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IDS Mar 2020
I do not feel superior because I'm vegan. The truth is I am vegan because I do not feel superior to others.
—Michele McCowan.

It’s more accurately a principle that we shouldn’t subject anyone to our wants and/or needs.

The bottom line isn’t whether we believe ourselves to be better people. The question is not what we are, but what we think, and what we do as a result of what we think. The issue is about ideas and behaviors, not people.

Those of us who reject cannibalism do not think we are "better" than cannibals, do we? We only believe that there are ways of acting that are better than others according to ethics.
IDS Mar 2020
I enjoy finding well-structured and coherent worldviews and ideas that collapse my prejudices, ideas, and my vision of the world; it’s uncomfortable at first but the catharsis achieved by being able to synthesize opposing ideas and find common ground where to build new ideas it’s one of the greatest mental pleasures I have felt.

It’s like feeling that after endless hours of trying to mix water and oil, the solution finally becomes crystalline and gleaming in veracity; to immerse myself in it and then go out to see reality with new eyes.

The main cognitive bias of all people is to discard information that contradicts their prejudices, ideologies, and conceptions of reality because of the cognitive discomfort this new information enables.

We take scientific objectivity as a base, and we accept the linguistic subjectivity and its intrinsic intuitive value; it is actually much easier to achieve a rational consensus in decision making.

That’s why we must be very vigilant and look out for rigid ideologies that don’t accept an intellectual confrontation, since they don’t have the capacity to adapt to a reality like ours that’s in a constant state of transformation.
IDS Mar 2018
A response is what he needed
To rest serenely
Strong-minded as if
He called her constantly,
Texted ceaselessly
Formulated a poem
To portray what he discerned
Desiring to identify her
"Tell me your name so I can
thank you how you deserve."

Her sight wandered all over her dorm
Was she really thinking of
Unveiling her storm?

Her lips arched straight-up
"There's nothing to lose"
Is what she naively thought

Her name now appearing on screen
Along with her heart, mind and peace
She knew it was the end
To a never being fairy dream

"A friend would of been great back then"
Who said there's nothing
We can do nowadays
Now her secret is out
Million questions pending

He knows her name now
The shield is now below her vow
He seemed thrilled at first
He's no longer captivated
He didn't like what it displayed

"Thank you for the poem"
That's all he said

No more texts were sent
He used to reply without saying mer
Now he's no longer immediate

Nodding he lowered his sight
Deciding not to move forward
But to leave all this situation burried
Along with her light

He ached to find someone who cared
She was available at all hours of the day
What made him so blind
What prevented him to realize
She was someone to confide

She didn't shed a single tear
She knew there were risks
Not a propitious ending
But at least she now knows
He wasn't worth it

Outlasting her thoughts
She pursued a goodbye
Their houses not being faraway
She requested a meeting to amalgamate

Unbiased to encounter his neighbor
He elected to party out
She waited for him all night
Counted every single star
Drank her pain aside
Until her stinging expired

She can now move on
She is now determined
She now knows affection isn't eternal
Closing her eyes she guaranteed
Never letting her feelings
Slip off her finger tips
She's not allowing anybody into
Her now **coldhearted spirit
Any kind of feedback is welcome. Thank you.
IDS Mar 2018
It destroys my insides,
Not knowing who you are,
So many people I loved,
And so many were left behind.

Now I find my self,
Walking, fighting, running, 
Through the pointless journey we call life.
I was once afraid of Death, 
Terrified me to the bone, 
It made me feel senseless
It made me feel alone...

To come back from death, 
That was my gift,
To know there was nothing, was my curse. 
Because you can fool your way through life, 
But you can't fool death out of you. 

It was when I realized, 
Not money, power or life itself, 
Where as worthy without people to live it with.
It was when I realized,
Love and friendship
Was all I had left,
For I had lost everything, in my endless war against death.

So I changed, 
Built my self up all over again, 
Made peace with my feelings, 
Made peace with the thoughts in my head.
A long hard journey had to be done, for me who was divided in two to be one.
Now I am here, still fighting my way through, stronger than ever, with the heaviest weight too
Then this girl talks to me and makes me feel confused, in times of pain, she was there but who?
Not knowing who she is makes me feel like a fool
She might me who I have been expecting, soon
Or she might just be a ghost from my past, following me with gloom
Who in the **** are you?
IDS Mar 2018
My existence in his life vanished long ago
Now I write this poem to say Adiós

There wasn't much story to tell,
"How can you like someone who you've never really got along that well?"
The first time we met I saw something worth the pain;
Flashing light aching to be found,
Lived upon himself

Years tormented me
Forced to conceal what I felt underneath
Until I found what I thought could be it;
Secret poems to forget him

Felt secure my words wouldn't reach him
Needing more to feel appeased
Staring at the button line spelling "S.E.N.D"
I slide my fingertip and hold tight onto it,
Cataleptic of the fuzz I would tremble myself in

He's persistent in knowing my name
Yet there's nothing else left to say
All this anxiety drives me insane,
Thought I was over him somehow,
Suddenly all this sentiment runs back
I want to scream, I want to cry
Why can't I tell him goodbye?

As mystery this will remain
Not willing to shatter what's left
Hoping all this will soon fade away
I open my heart and truely say:
Please stay away.
IDS Dec 2016
Heart pounding nonstop 

Feeling I ran sixteen miles

Can't seem to decifrate 

Where your affection lies

Querying who am I 

Long term silence prevails

Things are better off left unsaid

We used to share friendship

Now there's nothing left

Wondering where will you travel

After all this ravel

Observe along your space

Recall your whereabouts

Back when you were just 

A young teenager

You had company,

Someone who cared

That feminine corpse,

Would outsource every fiber of her soul 

To see you whole

Sadly you saw her as

Another to add list of friends role

Meanwhile her heart beat off adrenaline 

And nothing more

Retaining secrecy,

Devoted to destiny,

I'll exit knowing there's nothing else to do,

But to patiently wait for a propitious finale.
IDS Dec 2016
Sewn-up into not caring
Modelled dispassionate
Roused into fantasy;
This one time would be
Oh naive optimism

His sight grows absent from reality when
he sees her
Leaving me unconsidered
he trades grins with her
With no forewarning
he trails off to her
Consinging to oblivon my presence when
he's with her
Nothing assuredly matters when
he's conversing with her

I'll bid farewell
to those so called feelings
Friends can fracture your
Sole heart
If you keep confiding
You will bruise nonstop
So let me advice you this one time
Become cold as ice
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