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I write what I see,
Because I am blind.
I write what I hear,
But I am deaf.
I write what I feel,
But paralyzed.
I write what I smell,
In my burnt nose.
I write what I taste,
The only sense left,
And thank the day,
Because it can be worse.
There is salt within these bones,  
akin to carvings on a stone,
made by ancient men
who left a mark,
to lead lead their weary feet
back home.

I've dug among the dirt
and I've sailed along the seas,
searching for the answers asked by questions inside me.

The salt,
the sand,
the sunshine,
took my body for its own.
With memories of my travels,
I can know,  
at least,  
I'm not alone.

But perhaps,
in time,
instead of being tattooed by the Earth,
I can leave a lasting fable
of a boy who found his worth
I barely dipped my feet
while you dove head first,
into treacherous waters,
seeking enlightenment
only to find each euphoric second
drip away
draining your sea.

Ten dollars a hit,
five dollars a hit.
"I promise I'm finished,
I promise I'll quit."

A cost higher than you imagined, unfortunately.
Not just for you,
but me as well.

We got high in the mountains,
dilated eyes gazing up to the stars,
seeing God masterfully paint the universe.
It was beyond description.
it ended.
I treasured the memory like a secret lover
you chased it in fervor,
one after another.

****** powder dripping from your nostrils,
hiding holes in your skin,
you stared in my eyes claiming you saw the heavens,
opening your palm,
as if you held the key to paradise.
I closed it and offered mine,
a key to escape the unseen prison
you've bound yourself in.
You frowned and turned away.

I wanted to scream,
but I said nothing.
I let you sink farther and deeper into chasms of the deep.
Merely, watching.

Now I sit here at the edge,
with the waves around my feet,
watching your figure disappear
into the foam
and the unforgiving jaws
of choices you've made.
Forgive me.
I gazed into the abyss while it swallowed you whole,
I could have done more to save you.
I should have tried to save your soul.

**...but I didn't...
Drugs will steal you. Save yourself and those around you, when you can.
I wish to topple wicked kings.
Rage and slice the hidden strings.
Watch the temples burn and fall,
lead revolts and breach the wall.
I have no wish to take control.
There is no "greater" noble goal.
I have no plans to own the land
I want no people to command.
The only thing my heart desires,
is truth unbound, unyielding fires.
To see the world without the veils,
as evil dies and good prevails.
The kings of man who lie and scheme
to spread their fear and vicious dream
will watch their statues disappear
entombed against a new frontier.
I wish to topple wicked kings
rage and slice the hidden strings.
I'd gaze upon an empty throne
if I could just defeat my own.
You can't make a difference in the world without controlling your own egocentric nature.
You gorgeous *******.
I like you.
Her colors I start to blend, painting a woman's masterpiece
Her heart pumps honesty, while her soul condones peace.
A couple more paint strokes to form her ambitious eyes
To create her sincere integrity, to mold her intelligent mind
Sculpting her genuine smile,
adding detail to an aura so kind.

Women, are a beautiful master piece
That can't be rushed, it must be worked on over time.

*& when I get one... I will paint her forever. I will never stop helping her create her design, I will mix her love with my passion...I will make this precious masterpiece truly mine.
You are flawed, but that
is what made you so *******
great in the first place.
~~ I am so, so happy.  ~~
Her envisioned music rolls
Notes splashing like the sea,
Her endless ocean song
And my piano-one and free.
The passion in each salty song
Never wash away with rain,
And strong and never settling
The roar and surge sustains.
I can feel her breathing
And her warm arms holding me,
Their bouyant as floating boats
Giving me all of her I need.
The music is now ebbing,
And flows into channels of changing tides.
She kindly strokes my soft black hair
As I gaze into her deep dark eyes.
I'll awaken once she sets me free...
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