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iAmNotUramaki Mar 2020
my insides are rotting
my teeth have fallen out
my head is balding
im ugly, no one would love me

yet theres always that one person
who thinks your beautiful
despite being so flawed
be that person to someone

and both of you might find love
Beauty love find rot ugly flaws
iAmNotUramaki Mar 2020
im free
im free from your chains and demands

but why do i feel hallow
what did you do to me?

everyone is a blur
and my mind works mechanically like clockwork

i end up reading our messages
i end up conjuring your scent

my mind draws places we've been on sketchpads
and my eyes look for the shade of your eyes

i wake up to the illusion of your arms around mine
and my lips tickle from lips that aren't there anymore

my mind is racing because there's no one to talk to
there's no one as interesting as you

what have you done to me?
why do i want to be your victim again?
iAmNotUramaki Mar 2020
inhale the deadly dark purple fumes
that make my head spin

lure with those chocolate eyes
the very ones i love looking in

plant a kiss on my lips
the very ones that make that sly grin

you make me plunge into your twisted sludge
your deadly concotions cause me to sin

im dancing with the devil
but i love the moves too much to cease

i am dazed by your deadly loveliness
this is making me sick

i should stop
but i dont

give me your toxic
the sweet spell you have me under
iAmNotUramaki Mar 2020
i like pink

soft as a baby
delicate and precious
smiles so warm like the setting sun
a rose in a thorny garden

i like yellow

oh how fun are their quirks
a mix and match of many things
oh the joy yellow brings
a symphony in my ears when they sing

i like blue

like the oceans and the seas
a calm sky and deep tones
calm and mysterious
endless tranquility and ferocity that sets the skin on flames

i like pink yellow and blue
i like all the colors
i like all the hues

i like pink yellow and blue
how about you?
iAmNotUramaki Mar 2020
can we talk?
no, you're busy

you need a favor?
course, i'll be there in a jiffy

pushing and pulling me
like you're waves dragging me everywhere

i love you
but i can't keep up with you doing me like this

can we talk?
can we?
iAmNotUramaki Mar 2020
i am but a human
can you love me as i am?

i have these demons, vile and viscious
can you handle them?

if i lay myself down
would you admire the scars and imperfections that my body bares?

if i pour out by heart and unleash my soul
would you cherish it all?

if i was miles away
would my words and my best be enough to make you stay?

will you accompany me
on my crazy antics

will you hold me
in my times of sorrowful blue?

will you stand with me, side by side
as i watch the world turn from each beautiful hue?

will you forgive me for the pain i may cause?
or for the burdens i may accidentally give?

i am only human
viscious yet kind

can you still love me as i am
no matter what may be my state of mind?
iAmNotUramaki Mar 2020
There are so many things I wish for
Its a very long list

I wish I had more time
But time is not anyone's friend

I wish I was taller
But I always fall short

I wish I had more
But I always lack

I wish for a smile on my face
But all thats there are tears

I wish I didn't have to leave
But you know it was for the better

I wish I could reach out to you
But will you take my hand?

I wish I could be there
But I am oceans away

I wish, I wish
I can only wish

I wish you the happiest of happiness
The kind where you don't have to tear me apart
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