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You stand there,
Under the Moonlight,
Watching the Stars
Fade out and die.
Your Eyes cry
Silent tears.
And each drop,
Screams out with Pain .

You put your hand in the Fire
While you watch yourself die
Inside, out.
You ride into the Darkness
Not knowing what it holds.
Does this pain keep you alive?

I can't stand here
Watch you disappear
Into the Night.
Watch you fade away
Slowly, like the stars
You so admire.

Why do you want to revel
In this kind of a trepidation?
Not everyone's got somebody
At least you've got Me.

Come back,
You dont have to hide.
At least,
There's something
At least,
There's something
It plummets and wave takes way,
But carries imprint of love and life,
Develop its niche through air, water and soil....
Refurbish to energy
Energies and connect web
Continue the cycle!
Step 1) Speak any language you want.
Helpful Tip: When men die, it doesn't matter what language they speak because all screams sound the same.

Step 2) Worship any god you please.
Helpful Tip: When men die, it doesn't matter what god supported them because all men fall the same.

Step 3) Pull the trigger.

Step 4) Win the war.

Step 5) Lose your soul.

Step 6) Let time pass you by.

Step 7) Forget the lessons history taught you.

Step 8) Repeat.
*** slave workers
Bent over stained beds
In forgotten brothels
Far from country and home
Have more joy than you
Or I.

Skeleton thin children
With skin stretched
Over illness bloated bellies
In poverty ridden streets
Under a relentless sun
And equally relentless culture
Kick a worn ball around
And feel more hope than you
Or I.

Flea ridden mutts
Runts of the brood
Feasting on garbage
Shying from the kicks
Of rotten teens
And sour drunks
Reciprocate more love
From the hand of a kind stranger
Than you
To I.
You talk to me like I'm human
That I could be your best friend
You don't realise the things I say
Are just ******* excuses
To keep you from seeing
Exactly what it is I really am
On the outside you'll see a smile
On the inside you'll see
Daggers in the headlights of my reflection
Shotgun shells falling quicker than my pulse
All I am is hatred to myself
You see me as a shy kid
Sometimes gutsy to show the way
Trying to have a little fun in my life
But that's always the lie I'll live
The everyday excuse to why I'm a ****
Why I can't tell a girl I love her
Outside it's because it's who I am
Inside it's because I'm afraid
What kind of man cuts himself
Holds his scars with more pride than his honor
Would rather fight to feel pain
Than watch himself feel loved
It's the self loathe you don't see
My best friend is a rotting corpse
And it always seems to cry before I can
Your'e just the outside excuse
For everyday I feel like doing something
The excuses became an empire of lies
I seem to have coronated myself in
I'll sit upon my throne of desolation
While you play jester
Trying to make a sad king smile
That everyday excuse
It's nothing, I'm fine, Honestly
Became the reason I never learned to love myself
Just feeling down, I'll get backup
Wouldn't you say I'm the saddest of them all
Pathetic in existence
A waste of space
Won't you please leave a trace
Of the beauty I thought I had
It makes me sad
That all I do is cry
All mother ask is why
Oh Mirror Mirror on that wall
Will you show me the biggest scar of them all
The ones on my wrist
Where I gave the blade a simple twist
The one on my chest
Trying to give my heart a rest
Oh Mirror Mirror on that ruined wall
Wont your cracks show me when I'll fall
Into the arms of deaths sweet grasp
Not worrying about how much time will elapse
Before my mother finds the letter I hid
The one I wrote when I was a kid
Oh Mirror Mirror no longer hanging from that wall
It seems you were the one to fall
Before I could take my leave
One more breathe our chest shall heave
Since no one cared to fix us
And give us one last chance
Easy rhyme sheme to write when you're watching the movie. I feel bad about using it the way I did.
 May 2014 Hayley Neininger
Oh, Woman
He’s dreaming of your depth
like a synergy of effortless truths
your imaginary ***, a mystical shore
waxing and waning in violent tides
of affectionate sap
He would fly his kite running out of breath
like a child blessed with forgetting
puer aeternus
He would spin the hours in laughter,
in untamed visions
and here it is...
time revisited with gossamer touch
the bestiary revised with tender beings
making love  in the naked air
in the breeze of forgotten forests
in purple shy sheets
in the miracle of tomorrow
in unshed skins
imagine the bliss of the first breath
the dreams in geological strata

She’s just waiting for your rhyme
for you in primordial waters
now and again
Let’s come
And have a fun
With numbers
To strengthen your balance sheet!

Let’s count.......
‘How many Kilogram of Oxygen you inhale per day?’
‘How many litres of water and energy required
for the food you consume per day?
How much ..................? .......................

Let’s calculate....
“Multiply the already estimated amount
By the total days you already spend on this planet.”
How much .........? ..............................  

Let’s assess the cost..........
“Multiply the amount of Oxygen, Water and Energy
with their respective present market price.”
How much.........? ..............................  

Let’s incorporate everything in your balance sheet,
Repay it to nature and
get the tax clearance from the Planet .......
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