of purple and blue,
Farewell child, farewell,
Enclosed in time and space shadows embrace,
You'll never wallow out, withered within,
But your exterior alive,
Plunged in red and clear white, no escape,
Devastated and shattered,
Thats what the reflection defines,
Goodbye sweet little child,
never sleep tight, but say goodnight.

— The End —