I didn't notice you, I didn't care, I've been reckless, So in the end I was the one hurt, I wish I've noticed you before, I wish I've been careful with you, I wish is all I can say now.
Trust me, I know how it feels. I know exactly how it feels to cry in the shower so no one can hear you, waiting for everyone to fall asleep so you can fall apart, for everything that hurt you so bad that you just want it all to end. I know exactly how it feels.
i held onto something that never really mattered to you
Some line from the song of Darren Espanto "Stuck". I only added two words from the line. Go! check out his song its awesome. :) Special mention to the original writer of the title. I just copy it somewhere. sorry. Just message me if you want me to edit it. :)
I am speechless and enjoying every second. God saw my broken life and lovingly wrecked it. Took all the things I could never heal, and mended them with love and peace. He made miracles happen inside me. Now there's something living where there once was only death And I can't help but find myself giving Him my every breath.