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 Oct 2017 hallee
 Oct 2017 hallee
She stared right into those eyes
that she still saw galaxies in
and whispered
"I'm leaving you."
 Oct 2017 hallee
Jessica S
I drank one bottle of ***** by myself
Just so I could forget
How your fingertips felt on my Body
But now I am here
Drunk and Alone
And Even though I cant remember my own name
The only thing I can think about are
Your fingertips on my aching body
And How I am never going to feel them
Ever again
 Oct 2017 hallee
Jessica S
 Oct 2017 hallee
Jessica S
Last Night I got drunk with my friends
I kissed a boy with blonde hair and
beautiful blue eyes
Just as yours
Because I wanted to feel your lips
or Something similar
But when I got home
The memories of how your lips
really feel like
started to come back
So It was me
Crying on the kitchen floor
 Oct 2017 hallee
 Oct 2017 hallee
If I could tell you the truth id tell you I think about how your mouth would feel against my body.
If I could tell you the truth id tell you I imagine it'd feel like everything I've been missing.
I'd be lying if I said I didn't dream of you still.
 Aug 2016 hallee
What are you thinking
At eight in the morning
When you sit there drinking
Your coffee and yawning?

Is it merely desire
To go back to sleep?
In the bed, by the fire,
Counting your sheep.

Do you think of me
And my unpainted face?
Is it my two sugar tea?
Or my empty bookcase?

Is it reflection of past
Or a fear of now?
Or how I always asked
When you never knew how?

What are you thinking
At eight in the evening
When you sit there drinking
Your red wine, not speaking?
 Feb 2016 hallee
Emma Brigham
A moment with you,
my dear,
is enough.
One sip of you fills my soul
but, oh, how I wish
I could drink the whole cup.
 Feb 2016 hallee
My heart is full of silent screams
Of anger and of pain
My eyes are always filled with tears
Day, after day, after day
My hand reaches out for help
But all that’s there is empty air
So I fall down into darkness
Where no one can hear me wail
I feel like a wild beast
Locked inside a tight cage
I claw and tear at the walls
And show the entire world my rage
I shall never know the bliss
Of silence in my life
All I feel are the wounds
Made by a sharp knife
 Feb 2016 hallee
Bodies intertwined
breaths hugging and soft
the pillow
like velvet in that moment
and sleep
a mesmerising film
a limerick,
evoking a smile
just a quick draft
 Feb 2016 hallee
 Feb 2016 hallee
I could be brave,
Or at least I could try.
Lord knows I've had a lot of practise.
I could be stubborn.
I could match your decibels.
I could cry.
I could listen.
I could do damage or be damaged
If I thought it's what you wanted.
I could sing your favourite song,
Admit that I was wrong,
Be weak, or be strong.
I could plead, pray, or beg.
I could hold my head high.
But I could never be yours could I?
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